I can actually see where you are coming from on this one, Finshaggy. Many people, especially young people, are new to atheism and seem to be in full on rebel mode. They seem so giddy with their new found freedom in having given up their oppressive belief in the Abrahamic Monster, that they come off edgy and somewhat stupid. They have not yet educated themselves that all religion is not equally as insane and destructive as the big Abrahamic three, so they unfairly lump all into the same category. Kind of what you seem to be doing with atheists. Atheism is merely the lack of belief in deities, but many atheists believe equally whacky shit; alien abduction, homeopathy, magic, and all flavors of pseudo-science. Atheism only tells you one things about a person, it doesn't tell you anything else. If you'd like to look into the best the atheism has to offer, check out books and talks from the Four Horsemen: Dawkins, Harris, Dennett, and Hitchens. Lawrence Krauss is also pretty cool. Sam Harris, in particular, talks about the positive aspects of Buddhism (and I think Hinduism), Jayneism, and others. He is very much into non-supernatural spirituality. These gentlemen do have very intelligent debates with the heavy theists, and you will hardly find the kind of brazen stupidity you have a problem with in the younger, dumber atheists. There are plenty of those, but you can find quality if you're truly searching for it. Also, check out Theramin Trees and Qualia Soup on YT, those guys have a lot of worthwhile stuff to say on atheism, and other topics...
P.S. Doesn't this thread belong in S&S&P???