tell me paydirt, how is your soil so good? got any evidence pics?
Eh, sorry... haven't got any comparative grow pics. I did dump some used soil on a grass verge opposite my house which has resulted in a huge batch of wild plants (even horse radish) with nothing growing either side. But I'd rather not post pics of my own road.
However, I can discuss why my soil (or any properly engineered soil) produces such good results:
Here's a post I put up on answering the same qestion (saves me typing it out again):
No need for the email. I can answer that right here.
I don't use any "secret ingredients" per say, it's more a question of how the soil is processed.
I use three basic steps:
No mystery here I use a mixture of moss peat and regular soil, just milled for a uniform paticulate size.
Can't go into too much detail here (trade secret), but I use a predigested inert organic nutrient mix that doesn't cause nutrient burn. When processed properly, the major constituent of the nutrient mix also provides a miroscopic architecture for bacterial growth, which is the next step.
Once the substrate has been properly processed and added to the soil mix I add a rhizobacteria culture which adsorbs to the bulk substrate material. Then I just brew the soil (under the right conditions: a warm photorestricted anaerobic environment) which promotes the growth of the rhizobacteria.
There you go... just one simple step followed by two tediously labour intensive and convoluted steps taking approximately two weeks.
No "secret ingredients".
This isn't new technology, but it seems few are aware of these processes.
For example, I've noticed on this and other weed-growing forums (lurked around for a few days before making this appeal) that no one seems to know anything about soil. Lots of discussion of the merits of various lighting protocols and nutrient mixes, but very little talk of soil engineering.
The evidence of this is the recurring problem of "nutrient burn". A problem that is very solvable.
True, excessive soluble chemical nutrients will always eventually cause nutrient burn, especially when growing a fast-maturing plant sensitive to such factors. But a proper pre-digested organic nutrient substrate added to the soil allows for optimum plant metabolism (rapid growth) without the need to resort to harsh soluble chemical nutrients.
This means plants grown in an engineered soil simply have access to more nutrients, whereas in a nutrient poor soil these chemicals have to be added, and the addition of such artificial nutrients adversely alters the soil chemistry.
That's why I want a comparative grow with identical protocols for my little experiment.
The level of excess nutrients required to cause nutrient burn in conjunction with my soil recipe will probably kill the batch of plants grown in regular soil alongside them (my soil has higher surface adsorption on the microscopic level).

Yea man, how top notch is your soil?
Are you a member of an An
Garda Síochána?
No, I'm not a garda.
No, I'm not running a sting for the gardai. No, I'm not a "narc".
Listen guys, I understand the suspicion but if you read my original appeal carefully you'll see that I've taken every precaution to ensure both my own anonimity and that of any volunteers.
How anyone could suspect that I'm a garda when I'm merely offering to drop off some small soil samples somewhere near another anoymous person who will collect them anonymously, is beyond me. A garda would only need trace the isp numbers of those posting on this site.
Furthermore, against my advice, some of those interested have already forwarded me both their real names and street addresses (I only ask for rough locations/towns). They haven't had their doors doors kicked down.
Likewise others think I'm some sort of hustler/charlatan... despite the fact that I'm not asking anyone for any money. In fact I'll be about a grand down on this little experiment not including my deliver costs (and the two weeks it'll take me to brew a batch of soil).
If either of you guys are seriously interested, then please take the time to read my original thread:
...or contact me directly:
paydirt at hush mail dot com