The Irish Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
No handbags here Kang. Just giving my opinion
based on my experience. I don't like bullshit and will
call it when I see it.

I'm curious as to when you pulled 3oz from 12/12
what kind of light did you use

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
600w from start to finish.... go back in the thread you`ll see the pic`s, as to calling bullshit, well i have never claimed to be an expert and will be the first to admit i`m hardly ortodox either.... but to say its bullshit!! its opinion and experience with a touch of guess work....;)

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
edit......... it seems i didn`t keep a record here just an average and it was 56g per plant but even still thats close and at 12/12 too... lemmon haze aswell incase you were wondering...


Well-Known Member
Least my third timer works...!!

advice and info on here is free and forthcoming, you're big enough and old enough to take it or leave it..


Active Member
exhaust won`t work to the gullies marley better off tieing into the house chimney its the only real way to "trick" flir, it might be able to even pick up the room in the house that has the grow ( and they can) but if it hasn`t got a seperate heat sig they leave it alone...

as for condensation damp proof alone won`t work, plant transpiration and heat will cause major headaches, so you`ll have to vent at least three times the air in the trailer all day ever day..
what?....... cellar, gullie`s? did i say it wouldn`t work? as for condensation that can be got around marley theres some fellas growing in sealed rooms with co2 and all that jazz, so if you have a cellar go for it, i would ... sorry if i mislead you dude honestly can`t remeber it tho...

once your exhaust fan can push the air theres no reason to not try at least... and come on with the pic`s ;) if it works out you`ll have half the thread digging out there kitchens to fit false floors hahahahahahaha....
Jesus lads. There is alot of mis-information
on this site. Even on this thread. If you
are going to offer advice, at least know
what you are talking about
hahaha good man roobarb....said id trow a spanner in the


Well-Known Member
edit......... it seems i didn`t keep a record here just an average and it was 56g per plant but even still thats close and at 12/12 too... lemmon haze aswell incase you were wondering...

So what you're saying is that it was six oz from 3 plants
Not 9 oz. Yeah that's pretty close alright

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
no that it was an average of 56g per plant, and there were more than three just thats all i took the weight of so could not comment on the rest, thats neither here nor there for now, wheres this mis information?? i always say that its my guess or i think.... never have i said anything i posted was fact ????

thats my lot for now you can either take it or leave it from here in..


Well-Known Member
Also, if ae was ever to give the wrong info, (without meaning too) it wouldn't be to fuck with your grow, or to try and lead you astray or anything like that. His heart is in the right place and means he well :)


Well-Known Member
what you are talking about
Most I could pull was an
ounce. But it was the continuous deficiency probs.

fairness due, bar this thread rollitup is pretty much the worst grow site

His heart is in the right place and means he well :)
dont be fooled billy , me granny always said never trust a guy whos avatar pic is of a guy with a beard, cant be trusted, cant say shes been wrong on that.


Well-Known Member
No handbags here Kang. Just giving my opinion
based on my experience. I don't like bullshit and will
call it when I see it.

I'm curious as to when you pulled 3oz from 12/12
what kind of light did you use
I my self did a run of 4 AK48's and 1 BLZ Bud and yielded almost 4oz fro 12/12, there are even forums on this site about growing from 12/12. your plants will still veg for a few weeks before flowering thats just in the genetics of the plant, mine got upwards to 3feet doing a sog grow under 400w MH and once they started blooming i switched to HPS at 400w.

yeah man nobody calls anybody out on this site they might let you know another route to take but for the most part its a friendly social thread with folks who love to grow and talk about it, show pics, and help each other out. I have nothing against you it was just the first time I had ever seen anyone post a negative vague comment towards the entire thread and what works for one may not work for another ie using soil why some use hydro, some strains flower longer, some strains like little nutes and some will eat the ass out of nutes and some like high ph while other strains like low ph. We are dealing with a complicated plant that has been, in most cases, crossed a lot. All good luck to you and your growing as well as everyone on this thread. It has been the friendliest thread I have ever been apart of and that is why I come back again and again and AE is great guy as for everyone else like kang and marley, etc.

So just enjoy, join on conversations, give your opinions in a constructive positive matter, and feel free to ask questions my friend!


Well-Known Member
Well said md

enough with the trash talking of the site/thread and members, theres plenty of other sites if you think this one is so bad nobody is making you come here, its more friends here talking to each other nobody has claimed to be anything other than like minded people who will give there 2 cents if asked for it


Active Member
86 keeps this thread goin,hope he didn take offence ta me stickin them quotes up,everyone has an opinion thats all it is,what ya take from peoples opinions is up ta yourself.personally i just flick trough the grow guides and the forums and if sometin makes sence ill try it.i have ta say anything i know about growin i learnt from the internet this threads been a help aswell its good hearin opinions from people that have the same hobby as the fruit auto is a fine lookin plant now...ill post pics in a few days need ta get a decent camera:-P:-P


Well-Known Member
an oldy but a goody:

[video=youtube;JM8RG0Qq__w] DA33&feature=results_main[/video]


Well-Known Member

digging this..
Man I love portishead, sounds so good when you have a good mj buzz, nice modern jazzy sounding music and the singer is amazing! I use to hang out at a pub that played them all the time but they went out of business(:


Well-Known Member
just to get everyone in the right mood I'm gonna post this video again, seattle irish hip hop artist macklemore (his real last name is haggerty):


the co-op grow of TGA Subcool strain Chernobyl:

chernobyl 2.jpgchernobyl 1.jpgchernobyl.jpg

nothing like a group co-op grow!