Active Member
Thanks Danrasta I have all the plants flowering 10 days now there is pics on my thread on the link in the msg above,they are feminised seeds from GreenHouseSeeds,Yeah 11-13 weeks for the HS and 8-9 for the BB.Ah yea sound lucky i kno bout them big cfl's not interested in them tho i already have a 400 hps and couldnt be arsed handing out that kinda money again, sound for checking it out anyway man! You kno ya should stick your hawaiian into flower soon enough cause there is like a 13 week flower period on it and it'll get big as a mother fucker! Oh yea i was having a look at me plants last night and me blue mist is a female, i had put a deadline on it till tomorrow for it to cop on or i was gonna kill it or give it away but now that its a bitch i dont want to give it away or kill it!
You said you use the small standard CFL ,I assume as side light or something is it ,how many do you use ,have you a pic of your setup.Thanks