The Irish Growers Thread!

Nah, they're kinda old gen (though plenty of people are on them still), more like sertraline, so many people are on that guy.

lol, don't all hail me yet man, I'm terrible for concistency on this site. Good to see the Irish site so active though.

I tried to post a few days ago, but it just wouldn't let me load it, freaked me out, I'm really proud of the Irish and UK threads!

Right guys, gonna go play some Black Ops Zombies, peace!
benzos been around a long time, and you are right you would be supirsed at the ''type'' and also the amount of people who are addicted to them still, but alot still of the said people are prescribed them and its so much easier to become hooked on a drug when its legal and the doc says so, but benzos are highly addictive and its a physical addiction i.e your body ends up needing them not just the mind.

how does it work there also i take it theres no nhs? is all treatment paid for?
Benzo's are still prescribed but we are up to 3rd and 4th gen chems now. A lot of them were created for one thing and then get used to treat other things. Its pretty hit and miss. And not a scrap of proof that long term use results in anything other than a higher dose.
There is no real limit to what is prescribed. Once the forms are stamped, one bank account is lighter and another heavier.
Right....rant over.
Nah, they're kinda old gen (though plenty of people are on them still), more like sertraline, so many people are on that guy.

lol, don't all hail me yet man, I'm terrible for concistency on this site. Good to see the Irish site so active though.

I tried to post a few days ago, but it just wouldn't let me load it, freaked me out, I'm really proud of the Irish and UK threads!

Right guys, gonna go play some Black Ops Zombies, peace!
Yep....Zanex is everywhere here.
Wow they finally revamped the site. It looks good!

except what happened to all the reps? And it says I have only 69 likes. They didn't migrate all the data.
Benzo's are still prescribed but we are up to 3rd and 4th gen chems now. A lot of them were created for one thing and then get used to treat other things. Its pretty hit and miss. And not a scrap of proof that long term use results in anything other than a higher dose.
There is no real limit to what is prescribed. Once the forms are stamped, one bank account is lighter and another heavier.
Right....rant over.

benzo's still get prescribed in england its just a rarity tho for the docs to be that free with em cause they are so addictive, i think they still have there use's in mental health etc and they kill alot less people than barbiturates did but, still a very dangerous drug to mess with tho ive seen people addicted to benzo's and it aint pretty.
Morning guys.
How's everyone finding the new look RIU
Hey dude. I think its nice and clean looking. But its still prob just in beta so I expect they will be adding add banners etc to the mix. I think they would be better off working on functionality rather than looks though. Happy so far.
benzo's still get prescribed in england its just a rarity tho for the docs to be that free with em cause they are so addictive, i think they still have there use's in mental health etc and they kill alot less people than barbiturates did but, still a very dangerous drug to mess with tho ive seen people addicted to benzo's and it aint pretty.
It's kinda the same here, in theory. But the system is open to being manipulated and its hard to place all the blame on the local GP. My problem isnt with the drug so much as the system. Most psych drugs are designed for short term use. The idea being to get the person on an even keel so they can sort themselves out. But what happens is that the drug becomes the cure. And thats it. No follow up, no recovery.....just take the pills and you will be grand. And life just doesnt work that way.
Ok....I defo gonna stop the rant now.