The Irish Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
Pretty sure I've got a lady! I'll get a few pics up tomorrow but from the pics and threads on here I'm pretty sure already. De-fuckin-lighted!!


Well-Known Member
do the mixing in a bucket then pour it through a strainer, bags will last a lot longer.Temped to get the ebay bags, bookmarked anyway, thanks for the link
Id say that involves another bucket and way more effort that a (slightly bigger) ball of hash is worth. Just spin the bags as is twice or three times, stoned, and its an effortless way of making hash. Preserving your bags should be a worthy optional extra after the getting high and making more hash to get you (again) super high part is done. All this making the bags last longer talk is too fancy for me, 5 or 6 spins of 2-3 grams a pop and Ill just buy a new set of those Ebay bags, sure you'd spend more on 4 days worth of cigarettes, and they aint gonna make your eyeballs vibrate!


Well-Known Member
Lu i have a Q for u or anyone else tha can answer it, Probably an obvious answer to those tha are in the but anyway. Do you know the way i bought he socket and cable and made the socket up for my envirolite, could i put a hps in that. I just thought of this in bed last night, not even sure if it will fit bu if it does can i do it????I have another 400w and a 600w hps..:)


Active Member
you need a ballast to spark the bulb to light so you will need a hps ballast. theres loads knocking about cheap enough now. as for the flowering boost, just give them some atami bloombastic in the last 2 weeks of flower, it will coat all the buds in sticky resin. deadly stuff and really did the job for me. a lot of people use it all the way through flower but normal nutes through flower then this for a boost at the end. it contains calcium and magnesium as well as iron and other micro nutrients
good luck with rest of grow.
also on another note, i was getting yellowing of the older fan leaves and necrosis on the leaves which i put down to a magnesium/calcium def. so i added lime to one of my plants on this grow, one teaspoon to a 15l pot and no yellowing at all. i did a side by side on two plants so if anyones intersted i can show pics. defo worth adding lime and it keeps the ph at seven aswell.


Active Member
defo, i use the 250w for the main grow and for the last few weeks i throw in the other 150w hps, yield certainly does pick up, the more light they get the better the yield. are you thinking of getting one jingle. will you be ok with the extra heat?


Active Member
sorry jingle the stuff for the buds is 20 euro from most grow shops, forgot to mention that earlier. thats only for 100ml, but there is a special pack with three of there products in it and they are 500ml bottles. so doing the math that would be better but i just went for the bloombastic. you only have to add half a mil to 1 litre, very strong and its thick green shit, looks horrid.


Well-Known Member
I actually have another one some where but the hood on it is a big awkard thing so will be putting it on the ground...Gonna do it tonight...:)...should be ok on the heat aswell


Well-Known Member
How do you tell the differance between a HPS and MH bulb....I have what i thought was a 400 HPS spare and went to throw it in the tent today but the colour out of the bulb is totally differant to my 400w HPS which i am already running. The new bulb loks the same except for the middle of the bulb were the glass is blown in to a ball is the only way i can discribe it. The light of my hps is an orange so of glow but this is nearly blue. Should i leave it on with the HPS, Speedy answer much appreaciated.


Well-Known Member

This is what it loks they do HPS liek this one or is it MH...

it wont let me show the pic...

Richie LxP

Well-Known Member
Is this what you have jingle?

Sorry mate, i cant copy and paste images, starting to melt my head now lol

Hps is skinny Mh is the fat one.


Well-Known Member
Cheers Richie but cant see the pics...Ye i think its a MH...Would it be of any benifit to leaving it in.I am just a week and a half in to flower

Richie LxP

Well-Known Member
I dont see why it would not benefit the plants, introducing a broader spectrum of light might do them wonders. I think there is a few threads on the matter around on here somewhere, iv stumbled apon them once or twice.


Well-Known Member
Journal has a new few pics, Ill take more soon. Just found the camera today, bit late considering they're mostly chopped down, most dried and quite alot smoked!

Had to give away 40g's that were ready last night to my "partner" in this grow, was painful to do, but I needed money to start this originally and said person came through for me, so they're getting half.

EDIT: Linkage...


Well-Known Member
Just to save on some leccy bills i am only running the Mh 1hr on and 1hr off during the 12/12. do yous think its worth the both or the bills...??/


Active Member
posted in the main forum yesterday about using wider spectrum bulbs as regards to the taste of the bud but no real consensus on it, it seems to make sense alright but another thing that shorty was saying was that moving the plant away from the light doesnt cause the flavours to evaporate?
just another quick question lads do our local grow shops sell cal mag, ive used lime on my newer grows but have another few going that are now showing the cal/mag def and i think its more calcium so not gonna use epsom again.
do they sell cal mag in town?


Well-Known Member
Do your nutes not cover Cal-Mag? Are you using hydro? Tap or R/O?

Biobizz Grow (Soil only) contains all essential micro&macro nutrients and is 100% organic, you could use it as a "greening" suppliment if your using bloom nutes and because its organic it shouldnt burn your plants unless your feeding them heavy as it is.