The Irish Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member Beautiful song to remind us we are not free :( I was reading the write up about the grow in Rathcormac and the gardai stated "The grow was very sophisticated" haha no matter what kinda grow they find it always seem to be very sophisticated or maybe our gardai are just dumb-asses who dont have a clue how to grow a blade of grass. Also Gardaí said "special lamps were being used to help grow the plants, which were being cultivated hydroponically involving special baths of water." Haha just click on the link and you will see the same picture as me about 25 plants in soil again adding to the fact they dont have a clue wot the fuck they are on about and would rather just make wot they are doing sound better by using big words which they dont even know the meaning to. RANT OVER :) which the smilieys toolbar would work for me :(


Active Member
swamp loggers back tonight.... love it, yer man bobby goodson is gas...

and for those that watch ax men on history, poor jimmy passed away may he rest in peace... hope s&s are back in the next series..
poor jimmy the tickest man i ever seen he def should of been smokin weed.what happened him 86?

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
there pr might be a bit off but you`d be a fool to think the gardai are not wise to growing, as pad i think said a page back,its soooooo prevalant about the place now, even this thread has had alot of new members lately, and i`m not knocking anyone the more the merrier..

just do it safe, tell no one and for the love of god don`t grow 25 plants.... that commercial territory and if you stay small and personal they`ll leave you alone....

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
poor jimmy the tickest man i ever seen he def should of been smokin weed.what happened him 86?

i know, and i tought my dad had a short fuse hahahahahaha....

ah serious tho, he had heart attack i think it was marley, god be good too him, he made the show for me, well him and shelby... "turtle soup tonight..."


Well-Known Member
ax men was a good show, i just watched 6 seasons of red dwarf this last two days that i downloaded lol the site still isent working right and cant upload pics even in add attachments doesent work but maybe its just a problem with the tor network, the rocklock plant is doing well and flowering, the coco girl is just slow and poor doesent matter what ph or ec its just not working for me so i am done with coco. Bubbles i have enough room for 2-3 plants and a 250watt hps will only cover 1 plant properly so i want a 400w hps so i can have it higher and still be enough light for 2-3 plants rather than just 1

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
ax men was a good show, i just watched 6 seasons of red dwarf this last two days that i downloaded lol the site still isent working right and cant upload pics even in add attachments doesent work but maybe its just a problem with the tor network, the rocklock plant is doing well and flowering, the coco girl is just slow and poor doesent matter what ph or ec its just not working for me so i am done with coco

love the dwarf, the cat is hilarious... you likeing the new ones kang? and unlike some things renewed they stayed fairly true to the old ones with the dwarf.....

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
shelbys the man the cunts made of ya watch swamp people?hardy people aswell.

yeah and he wears the wifes knickers hahahahahaha.... mad cunt tho, see his "car" bahahahahahaha.... or pissed willie hahaha i could go on about him all day he`s so mental...


Well-Known Member
yeah i like the new ones alot man i wish they made more rather than just 6 episodes but what can ya do, rimmer is gas always being a smeg head


Well-Known Member
i was on again and sent a question to them asking why the 99 euro 400watt system is 130 when you go to buy it, but its been a week and nobody has got back to me, i am wondering if they even check the website at all and if theres any point ordering anything

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
no marley just let them alone for a day or two and they`ll recover fine, i gave mine two feeds this morning, they seem to be handleing it well, that and i think the biobizz bio-bloom is shit....

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
kang, i watched that series 5 of underbelly you sorted for me, and you were right, it was cracking.... pity they made only 8 of them tho..


Well-Known Member
i was on again and sent a question to them asking why the 99 euro 400watt system is 130 when you go to buy it, but its been a week and nobody has got back to me, i am wondering if they even check the website at all and if theres any point ordering anything
Don't order from them, here's a 600w ballast, reflector and dual spec bulb for 130 delivered to your door. I always use these guys now.


Well-Known Member
I would like to try digital ballast this time as ive hear its better growth just kill the bulb quicker which i am fine with, ive heard you shouldent put a 400watt bulb in a 600 watt ballast and i only want 400watts, i might ring them but i dont wanna sit spelling my name and address on the phone id rather buy online but i might ring and ask. Ae yeah pity only 8 episodes but fuck it was well worth a watch

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
ah man it was a cracking series, i`ve googled the whole story since watching it as i did with the morans in series one, have the bazommers for later and looking forward to it...;)

wonder if that underbelly will ever be done about chopper... i can only hope....

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
i still am amazed how i manage without measureing anything apart from amount of water, and thats only near the end...hahahahaha.. ah no its why i like the soil so much, its just so forgiveing..