The Indigo/Crystal Children


Well-Known Member
You can cut a big part of the frontal lobe of the brain, without any serious changes. If you can remove a chunk of the brain without serious changes how do you know how muhc of our brain we use. Scientists have also discovered that the brain is endless, endless amount of intaking and changing, so how do you put a % on the infinite?


Well-Known Member
Scientists have much to learn still about the human brain & it's do we.


Well-Known Member
the only awakening that is near is the age of aquarius, which comes in 2012. Thats what the whole 2012 ordeal is about, the end of the curretn age and the beginning of the new age. Age of aquarius.

A lot of the things that you hear symbolize and directly relate to things happening in the sky, stars, moon and planets. Don't be quick to believe someones theories, read for yourself from credible sources.


Well-Known Member
All i can say in any honesty and real,actual knowledge is that we "all" have about 90% or so of our brains potential remaining relatively unused.
What is this 90% for?
What could we achieve if we could tap into it?
Why cant we tap into it?
Have we been purposefully or genetically retarded and if so for what purpose?

And finally my biggest question and one of my own personal beliefs is that this is one of the reasons why marijuana remains illegal.
Does marijuana help to unlock these portions of the brain and if so would this process become like a snowball down a mountain?:weed:
I think there are ppl who can use some of that 90%. Maybe telekinesis, telepathy, remote viewing etc. Maybe all those things are part of it? deja-vu, or sincronicity? So much unknown? remember how the world was once flat and you'd be killed if you thought otherwise.

On the topic of crystal kids and the stats about the younger generation not being as good at communication and emotional ques etc.
If there is something to this about them being different or more enlightened than I would say those test are like testing the carbuerator on an electric car. If they are evolved they would do these things on a higher level, maybe waves not visual ques or audible ques. these "old" forms would be more confusing to them than for us regular folk.


Well-Known Member
remember how the world was once flat and you'd be killed if you thought otherwise.
Scientists knew the world was round since Eratosthenes calculated its diameter to within 1% over 2,000 years ago. It was only the ignorant and superstitious who believed the earth was flat.

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
No.Age of aquarius, which was merely used as a measure of time, begins in 2080 at the earliest estimate.
the only awakening that is near is the age of aquarius, which comes in 2012. Thats what the whole 2012 ordeal is about, the end of the curretn age and the beginning of the new age. Age of aquarius.

A lot of the things that you hear symbolize and directly relate to things happening in the sky, stars, moon and planets. Don't be quick to believe someones theories, read for yourself from credible sources.


Well-Known Member
Yea the hippies predicted it way early, and as far as 2012 being the beggining of the Age of Aquarius i dont think so, however that doesnt mean 2012 isnt a catalyst of the Age of Aquarius. Its all in motion, we just have to wait. The sixties I believe was a premenition of this new age, but I could be wrong =)


Active Member
You just tried to use an astrology website as the basis of your statement. Is that supposed to prove your point/theory? I don't get it.

This is the problem with the internet. People state wild fantasies as "facts" and then try and back them up with their "sources" they found via google in 5 seconds.


Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
If you're referring to me, I just used one source out of many, to prove that 2012 is probably not the so called beginning of the age of Aquarius, if we're going by how the age was intended to be used,which is as a measure of time.I don't believe in Indigo/crystal children.None of us are special.:lol:
No.Age of aquarius, which was merely used as a measure of time, begins in 2080 at the earliest estimate.
You just tried to use an astrology website as the basis of your statement. Is that supposed to prove your point/theory? I don't get it.

This is the problem with the internet. People state wild fantasies as "facts" and then try and back them up with their "sources" they found via google in 5 seconds.



Well-Known Member
the age of aquarius is depecited by the myan long count calendar, not the european chopped and screwed calendar.

The myan long count calendar ends the current age in dec 2012, and the new age begins which is aquarius