The Irish Growers Thread!

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
think there at least responsible for half whats about here...

and you know, the fuckers can really grow, but then they go and ruin it with sprayed on crap just for profit..

wouldn`t mind but they can grow some pretty great weed as is...
Hi im from ireland im going too be doing my first grow im doing a window sill grow then when their a few weeks and a bit stronger im putting them on the roof of my sunroom which is accesable from my room (south facing) when their is sun it goes through my bedroom window full blast. btw their lowryder 2 small auto hardy strain thats been grown outdoors her before
. i know its possible because i know a few people that already done similar any tips ps are nutes neccesary i just want to germ then plant i have a 125w cfl if needed to sprout and when a bit older and bigger il move them from my window sill to my south facing roof am i missing anything? and obviously ill remember too water them :L any tips im going to germ 3-4th/5/2012
please any help tips ?

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
yes you can grow outside, its a bit wild out there yet tho, best start them off under your cfl now make sure its in the 6500k range of light and when weather improves put it out, you will need to feed nutes after the first two weeks in soil, and every day in coco...
Thanks for your help i have a 6400k greenlamp bulg but i want to plant 2 or 3 lowryders so how will i go about getting light on both of them ? and what nutes do you recomend thanks >.

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
ask away dude..

seaweed feed will do for veg, and just get yourself another bulb there cheap enough, just to get some light on them and a small fan to strenghten the stem or they`ll snap when the wind gets them..

for now tho you should get them going ...
i hear you but im a bit straped for cash :( i already have a fan :) but only one bulf if i buy another ill then have to get a wall fitting and theirs none round her so ill have to order online and that will cost my prob 40£. 2 seeds on 1 not enought tho is it ? thanks man

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
don`t deal with autos dude, but from others grows on here, i wouldn`t be doing them either...

but hey you work with what you got...

and thats not to say autos are crap, i`m sure theres plenty of decent grows just from what i read it doesn`t seem to yeild what i would want...

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member

what are you growing for? just seems a shame to put time effort and space and not expect to maximise the potential and get the most weed possible...

i mean your dedicating alot of time to growing so why not make the most of it...

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
oh and lads...

might be off on my dates i may check when i`m not so stoned in the morning, few red hairs and frosting on the two blackjack, and the shanti are thick and snowy...


Well-Known Member
my dad swears by ladybirds...

means either couple of hours of looking about or think you can buy like a tub of them from suppliers...
Ye Ladybirds are the one. my bro had a prob with them last year so i brought the kids out to newbridge house and made a game out of it to see who could get the most, got loads in about 20 minsand got rid of the mites in about 2 weeks


Well-Known Member
Ordered myself an ozone generator. This smell is getting so out of control it's spreading as far as the front door, big security risk! Maybe I'm doing something wrong but I cannot contain this smell in the tent, and I have no idea how it's getting out.


Well-Known Member
oh ye and i have seeweed organic nuts will they do the job ? and sorry to ask such a noobuy q but whats coco :L sor
Alright Dwarf, welcome...My first grow was a sill grow, ah them were the days. But as 86 said the weather is pretty bad this year, had autos out my back by this time last year but dont think the would survive a night out with this weather. Whats seaweed nutes are they. What area you from, if your around the Dub area theres plenty of places to get good nutes, also what size pots you gonna use and what type of soil are you using, We kinda need to know these things because certin soils have nutrients in them already so for the first 3 or 4 weeks you dont need any nutes at all, other you have to start in the first week.


Well-Known Member
Morning fella's, lowryder2 is a great wee plant the first strain i ever grew and cant recommend it highly enough, it could eat nuts and worked through problems and a great yeild of great smoke dont fear growing it cause its one of the best stable autos there is.

i am thinking for my next grow i want one monster plant under the 2 blackstars so i think i am gonna grow an auto with my monster plant and keep topping my monster on 18/6 light and when its a beast and ready for flower the auto will be done and ill have smoke to keep me going til the monster is complete, good idea? just cant spend forever vegging a plant without smoke!