The Impeachment Of Donald Trump


Well-Known Member
wow, this is real? i thought this was a joke someone was making...
holy shit...he has to make notes to himself to keep that simple a lie straight? you'd think someone as accustomed to telling lies as he is wouldn't have that hard a time keeping a one liner straight...
Yep, and this is the hill the GOP is gonna die on? Yer lucky the evil fucker is so stupid, if he had a brain he'd be a lot more dangerous, the GOP would turn ya into his slaves in a heartbeat.


Well-Known Member
Where are all those tea party assholes playing dress up in tricorns now? I thought they loved the constitution so much they would dress up in 18th century costumes and spout off about it in public? Looks like they traded in the tricorn for a red treason hat with MAGA on it, looks like they were just racist assholes who didn't like Obama because he was african American.
Corruption And The Threat Since The Founding Of America | All In | MSNBC
Zephyr Teachout talks to Chris Hayes about the ways the founders of the nation wanted to prevent the threat of corruption. Aired on 11/22/19.


Well-Known Member
Hayes Explains 3 Ways The ‘America First’ President Puts Americans Last | All In | MSNBC
Chris Hayes breaks down three ways in which Donald Trump is fundamentally throwing Americans under the bus to a foreign interest. Aired on 11/22/19.

PJ Diaz

Well-Known Member
wow, this is real? i thought this was a joke someone was making...
holy shit...he has to make notes to himself to keep that simple a lie straight? you'd think someone as accustomed to telling lies as he is wouldn't have that hard a time keeping a one liner straight...
I can't decide which is weirder: that he seems to only write with sharpies (including his weirdo signature), or that he uses ALL CAPS except for the letter "e".


Well-Known Member
Why are the Republicans continuing to play along with the Russian narrative?

I am split between the Republicans don't want to admit that the Russians manipulated the Republicans online scams on the Racist and Evangelical communities to get them to vote for them. Or they have been caught red handed, and took a deal to wear wires around Trump.


Well-Known Member
Why are the Republicans continuing to play along with the Russian narrative?

I am split between the Republicans don't want to admit that the Russians manipulated the Republicans online scams on the Racist and Evangelical communities to get them to vote for them. Or they have been caught red handed, and took a deal to wear wires around Trump.

I think republicans fall into two categories, willing participants and going along with it because of threats or blackmail. It's been a open secret that McConnell and Graham are gay and maybe Pence too. And think about all the blackmail material that Epstein had collected over the years, all his houses were set up to collect blackmail video and audio.

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
heres just another little piece of stupidity...
this is the busiest national park in the country, with more than ten million visitors a year, they're already short handed,
at least 11 people died in the park last year, you think maybe these two rangers being where they were supposed to be might have prevented at least one of those deaths? we'll never know, they were driving around 1300 miles from where they needed to be....not catching any "illegals" coming over the border.

Dats my bike punk

Well-Known Member
Newsflash: Rep. Adam Schiff is dithering over impeachment! On CNN’s “State of the Union” Sunday, the House Intelligence Committee chairman claimed that grounds for impeaching President Trump are “not contested” but also said he wants to “discuss this with my constituents and colleagues before I make a final judgment on this.”