The infamous double joke.....


Well-Known Member
So, Tony the yodeling pony was supposed to do a show in <Insert your town name here> tonight... unfortunately he couldn't make it... he was a little horse(/hoarse)! ahahahaha......

Tell this to all your stoned friends and it provides hours of entertainment.. depending on just how high you really are.

Some other gems:

A horse walks into a bar... bartender says "Hey pal, why the long face?!"

Ever hear the joke about the broken pencil? Eh, never mind there's no point!

What do you call a boomerang that doesn't come back? A stick!

All the employees agreed that their job at the rubber band factory was a snap!

What is a forum? A two um plus a two um!!! (That one's just for us!)

A couple of zoologists decided to give a lion a cell phone in order to keep track of his whereabouts. Unfortunately, whenever they tried to call, the lion was busy!

Two idiots were trying to light a fire. The first one couldn't get the match to light, and the second one said, "That's strange, it lit this morning." <-- fdd and ngt... hahaha.

There's lots more where that came from. Please post any good jokes you have so that when I am higher later I can check them. THX

P.S. - One liners only!!!


Active Member
how can u tell a bitch from a slut?
a slut fucks everyone in town ,
a bitch fucks everone in town, but you
a japanese cook told me that one the other night at a jap steak house haha