The Irish Growers Thread!

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
all this painted nails and sitting on hands hahahahahaha, had me in stitches...

as for medice patient stuff...yeah i kind of agree as its banded about too much, things in there place and all that, agree most are stoners that want there own smoke (us lot really) but the bad affects? myself i have pulled the odd whitey, and obviuosly i`ve a serious addiction to it, be that physical or phycologically its still an addiction but i`ve been smokeing hash and weed since i was about 15 years old so thats longer smokeing than not smokeing (feel old now)...

what affects would you class as negative? i only ask as maybe its my metabolisium or something, or maybe i`ve been lucky in my drug takeing history...but i`ve never really had "bad" trips or experience while on drugs...


Lets see -
Short term memory - 90% fixed I reckon after stopping smoking (FYI I gave up for 5 years - well it was easier on the ears now she is a bit pissed off
) I do think it does have long term memory damage
Night sweats - Worse with bongs (the main line equivalent for weed) gets worse as the ugalug rises (value of toxicity caused by weed)
Mood swings, mainly the few days after you have none
Can start migraines / headaches (does with me but long term migraine sufferer)
Makes you a cult member (you only really like hanging around with stoners)
Major demotivating issues, & the stare into space
Shit bad for the lungs (bongs are evil bad) Spliffs better stone but you consume even more tobacco - unless of course you roll pure (yea right)
Affects eyesight - long term use gives extra oxidisation to the eye cells causing a drop in depth perception, and ability for brain to connect what you see - i.e you look more if there is something coming or do more of a double take just to be sure to be sure it is clear
Causes issues in relationships - normally if your partner does not smoke
Increased mental health issues, more today than years ago as most of the new strains have very low CBD the element that protects the brain from neural snap
Depression - big issue - For me this is a huge problem with drugs overall - If you use drugs for recreational use or because your life sucks - the latter is a huge issue and changes most of the side effects as the brain chemistry is totally different
Takes money away from your family - if you buy - could flip that and say brings money into your family but then run the risk of being caught and associated problems caused by that

On the positive side it is far less dangerous than alcohol & when was the last time you heard someone getting baked and going home and beating up on the missus -


Well-Known Member
Once I harvest ill be smoking pure, been off cigs for years so I only smoke pipes n bongs but promised myself alot of blunts.with the depression I always had, once I started working out I never really got depressed anymore.


once I started working out I never really got depressed anymore.
Now there is one huge factor not being looked at enough. Exercise is so damn important and really not many people are looking after the body with fitness, it fixes, heals and releases so many endorphins.


Well-Known Member
ThatS the only thing that ever sorted my depression mate, n i was depressed from a young age so it wasn't from drug.


Well-Known Member
Morning all.

Hello @Tagh.

Think the medi mj thing is not aimed at the majority of stoners. I think its aimed at the non smokers as a means to make them think differently about mj. There has been so much brain washing about mj that most peoples default reaction is that it is evil and the work of the devil. Showing that it has other uses changes peoples perception and then years down the line it enables legalization. The change in the laws in the US didnt happen over night. You are talking about 50+ years of campaigning.

If you follow the press in the US, you see that one of the things they highlight is the tax revenue for the state and the fact that it stops money flowing into the pockets of crims. I bet if it were ever made legal here, it will be the money argument that wins and not the med benefits.

But only after a couple of reports have been commissioned, a couple of politions get massive retirement packages and The Cannabis Oversight Committee is established at a cost af 150 million in consultant fees and all retail outlets must have a cert from a small group of certified administrators at a cost of a few grand. You know....the usual.


Well-Known Member
@ buds if your about.... accapoullco gold, niiiccccceeeeee, great day strain, plenty of pep in it hahahahaha....
Nice one alright, glad to see u getting good use out of it. great for nights out with a red bull (designated driver) much easier to put up with drunks then.

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
Lets see -
Short term memory - 90% fixed I reckon after stopping smoking (FYI I gave up for 5 years - well it was easier on the ears now she is a bit pissed off
) I do think it does have long term memory damage
Night sweats - Worse with bongs (the main line equivalent for weed) gets worse as the ugalug rises (value of toxicity caused by weed)
Mood swings, mainly the few days after you have none
Can start migraines / headaches (does with me but long term migraine sufferer)
Makes you a cult member (you only really like hanging around with stoners)
Major demotivating issues, & the stare into space
Shit bad for the lungs (bongs are evil bad) Spliffs better stone but you consume even more tobacco - unless of course you roll pure (yea right)
Affects eyesight - long term use gives extra oxidisation to the eye cells causing a drop in depth perception, and ability for brain to connect what you see - i.e you look more if there is something coming or do more of a double take just to be sure to be sure it is clear
Causes issues in relationships - normally if your partner does not smoke
Increased mental health issues, more today than years ago as most of the new strains have very low CBD the element that protects the brain from neural snap
Depression - big issue - For me this is a huge problem with drugs overall - If you use drugs for recreational use or because your life sucks - the latter is a huge issue and changes most of the side effects as the brain chemistry is totally different
Takes money away from your family - if you buy - could flip that and say brings money into your family but then run the risk of being caught and associated problems caused by that

On the positive side it is far less dangerous than alcohol & when was the last time you heard someone getting baked and going home and beating up on the missus -

each and everyone are as individual as the smoker... its a drug and will rule your life if you let it, and hey who said hanging out with stoners was a bad thing hahahahahaha...