The Irish Growers Thread!

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
rory how tall do you normally let your plants grow, this is a question for everyone and what yeild do you get per foot of plant and what light do you use...

Rory Gallagher

Active Member
no idea bro still learning the game, this is my first time using a 600 hps also i let the girls vegged for around 2 months topping every week, to be honest they were not in the best health when i switch to 12/12 but the last 17 Days they have got really healty lots of pre flower sites everywhere now and a nice smell comming from the tent.

heres a picture from week 1


ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
your recent pics look like you have your set up sorted rory, and your growing technique is spot on so you`ll yeild well with those, what you hopeing for?

Rory Gallagher

Active Member
i have only 3 plants under a 600 im hopping for 3-4 zips per plants would pefer if i had 4 plants

i read some where before that if you have propper indoor setup the plants will do the rest

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
i would tend to agree with that statement you read, its like doing any job, easy if you have the right tools..

if i could yeild 3 to 4 oz a plant i`d be happy... and it would make growing economical

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
just flushed with litre of clean water, still getting pistils on some tops but its the trichs i`m watching, haven`t scoped them today as there were few amber yesterday and i`ll let these get to about 20/30% amber before chop....

say a week should do it...


Active Member
just found the best shit for masking the smell of weed by accedent.. last night the baby had a v bad blocked nose, we had no baby vix so shithead went looking and found some Olbas Oil, u know that shit you could smell in the raves years ago,,well anyways, we put 2-3 drops on her pillow and went back down stairs, 10 min later the whole house smelled of this...i have tryed them ona blocks and incense in the past with crappy results..this olbas oil is amazing, were putting a bit of tissue with a few drops on it and leaving it in the hallway, so when sumone knocks in they will only smell that,,dont go mad on it as its very strong but well worth trying.. i will back this 100%,
Just thought ide share this

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
poor little thing, i hate when there ill... hope she getting better... and that poor man of yours getting called shit head all the time, hahahahaaha....

olbias oil, yeah remember that from the raves, rush`s off it....

or some cunt picking you up from behind and squeezeing the life out of you, oh them were the days.... glad there over to be honest way too hectic...

hows your girls comeing along, mine are dieing off big time in the middles, all leaves going bright yellow