The Irish Growers Thread!

dave gilmour

Well-Known Member
Speaking of good food any of you guys ever try wagyu beef? this butchers does it and delivers anywhere in ireland, i shall be giving it a go cause i had a wagyu burger in amserdam and it was really fucking good tasted like melting butter
looks interesting!
are attitude seed bank reliable and are their free seeds typically any good?. theyre giving away dinafem cheese autos if i buy critical jack seeds in the month of june.


Well-Known Member
Speaking of good food any of you guys ever try wagyu beef? this butchers does it and delivers anywhere in ireland, i shall be giving it a go cause i had a wagyu burger in amserdam and it was really fucking good tasted like melting butter
cant believe they sell wagyu mince, doesnt that defeat the point?

looking at their puddings is making me drool mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm


Well-Known Member
Feck! Must have got my milli- and micro-siemens mixed up. Science and stoners, they just don't mix!:bigjoint:
It cant be 250 mate thats just not possible, from what ive read you divide us/cm by 1000 to get the ec which would make it 0.25 ec, are you sure your not thinking of ms/cm?

an us/cm reading of 1000 means an ec of 1.0 ms/cm. a reading of 2000 us/cm is 2.0 ms/cm EC

its all alot of info and reading, iamaaror would know but he must still be unwell the poor bugger


what is early skunk feminised like for growing outdoors getting some in the post soon from sensiseeds seems pretty good just look for advice and tips


Well-Known Member
cant believe they sell wagyu mince, doesnt that defeat the point?

looking at their puddings is making me drool mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
With the wagyu mince you can make your own 1/2 pounder wagyu burger! plaus anything you would make with ordinary mince you could use the wagyu mince only it would be better!

darren your tobacco plants are looking good they look about a week older than mine

DAVE make sure you read up more when i bought my vape from usa i had to buy a power adaptor which cost me 50 quid so make sure the power is the same as ours


Well-Known Member

alright lads, well i finally gave in to the fact that i lost one of the girls to when i was away on hols but have to say the other 2 are starting to look good again. Nice looking colas on both. Sorry about the pics.


ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
finally wrestled the lappy off her, and great news... i`m a grower again, one of the seeds popped, and i have a good feeling for one of the others as it has the tiger stripes on the seed sin as the first one has...

the rest are just brown seeds..........

kids licked the plate... and one won`t eat onions one won`teat carrots and the little one won`t eat peas... mix them with some spuds and gravy, with the finest stea mince... have to say, cleared myown aswell..;)

jelly and ice cream for pudding.... can`t beat the simple things..

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
also, for those that seen last nights american weed....

where can i get and what are the papers they were rolling the cones from, and the joints they have rolled in the ad break slides, the paper looks like grease proof paper for bakeing..


Active Member
wel man, that cal/mag is strong shit. my tap water is 0.2 EC, when i add 2ml cal/mag to 2 litres it brings the Ec to 1.2. i reckon half strength is plenty,try 1ml with 1.5 A+B should give you an ec of 1.6/1.7. i reckon 2.2 is way to high, it might burn the shit out of them. thats just my 2c tho
Ok my lights are off now and ive just made a batch of nutes for the girls when lights come on i will feed them in the sink and allow runoff then back under mh light for 2 hours and back to LED, if i am reading the ec meter right 2ml per liter of cal mag and 1.5ml per liter of a&B gives me an EC of 2.2
and for my seedling with less food the ec is 1.6 hope that sound right i know its a little high but i dont know how to lower it other than add more water but that would mean less strength nutes?


Well-Known Member

Girls look in a bad way but hopefully will pull through with a good drink..

AE, Normally i grow up to the screen and then just spread it out as it grows, however I am thinking of different ways for the future..

I like the sound of that beef... I love food!!

Hope everyone is well..

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
morning jay..

where did you get the screen you had in the last pics you put up? i also had to leave mine for few days when i got back i fed them small and regular for the first day, they came good in no time..


Well-Known Member
The screen is whats left from a small green house i had bought from Woodies, The plastic had gone all manky and ripped so I just used the screen out of it..

Its amazing how quick MJ plants come back after a watering....

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
looks the right job in your pic`s..... the holes look just right like...

by tonight they`ll be much improved alright, may go see if i got any more sprouts...

dave gilmour

Well-Known Member
Did you mean to say UK plug or did you mean US?

Cos the Brits have the exact same plugs as us ;)
its a uk plug so i should be all set with that.
i found a magnifying glass with LEDs around the edge of it so ill see how that works.
there are small bud sites at the bottom and the leaves are a bright green but they have a few trichs, would these be worth keeping for hash or butter?, even if they have clear trichs?