The Importance of Voting


Well-Known Member
I know, thats why it's a hypothetical statement.

See the "would" in the middle. not do.


Well-Known Member
I'm sorry you feel the way you do about my viewpoint, but it won't change & I also don't title myself as anything such as republican,democrat, facist or anything else. I don't feel like arguing so I'll end with this. Whatever you chose to call it dosen't concern me, but I assure you if you participate in the monetary system YOU ARE A PAID SLAVE. Look at it this way you go to work & make money & this cycle never stops...does money really make you happy? I mean if there was no debt in your life & nothing was for sale to spend it on what good would it be. Maybe you could wipe your ass with it? If people REALLY cared about each other we wouldn't need a government making rules up on how to live your life. We could just live.
This concept I speak of is way to much too ask of society. That's why people vote & think it's important & down me cause I don't...Your are simply defending your opinion. Sheeple...I meant people vote for one simple reason - they want to. I don't want to because I don't want to. Go ahead & vote, pick who you like, & I'll guarntee the rich will still get richer, the poor will get poorer, the sun will shine, & absolutely nothing will change in the way politics are.


Well-Known Member
I completely agree with the idea that a majority electoral vote in a state shouldn't get the whole state, the president should be decided by a majority vote of senators and representitves. If you think that a "PAID SLAVE" is the same as a pre-civil war American slave then you must be a nut-bar. You should really read Frederick Douglass' autobiography. A slave and a part of the system are two VERY different things. Voting is important, maybe not for president but for your senator of representitive. If you don't vote then you don't have a voice, and if you don't have a voice then that IS one more step towards slavery. If you're against voting than you are allowing the rich and poerfull to becoume more rich and powerful.
I agree that voting is important. I disagree that voting deters the rich and powerful from acquiring more of the same.
Havn't you ever read "Animal Farm"?
Animal Farm is an allegory condemning totalitarianism, namely Stalinist Russia. It demonstrates the way those in control (the pigs) manipulate the animals using intimidation (the dogs) and propaganda (the sheep). Ultimately the noble ideals of the revolution are corrupted and betrayed. The animals were working harder and receiving less after the revolution than they were under the thumbs of the humans, but they were constantly told things would get better if they just worked a little harder.

Even if the well-meaning pig proposed a project which would actually benefit the animals, it was sabotaged time and time again by the pig who benefited from keeping the animals overworked and deprived. Eventually the benevolent pig was eliminated and the sabotage is blamed on him by the guilty pigs.

The most heartbreaking story concerned the draft-horse, Boxer, whose mantra was 'I will work harder.' Eventually Boxer over exerts and is injured. The pigs make arrangements to send him away to receive medical care, but the 'ambulance' is actually a butcher's wagon.

In the end, the pigs are walking around on two legs just like the evil overlord humans, but the animals are worse off than before.

You cannot eliminate greed and the pursuit of power from any civilization.
If I had it my way people would care enough about eachother to allow socialism to work.
If I had it my way, people would care enough about themselves and those they are responsible for, thus allowing self-reliance under a truly free-market system to work.
Fucking fascist.
America has been a fascist nation since the New Deal.


Well-Known Member
Your right, that was a pretty bad reference, I was referring to how the pigs power just kept going up and up and up. Once Snowball was gone and the animals were completely under the control of Napoleon, he could do whatever he wanted which alway benefited him and the other pigs. Take the instance when Squealer got caught changing the commandments, all the animals were to stupid to know what he was doing but Benjamin knew what was going on but also new that the pigs were already to powerful to do anything about it. If the animals had opposed the rule of Napoleon (possibly through voting) things would have worked out a lot better for them.

Sorry, it was a bad reference without an explanation.


Well-Known Member
I'm sorry you feel the way you do about my viewpoint, but it won't change & I also don't title myself as anything such as republican,democrat, facist or anything else. I don't feel like arguing so I'll end with this. Whatever you chose to call it dosen't concern me, but I assure you if you participate in the monetary system YOU ARE A PAID SLAVE. Look at it this way you go to work & make money & this cycle never stops...does money really make you happy? I mean if there was no debt in your life & nothing was for sale to spend it on what good would it be. Maybe you could wipe your ass with it? If people REALLY cared about each other we wouldn't need a government making rules up on how to live your life. We could just live.
This concept I speak of is way to much too ask of society. That's why people vote & think it's important & down me cause I don't...Your are simply defending your opinion. Sheeple...I meant people vote for one simple reason - they want to. I don't want to because I don't want to. Go ahead & vote, pick who you like, & I'll guarntee the rich will still get richer, the poor will get poorer, the sun will shine, & absolutely nothing will change in the way politics are.
DumFunk you are an incompetent moron who obviously has no understanding of what money actually is.

Money is nothing more then a way of making it convenient and easy to trade 3 goats for 1 pig, or 4 cows for 20 bushels of wheat. It is nothing more than a symbol of goods and services.

Money has nothing to do with power or greed, it is nothing more than a symbol. Of course, it would be a little bit harder to accumulate 3,000,000,000 Cows, Sheep, Chickens, whatever, but hardly impossible. Money is nothing more than a symbol of commodities and of wealth. It is not "true" wealth, because until it is converted into something useful it is useless.

Well, except maybe if you toss it into a furnace to make heat. To say that I'm a slave just because I work for a salary is stupid. No, I'm a slave because I'm stuck paying taxes involuntarily to avoid being thrown in jail by a government that is corrupt and has just handed 1 Trillion or 1.4 Trillion to a bunch of bankers, imbeciles, idiots and retards.

As far as caring enough about each other. Give me a break, do you not understand that the entire problem with that is that you are saying that you are going to try to brain wash all of humanity to fit your fucking mold of what constitutes the "perfect" person?

Do you not see the idiocy of that statement?

The problem isn't that people don't care about each other, the problem is that government, that all pervasive leech, has come into our lives and dictates to us non-stop. I'm relatively sure that I have violated more laws then I can name with out even knowing they exist, because of the size of the Federal Statutes. Don't drink, fuck, drive drunk, have sex, smoke tobacco, smoke pot, smoke anything, don't inhale this, that, and so on and so forth. The problem isn't that we don't care about other people.

History takes your statements and shoots it, not in the foot, but in the forehead.

Did you know that the original insurance was the gathering of a bunch of people in a community that paid into a fund that would pay if any one got injured?

Then there's the fact that Corporations are what are properly called Joint Stock Companies. For the most part, anyone is allowed to buy in and receive a share of the company. Though I wouldn't want to buy into a company that isn't issuing dividends.

Joint Stock Companies were originally organized around merchant ventures going to the East Indies to bring but spices, tea, and silk, and when those ships returned they would sell their products and distribute their profits. It wasn't until the government stepped in that over a third of the profits vanished robbing people of a great portion of their profits.

Government is the root of all evil, and it needs to be reduced in size until it can be taken into the bathroom and flushed down the toilet!


Well-Known Member
People are greedy, money=power in capiralism. Look where a lack of gavernment regulation has gotten the economy. If we had a smaller government you could kiss the cops, highways, schools, parks, national parks, firemen, foreign trade, an army (I'm opposed to the war in Iraq but an army is necesary) and your rights. The articles of confederation failed for a lack of a central government. If we don't have a central government who would stop insider trading? Eventually states (or whatever type of region) will start to steal from eachother, not mugging or even sneaky stealing but some crafty "miscalculation", the ripped off state will get pissed, demand a refund, be refused and the states will stop talking to eachother. Without a central government how will we regulate guns? Without a central government how will we track criminals that cross state lines? We need a central government badley.


Well-Known Member
No that was directed at me dum. I'm the idiot according to TBT. I'm also a moron who has no idea what money is. I'm also incompetent & history proves it. If you look closley at these statements you made towards me I think if you are intelligent you'll notice that maybe the problem I speak of is obvious.


Well-Known Member
I'm sorry you feel the way you do about my viewpoint, but it won't change & I also don't title myself as anything such as republican,democrat, facist or anything else. I don't feel like arguing so I'll end with this. Whatever you chose to call it dosen't concern me, but I assure you if you participate in the monetary system YOU ARE A PAID SLAVE. Look at it this way you go to work & make money & this cycle never stops...does money really make you happy? I mean if there was no debt in your life & nothing was for sale to spend it on what good would it be. Maybe you could wipe your ass with it? If people REALLY cared about each other we wouldn't need a government making rules up on how to live your life. We could just live.
This concept I speak of is way to much too ask of society. That's why people vote & think it's important & down me cause I don't...Your are simply defending your opinion. Sheeple...I meant people vote for one simple reason - they want to. I don't want to because I don't want to. Go ahead & vote, pick who you like, & I'll guarntee the rich will still get richer, the poor will get poorer, the sun will shine, & absolutely nothing will change in the way politics are.
D'ya think that maybe government is the problem?

Haven't the socialists been creating one group of parasites after another for the last century, and during that time hasn't the sense of community steadily gone down hill?

Do you not realize that it is hard for any one to have respect for any one else when they wonder if that person is nothing but a worthless parasite employed by government, or some whiny asshole who thinks that they deserve better parking spots because of some disability?

Do you not think that it's hard for people who are working to have respect for people that appear not to be working, and seem to have more than they do, and to be better off?

No, I think Socialism is what has destroyed the communities in America, because it creates resentment and hostility.


Well-Known Member
Actually it was more or less addressed to both of you, I neglected a space, something about being sleep deprived and over worked, and under paid thanks to taxes.


Well-Known Member
VOTE OBAMA!!! he is for decriminalize marijuana, which is different than legalize. It wont be legal but you wont get charged for possession!!


Well-Known Member
VOTE OBAMA!!! he is for decriminalize marijuana, which is different than legalize. It wont be legal but you wont get charged for possession!!
Do you have a source on that?

He may have been in favor a long time ago, but his position has become much more 'nuanced' since he was running for Illinois State Senate in a safe democratic district.


Well-Known Member
Video #1 is irrelevant to 2008. He was not running for President in 2004.
Video #2 concerns medical marijuana, not decriminalization. Nice try, but no cigar. I did appreciate all the uhs and the stammering until a staffer whispered his position in his ear. The Chosen One is a treat to watch when he gets out of arm's length of a teleprompter.

The following quote is dated February 5, 2008:
The Washington Times has unearthed a video of a debate in Barack Obama's initial Illinois campaign for the U.S. Senate in 2004. The debate tape from Jan. 21, 2004, at Northwestern University shows Obama proclaiming the war on drugs an "utter failure."

"We need to rethink and decriminalize our marijuana laws," he said to scattered applause. "But I'm not somebody who believes in legalization of marijuana. What I do believe is that we need to rethink how we're operating in the drug war. Currently, we're not doing a good job."

OK. Fine.

But then in a Democratic debate last fall, Tim Russert asked all the party's candidates if anyone disagreed with Sen. Chris Dodd's idea to decriminalize marijuana. Obama, standing center stage, was one of several candidates who raised their hand, albeit not very high.

An Obama spokesman told the newspaper the other day that the senator has "always" favored decriminalization as he said in the 2004 debate, meaning he mistakenly raised his hand as an opponent for the national TV audience.
Oops, Obama was for decriminalizing marijuana before he opposed it | Top of the Ticket | Los Angeles Times

So he disagreed with decriminalization in a national debate, but a flunky for his campaign said he has always been in favor. Which is it?

I am concerned with his current position. You know as well as I do his positions are not set in stone. They blow with the wind. I simply wish to know how they blow now.

Must I repeat everything just for your benefit?
He may have been in favor a long time ago, but his position has become much more 'nuanced' since he was running for Illinois State Senate in a safe democratic district.
I am no genius, trust me. You, on the other hand, make an unconvincing brainiac.


Well-Known Member
His campaign said that he "misunderstood the definition of decriminalization". Now, he's an attorney, allegedly taught law (constitutional law at that), if I recollect as an adjunct professor, and is a U.S. senator. As such, he is a "wordsmith", who had God damned well fucking-A better know definitions of simple words and legal concepts! Thusly, I call BULLSHIT. He said what he did in order to garner votes from the most people without jeopardizing the whole thing.
VOTE OBAMA!!! he is for decriminalize marijuana, which is different than legalize. It wont be legal but you wont get charged for possession!!
Do your research. Obama selected Biden, the person who coined the term Drug Czar, as his running mate. He cannot simply choose which laws shall be enforced and which won't. The ONLY difference between Obama and McCain is that McCain is certain he will will continue the War on Drugs, whereas Obama doesn't seem to know the definition of decriminalization.