The Irish Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
here we have for sale
1x 600w bulb
1x 600w compact ballast
1x euro reflector
1x 5" tt inline fan
1x 5" carbon filter "" smell stopper""
1x 3m 5" ducting
3x clips


Its well worth the money, sure the light alone would set u back that


Well-Known Member
Good deal that....

It's worth remembering though when buying a ballast, especially higher wattage like the 600's that digital / electronic ballasts use up to 30% less electric and makes your bulbs burn brighter..

Might just save a few quid in the long run....
High all Irish folk another true blue here Dub that is, 2 posts above, digital ballasts do not use 30% less electricity i wish they did more like 3%,well only a noob on here been at different forum for a few years ,just getting used to this site i like the whole site and this Irish thread is cool as at other forum was lots of loyalist types throwing about republican and fenian insults clikety click,well nuff said for now,off to read more of this thread,,stay high,,SOShiva:mrgreen:images.jpg


Well-Known Member
i hate sites like that i am a prostant but dont give a fuck about relgion all that shit we all the same at end of the day
Cool i cudnt give a fiddlers if your blue purple yellow, german,asian,english,etc etc,but theres some right idiots about,
peace n onelove,,SOShiva



Im Very close to the Irish Border but still in the north, got caught a few years back with 40-50 plants in my house the PSNI woke me up lol was hammer'd on some seriously strong White Russian that I had left from 6 weeks before, so as you could imagine it also tasted amazing cured for that long.

Anyway I got 6months in a YOC as I was under 21, It was the time it was class C also.
Got charged with, Cultivating, possession and intent to supply.
I tried for personal use but having a few different sets of scales ruined that I guess, they were presents from friends and family tbh lol, It really was for personal use.

You think in the south I would have got away with no jail sentence? anyone have smiler experience in the south of Ireland?

Im asking because my current grow Is going ape shit, the plants are fine just the person who owns the house is... lets just say giving out bad vibes and I know its not going to last so I will be moving.

Sorry for the hazy info as I don't want to be specific in my case, you all know why.

Peace out


Well-Known Member
Pretty sure the last Zensation plant I have hermied...NEVER EVER EVER EVER buy Ministry of Cannabis seeds...outta 5 fems I got 3 males and 1 herm.


Well-Known Member
Pretty sure the last Zensation plant I have hermied...NEVER EVER EVER EVER buy Ministry of Cannabis seeds...outta 5 fems I got 3 males and 1 herm.
The 3 males are just bad luck really, but the Hermie could of been caused by the temps you've had to deal with.
I'd say that because the plant has been in flower for so long that it's trying to pollenate itself now, but I'm not sure .

Never mind buddy, least the warmer weather is on the way for the next grow..


Well-Known Member
But all the other plants are doing REALLY well, I put up new pics in my journal, you can just about see the frost starting to form...cant wait for them to swell up, they're gonna be nice sized buds.


Active Member
hows it going guys
long time no spek from me, internet packed up on me. anyway plants are all doing really well and ill have picks up later, jingle have a go at the blue cheese if you can get them. nice to see so many new faces aswell on here. the serious seeds white berry is fantastic! its easily double the size of all the other plants and is a very vigourous grower, all four plants showed there sex after three weeks in veg so must be doing something right, the magus genetics mix are doing great also, they are all between 4-5 weeks old now. pics later. i hope all your plants are coming along just aswell.
think the guards are doing well with raids cos of all the bleeding snitches, they are everywhere. no doubt they are reading this thread aswell.
talk later


Active Member
ok lotus ill be honest, you need to get some perlite or vermiculite into that soil, it looks like it could hold a lot of moisture and its not really going to get drained off because the temps in your grow box will not be that great, the others may disagree but i would not have that fan on all the time, if your temps are lowish that will just suck all the heat out. put it on for 20 mins an hour if i were you for one plant. DO NOT WATER again until that pot is light as a feather, i read these plants like to go wet then very dry and this is true, i let all the water go out of my plants now and ill have pics up later to show you how there coming along.
the plant itself though looks very nice indeed, in a couple of weeks it will be a nice little grower. the box and lighting you have is identical to the one i have for the smaller plants, then under the ufo/mh/hps. the grow i am doing now i have done a lot of messing with it regarding how much perlite the plants like and how much water/nutes agrees with them. you dont learn anything new unless you fuck up a few times!
good luck with it and im sure in a while youll have a belter.