The Impeachment Of Donald Trump


Well-Known Member
Anyhow, Trump will win this one. Dems will have to be less sloppy on the next one.
It won't matter as long as the Republicans are in control over the Senate, it such a cheap win.
Screen Shot 2020-01-30 at 12.47.56 PM.png

The Democrats win just by exposing Trump's lies in a way that is just as loud as he is.


Well-Known Member
Thats right, this one is over.
Yeah the only real question is if Bolton gets called now or not.

I kind of am hoping for him to get called into the House, it will be fun to see him answering the Republicans stupid questions with his walrus mustache. As much as he is a through and through Republican I think he is going to be mad enough to tear into them after they inevitably mess up their filibuster during their 5 minutes.

Because if they accidentally phrase a question, he is allowed to answer, so they have to be very careful to not pontificate, or else they will get one of these unexpected responses:


Well-Known Member
Nope. I'm talking about the Obama regime using both foreign powers and domestic intelligence agencies to spy on political opponents and smear them with false allegations.
first of all, that didn’t happen

Second, stop crying

Finally, remember when you used to have nothing against cnn? Then your savior started his crusade against them and you fell in line like a good little bitch?

You’re brainwashed


Active Member
So now that we've learned that Biden is the one ACTUALLY wielding American foreign policy funds for personal gain and Trump gets to stay, what now?

Perhaps time to focus on getting a candidate elected rather than spending tax money chasing shoe stings.

Went after Trump in 2016, exposed Hillary and Uranium 1. Sank her campaign.
Went after Trump in 2020 exposed Biden and Burisma. Sank his campaign.

Not a good track record. Pot calling the kettle black.


Well-Known Member
So now that we've learned that Biden is the one ACTUALLY wielding American foreign policy funds for personal gain and Trump gets to stay, what now?

Perhaps time to focus on getting a candidate elected rather than spending tax money chasing shoe stings.

Went after Trump in 2016, exposed Hillary and Uranium 1. Sank her campaign.
Went after Trump in 2020 exposed Biden and Burisma. Sank his campaign.

Not a good track record. Pot calling the kettle black.
"pot calling kettle black" is a naive statement.


Well-Known Member
So now that we've learned that Biden is the one ACTUALLY wielding American foreign policy funds for personal gain and Trump gets to stay, what now?

Perhaps time to focus on getting a candidate elected rather than spending tax money chasing shoe stings.

Went after Trump in 2016, exposed Hillary and Uranium 1. Sank her campaign.
Went after Trump in 2020 exposed Biden and Burisma. Sank his campaign.

Not a good track record. Pot calling the kettle black.
lmao! Seriously?

It is hilarious that you think Biden following the orders of his President, Congress and the entire free-worlds governments directions to go get this guy fired is him wielding foreign policy funding for his own gain?

For what? His Harvard educated lawyer kid to get a job that pays about as much in a year as Biden earns for 2 or 3 speeches legally?

Yeah that is no where the same as Trump illegally withholding Congressional approved funding that was signed into law.

You do know that the Uranium scam is just more Russian propaganda that has been disproven time and again right?


Well-Known Member
I have one question tho, how many group homes does it take to fill that many buses? Or are they going to the big institutions for the insane?
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Well-Known Member
Why QAnon fans want the world to think Adam Schiff killed a child
The rumors they are spreading are vile.

If you knew without a doubt that someone killed a child, what would you do about it?

What if it wasn’t just anyone who did this horrible thing, either. It was a powerful person with a national platform, who runs in the highest circles of politics and business. And worst of all, nobody believes you that this person is a child killer. The media loves them, they have a spotless record, they’re interviewed on national TV all the time, and the person’s enablers have scrubbed the internet of the existence of the crime itself.


Well-Known Member
‘Digging their own graves’: Conservative warns GOP will get slaughtered in 2020 if they block John Bolton

Conservative Washington Examiner columnist Quin Hillyer has issued a dire warning for Republicans: Call witnesses at President Donald Trump’s impeachment trial or risk getting slaughtered in the 2020 election.

“Senate Republicans are digging their own graves,” he writes at the start of his latest column. “If Republicans do not allow at least a few witnesses into the Senate impeachment trial, they will pay a heavy political price if evidence emerges later proving deep corruption by President Trump.”

He then makes the case that it is highly likely that such damning information will surface in the near future, which will leave vulnerable Republicans on the hook for enacting a coverup.

“When other witnesses turn over new evidence while looking for immunity in the investigation of Trump by the U.S. attorney for the Southern District of New York, the Republican senators will be blamed,” he says. “They will be seen as having engaged in a cover-up. They will be seen as having undermined justice.”

Were such a thing to happen, he warns that the GOP in 2021 would be faced with not only being in the minority in the House and Senate, but also facing an “enraged and emboldened Democratic majority absolutely out for blood.”

Read the whole column here.


Well-Known Member
‘Digging their own graves’: Conservative warns GOP will get slaughtered in 2020 if they block John Bolton

Conservative Washington Examiner columnist Quin Hillyer has issued a dire warning for Republicans: Call witnesses at President Donald Trump’s impeachment trial or risk getting slaughtered in the 2020 election.

“Senate Republicans are digging their own graves,” he writes at the start of his latest column. “If Republicans do not allow at least a few witnesses into the Senate impeachment trial, they will pay a heavy political price if evidence emerges later proving deep corruption by President Trump.”

He then makes the case that it is highly likely that such damning information will surface in the near future, which will leave vulnerable Republicans on the hook for enacting a coverup.

“When other witnesses turn over new evidence while looking for immunity in the investigation of Trump by the U.S. attorney for the Southern District of New York, the Republican senators will be blamed,” he says. “They will be seen as having engaged in a cover-up. They will be seen as having undermined justice.”

Were such a thing to happen, he warns that the GOP in 2021 would be faced with not only being in the minority in the House and Senate, but also facing an “enraged and emboldened Democratic majority absolutely out for blood.”

Read the whole column here.
