The Irish Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
Haha I could have done with a cup, it was a long drive.
An 03 Golf 1.6 for the Ma, nice clean car and I pick it in a couple of weeks.

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
good choice, and the 1.6 are once driven within rev range quite a sturdy and durable car....

just popped out for a quick look at the plants and i have now a differnt problem.. the weight has them all bendy and look like there ready to topple over, looks like all the trouble i`ve been missing out on has caught up with me...


Well-Known Member
Thats a good prblem to have though, have you any stakes you can use to tie them up.
The car is spotless so am pleased with it, there's plenty of power in her anyway

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
yeah until they snap... hahahaha no nothing done as of yet, its lights out so it`ll have to wait till tomorrow and hope i make it home before or thereabouts lights out, it won`t take long to tie them up so not to worried , but if it don`t get done tomorrow i think it could be a problem..


Well-Known Member
Fucking cheese clones never rooted in the rockwool or coco after 10 days each, maybe I'm a bit impatient checking for roots too often. Back to the drawing board, I think it will be some killing fields seeds getting popped!


Well-Known Member
I have a clone just starting to root, I put it in a cup of water with rhizotonic and under a 15w bulb, to be honest I didn't think it would do.
I tried before with rapid rooters and had no luck.


Well-Known Member
How long did it take to root in the water fred? I've rooted tomatoes like that before and they take about 7 days.


Well-Known Member
How long did it take to root in the water fred? I've rooted tomatoes like that before and they take about 7 days.
So far it's been 9 days, it has the white bumps on the stem and 1 or 2 small roots so I'd say another 2-3 days probably before planting

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
Ever bought free seeds from this website man?, cheap resinous buds, big yields and free shipping baby :)

did you read that before posting or am i just stoned... but are you asking if anyone PAID for FREE seeds!!!!!

hee hee hee sorry couldn`t help it, so hows all here this fine day.. iam it seems we are both under the same cloud of bad luck, hope the new run woks out for you buddy...


Well-Known Member
How's it going ae?
I would have thought you would be still at work making a good impression:)
As for fine day, it is far from it here and pissing down.

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
great day here, and as for impressions... 2 days ahead of schedule and got the teleporter running again after been left lying up at the bottom of his yard for the last year, also theres no real overtime just yet 7.30am to 6pm is as much as i can squezze out of him.. that`ll get better as the jobs mount up tho...


Well-Known Member
did you read that before posting or am i just stoned... but are you asking if anyone PAID for FREE seeds!!!!!

hee hee hee sorry couldn`t help it, so hows all here this fine day.. iam it seems we are both under the same cloud of bad luck, hope the new run woks out for you buddy...
Hopefully you have a bit of a change in luck too lol. How's the garden getting on? All I've got left are some half green spuds flowering away and filling some raised beds, not sure the weather is going to get any better this year either :(

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
Are they your regular hours?
That's a long day.
Are you a diesel fitter?
yeah thats everyday, between travelling to and from and then loading the lorry for the following morning in the evening thats my day, not a qualified fitter no, but i can handle an engine in most there forms, don`t really matter what its bolted into hahahaha ...

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
Hopefully you have a bit of a change in luck too lol. How's the garden getting on? All I've got left are some half green spuds flowering away and filling some raised beds, not sure the weather is going to get any better this year either :(
had pulled most veg with exeption of a few scallions, haven`t touched the spuds per say, took three plants up a couple of weeks ago but they were a little small, nice size spud but they needed that bit longer, the rest of the plot has been turned into a pumpin patch, then come halloween i`ll dig the whle lot up and rotovate in some dark muck...

you doing anuthing with yours this year or you got it planned yet? i am doing it this way as i didn`t really have a clue thi year, just cutting my teeth as they say...

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
Good stuff, all you're missing is the bit of paper.

true fred, and that bit of paper is useless, well not useless but you know what i mean, in mechanics circles lets just say you`ll find a better one at a stock car meet than in a dealer, them lads can fix most things with a sledge and two blunt screwdrivers...;)