The Irish Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
No its out in a shed mate. No room inside and i have a family so inside is no for me.

Because the lights are out for only 2 hours it holds the temp a bit. But if you were flowering 12/12 time i would say they would freeze to death in this climate.

How much is the UFO setting you back if ya dont mind me asking?

well growing in a shed in dublin has to be out the window at this stage!fuck off snow
You would be able to grow autos in a shed in this weather... Enough light=Enough heat.

I was looking at different ones lastnight here's a link to some, if you decide to order stay away from the chinese ones.

I'm thinkin about one of the black ones, the 90w's are meant to be like a 250w HPS and the 180w's like a 400 odd watt HPS, I see what you mean about the growspace man that's not the worst if it's only 2hrs dark.
I wouldn't pay much attention when comparing LED to HPS..


Active Member
From what I've heard Jay the bad reports are comming from mostly people who 1) don't have an LED so don't know what their talking about or 2) Ordered the shit models that have poor heat-syncs and small cooling fans so they overheat and break...anybody including luciferitame on here who used the american versions said they do the job perfect but if your doing more than 3x3x3 then one LED won't cut it but aslong as you have 3w LEd's in the circuit board you will be grand. I wouldn't doubt the HPS would be better but when it comes right down to it your talking grams on the ounce...not too worried about a few grams either side if it means less electric and less fire hazard. Appreciate the concern though mucks but I've read a good bit to make sure when I spend the money I won't regret it.


Active Member
I checked today just as lights were going back on and it was down around the45-50f mark.

I agree with Jay on the auto in a shed in this climate. The Haze auto i have going now is getting much better, a bit late but better. I have a Fruit auto started last week and she looks like she is going to do much better than the haze did.

Blaaazed, how are your plants looking?


Irishmc lookin pretty well mate.Im only growing one at the min because i tried and failed with my first 3 so only have 2 seeds left.I want to make sure i have everything set up right before trying again with more.Widow seeds are damn expensive!!but well worth it


Active Member
Blazed I'd suggest you go for a heater and a tight grow space at least until halfway through flowering if your lookin to make sure they make it this time. What way are you plannin on settin up the grow space?

Them temps aren't the worst Irish but it's a good bit down the scale, it's a whole nightmare in this weather to keep the temperatures regular, you might need to look at more heat because it's meant to get absolutely fuckin freezin after christmas.


Active Member
I see that Mick. I went out this morning and after the light been on all night the temp had dropped down in to the 70's:cry:. I can only fear the worst when the lights go off for the 2 hours today.

Hope the one you have going Blaaazed does well.


Active Member
Irish a couple of quid investment in a fan heater would be sweet, keep it at a low temperature and blow rate and it shouldn't eat much electric and it'll keep the tent pretty warm for the girls. I know there's other types of heaters online that would work better/cheaper but the fan heater is something you can put your hands on in a shop quick. Not to try and scare you into it or anything but mould would be an issue for me if it gets cold enough to condense vapour into water and then it's recirculated when the temps go up you never know what bacteria could be in it if it was in the air 1st, just tryin to look out for ye rather than irritate ye man.


Well-Known Member
irish just keep the lights on 24/0, will use less elec than a heater, plus more light = more weight, if you are near goin into flower, jus leave until snow fucks off, plus more veg time = more weight. :)


Active Member
Cheers lads. Think ill go with 24hr lights. The haze has gone in to flower but she is so small i can see anything coming of her.


Active Member
No no no no no, I'm really sorry to spoil the buzz but all living organisms bar a few repair and grow in their sleep (dark periods) You won't get as big of a set of budds if you don't give it some darkness, seed breeders have tested the light times, you can do 24/0 yes but it's not recommended, 20/4 is the recommended light setting. The weather will only last for over another month anyway so it should fly in.

MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYBODY...Hope you all have a good one.

irish farmer

Active Member
No no no no no, I'm really sorry to spoil the buzz but all living organisms bar a few repair and grow in their sleep (dark periods) You won't get as big of a set of budds if you don't give it some darkness, seed breeders have tested the light times, you can do 24/0 yes but it's not recommended, 20/4 is the recommended light setting. The weather will only last for over another month anyway so it should fly in.

MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYBODY...Hope you all have a good one.
Yes I second that


Well-Known Member
plants dont make buds during veg, more light means faster growth and closer internode spacing, which means more bud sites on the plant in the same size grow space, not all breeders use 20/4, serious seeds for one use 24/0 and im nearky sure barneys farm do. say there are a fair few others aswell. also merry jebus birthday muthafuckas.


Active Member
Only reason I'm sayin lad is I'm a huge huge science geek through and through...all living organisms grow, in vegitative state your plant grows...not nessicarily budds but it grows, to be able to grow all living organisms need sleep aswell, I know people will tell you one thing and another man but trust me on this one, during the light and dark hours your plant does different things which are both needed for proper growth and chemical production, if you keep the light on you will get good budds and you will get plenty of THC but watch the documentary "should I smoke pot" and see why it's not good to smoke pot with just THC and not the other THC's and CBD's ect. The documentary itself is anti-pot but by the end anyone who watches it won't say pots bad, there is an experiment in it though where a woman has an injection of THC without the other chemicals and she freaked the fuck out skitzo material, much like people who smoke a certain type of weed and say "I got wile bombed but felt para as fuck" that's why, they smoked green or brown that didn't get to follow it's natural chemical producing cycles.

At the end of the day man the choice is your but this is a community of people to look out for one another and this would be my piece of advice to all.


Active Member
Cheers Mick + rep for looking out for me mate. Do you think it would be ok to leave it 23/1 or 22/2?

Hope everybody had a great christmas.


Active Member
Whichever suits you man it's no odds aslong as the girls get some sort of dark, an hour would be grand I think since their autoflowers and grow pretty quick they would convert the chemicals fairly quick also. Never worry man that's what were all here for at the end of the day.

Had a sweet christmas just waitin on the bank to open now tomorrow and go get me new light :D Everybody have good one aye?


Hello All, or should I say Cheers? Im In the States but my name is O'Brien....can I post? Quick question, doing my first grow and its a DWC closet set-up. Floro and then 250W mh/hps, nothing major, 6 sites for plants but only 4 seeds germinated(Blackberry Nirvana), anyways started w/floros until they looked ready, Added nutes and MH @ 18on/4 off about 3 days ago. Plants look great but my frickin PH is going up daily? The reservoir is 3 Gallons and I mix each gallon seperate, started w/a PH of 5.5 and PPM of 150 using distilled water. I have been using regular vinegar to bring the PH down though, is that the problem maybe? Vinegar lowers for a short period of time but doesnt hold? Any help would be appreciated.