The Importance of Brown Bagging


Active Member
It seems to me that the older and more formal harvest guides discuss 3 main stages of processing harvested buds:

1. Drying
2. Brown Bagging
3. Curing

Two quick references that cover stage 2.

Now I understand in principal why we want to dry and why we want to cure but I'm a bit fuzy on the benefit of step 2. Additionally, from following journals and just general RIU chatter it seems that a lot of people, in practice, don't even bother with step 2 and that leads me to question its importance.



bud bootlegger
i didn't check out your link, but i think the brown bag thing is an old skool technique that a lot of people have gotten away from... i know that i've never used that method myself, and don't think it's really needed ime..


Well-Known Member
brown bagging isnt really a seperate part its more a bridging stage between drying and curing , you dont need to do the brown bagging , jar burping is basicly the same ....


Well-Known Member
when you put the bud in the jars it can get really wet again and the brown bag is like a quick dry method. ill leave buds in the brown bag for a night then put them back in the jars. sometimes it do it a couple times before i leave them in jars permanently.
you dont have to use the bag bag i always get too excited and want to see my buds in the jars.