The Irish Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
Alright Kang, ye i've seen the first season, i have to say very true to life,I lived in Melbourne around the time of the carlton mob and they were ruthless, always in the news, armed robberies and the likes. Controled all the drugs business around st kilda and marley and port melbourne.
Yeah its a good show all real life, the only books ive ever read are the "mark chopper read" books he is some fucking guy lol
youve been all over this degrading planet jingle! that must of been cool over there you could get work being a bad bastard hehe

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
Yeah its a good show all real life, the only books ive ever read are the "mark chopper read" books he is some fucking guy lol
youve been all over this degrading planet jingle! that must of been cool over there you could get work being a bad bastard hehe

CHOPPER... what a dude, great film too..


Well-Known Member
CHOPPER... what a dude, great film too..
Yeah great film but the things he tell in his book are too savage for tv, his first book is a must read and after reading it i bought the rest, he has a documentary made called fatbelly you might want to download, a little more insite from him even tho hes very old now

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
may look into it, even tho he`s old, bet he`s still a mad bastard..

dave.. this might be way out there for you BUT.. might help alot with your plants.

theres an "old wives tale" of feeding drooping plants tea... yes tea.. not with milk and sugar, and not hot...

have tried it on a plant here in the house and it does work, just made a strong mug of tea left the bag in until was cold and fed tea to plant, within a couple of days it was right as rain...

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
it surely is dave, and i know its boreing, but i love the saftey play thays going on, simple snookers but effective even with all the reds on the table...

dave gilmour

Well-Known Member
ill have a think about it 86. i dont suppose salt buildup would affect how well the coco drains. i see some coco growers saying they give their plants a proper flush once a month to wash out any salt that might have built up. im askin because i watered them yesterday and last thing last night i had a peek at them and they were already starting to droop.

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
well kang i`ll be happy to start off with an oz a plant, i think i`ll get close enough to it aswell...

next grow will be scrog or in the shed.. so i can focus on the yeild and not just keeping them healthy and hidden, its been a struggle with this grow, so my purpose was to just grow and to hell with yeild just want stock of some "one joint weed"...

my intention is to do away with smokeing during the day, and that`ll be hard as i like a smoke to pass the day, but i will give it up, and just have a few spliffs with herself in the evenings, so some proper hardcore weed is needed....

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
so i`ve been trying to get the brother into doing a small grow for himself but he hasn`t the balls for it..

until today, he was just in and we had a chat for a minute, he was looking into autos, so ok there, then he came out with the gold hahahaha...

he plans to pop seeds, raise them in the window for a week or two leaveing them outside now and then to build up stem, then...wait for it..

plant them in the gutter.. hahahahahaha.... now i know it could work, but the paranoid brain on this lad.....