The Irish Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
Have a 400w mh ordered and the DOG fem popped first followed by the OG kush n waiting on the deep blue x liver put popped another seed just Incase and do a highlander ( THERE CAN BE ONLY ONE) on the weakest link. Thinking of getting 4 x 3L,6L and 10L airpots. (again English thread haha ) did some reading on them and its FUCKING AMAZING but don't think id need more than 10l unless I wanted to SCROG a fucker lol and im only in a dr90 so 4 x 10L pots will fit nice


Active Member
no but ive heard noting but good things...what u growing at the moment buddy???

5 pineapple skunk,
5th week 12/12,
400w MH in soil,
cab grow.

gonna have to sort myself out wit an oil rig,
any one know of a shop in Dublin area that sells such?


Well-Known Member
5 pineapple skunk,
5th week 12/12,
400w MH in soil,
cab grow.

gonna have to sort myself out wit an oil rig,
any one know of a shop in Dublin area that sells such?
why are you using A mh for flowering and have you noticed a difference? Im assuming ur keeping them small with the 5 under 400w is this due to space restrictions?. Wish I could direct you but im no where near dub lol most the lads here swear by the big shop Belfast, they have VERY fast delivery keep no records and have free delivery once the price is over a certain amount but I myself am a big fan of eBay.


Well-Known Member
never heard of that method have you noticed any difference? ah each to their own i think once its not anything like smoke then your grand heck ppl order from SR without having a problem but i draw the line there fuck that lol but LOTS of mail comes into ireland and they dont check everything even if they do check your package what will they say oh this guys a gardener lol the oil gear is easily explained but i totally understand where your coming from.


Active Member
Yeah it's just my own way.
I tried both ways didn't see a lot of difference.
12/12 with 400w MH seems to have denser buds but hps was a bit more frosty but more spongy.
Maybe 400w hps is just not enough.
probably should only be done with 600w Or bigger.


Active Member
never heard of that method have you noticed any difference? ah each to their own i think once its not anything like smoke then your grand heck ppl order from SR without having a problem but i draw the line there fuck that lol but LOTS of mail comes into ireland and they dont check everything even if they do check your package what will they say oh this guys a gardener lol the oil gear is easily explained but i totally understand where your coming from.

Y am I reading your posts in a girls voice.?
youve probably said befour but I couldn't be arsed reading tru it.
sorry if your a big hairy man lol


Active Member
Had to ask ha,
just checked my girls befour lights out,
tallest 3foot from soil smallest 2.5.
25c 60% rh
3 foot is my max comfortable height.


Well-Known Member
i may be wrong but isnt 60% rh 2 high for flowering? budrot n what veg is 6 42 w CFL with 23-24c (windows closed but il open it when my 400w mh arrives)55-60% (struggled keeping it up) im in a dr90 so im on for height (i think).


Active Member
They got fed so rh goes up,
I have a dehumidifier it's all good,
I don't worry about rot till the buds start filling out anyway.


Well-Known Member
you can do your entire run with an MH. All I use is 400w bulbs and use to only use mh it will keep the plants squat and bulky and they don't stretch as much.


Well-Known Member
I'm no fan of BHO I don't like using chemicals with my natural herbs. Use dry ice to make kief and then heat press it.


Well-Known Member
realized we had more room than we thought for the co-op since the addition of the tent so we took another trip to harborside and picked up 2 more alien OG's, Fire OG.
So this run of all clones will be 6 BLZ Bud, 4 Green Crack, 5 Fire OG, and 5 Alien OG.

info on alien OG:

once the clones get mature I will post some pics for my good irish friends!
god damn it md that's fucking awesome but 28% sounds pretty fuckig high lol