The Irish Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
another video from the mexico video





Well-Known Member
:blsmoke:Heres some pics of my g13 haze grown in the deep south! overfed her a couple of weeks ago but shes over it now!
she was vegged for 2 months, lst'd and has been 12/12 for almost 8 weeks.I think theres another 5-6 weeks left i her.what do ye think?
Its in a 20l air pot and iv been feeding advanced nutrients 2 part with big bud b52 and overdrive!
Any advice would be welcome as this is only my second attempt!


ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
Thanks for the info lads, i`ll go with the hps so, have white emulsion and should have a nice sized wardrobe tomorrow. Soon as theres something tangable i`ll post some pic`s. I`m thinking of haveing a 4inch extracor fan and 2 small fans on the canopy that should do me would you think? anything else you think i might need, it may take me a little while to get a full setup but for now any other essentials you thing i might need?


Well-Known Member
hey ae 86! Im not 2 sure to tell you the truth but id say she'l be well over 5 oz anyway.its so dense with still a long way to keep the thread posted untill shes chopped anyway! peace


hows it goin lads have just read threw most of this thread over the past few hours and i have alot to learn.. im irish myself in the midlands and im just getting ready to attempt my 1st grow.. im waiting on some barney pinnapple chunk fem seeds and using a homemade grow box , 400w hps and 2 oxy pots am i missing anyting befor i start??? and when my seeds come if someone could point me in the right direction about getting them to split sprout thatd be great as im still not to sure about that as much as iv read..!!

sorry for been such a noob all help really really apprieciated..!!


Well-Known Member
Welcome aboard man,what kinda medium you gonna use in the net pot in the top of the Oxypots? You read up on hydro and all that? Got a pH pen,etc? Need to know all these before we can even tell you what way would be best for you to germ!But we will help you as much as we can! :)


hi harrekin thanks for the welcome.. yes iv been doin about 3 months of basically studying different types of setups and decided on a hydroponic setup.. well i was thinking of going with clay pellets and mixing in coco coir as i was told this is a very good starting platform from a friend but iv lost contact with him now and im stuck.. the seeds i bought are feminized seeds so can you tell me how would you start them off as if you could point me in the right direction thatl be brilliant.. i dont have my ph tester yet but its on the way (ebay) lol.. as for nutrients il pick them up in a grow shop.. thanks and sorry for all the questions just really getting into this and want to learn as much as possible.. thanks again



Well-Known Member
Basically I was gonna go hydro but decided changing 100 litres of res water a week would just be too much so I have done my research on it too. If I was you I'd start with the small rockwool cubes,soak them in pH 5 water for 24 hours (this adjusts their starting pH). At this point you can literally put the seed into it,but most like to germinate the seeds first.

To germinate simply drop them into a glass of water in the dark until you see a tiny white root emerging about 2-4mm from the seed. Just put it in the rockwool cube with the root pointing down (saves the seed hassle trying to correct itself). I'd put them in a small propagator in their cubes until they sprout and grow some decent roots. If the cube seems light and dry at any stage,water it by literally dipping the corner into some water.

Once you have a seedling with 1 or 2 decent (maybe sticking an inch or two from the cube?) roots I'd take your net pots,fill the bottom with clay pebbles,pop the cube into the middle then fill the pebbles all around the cube then whack it into the Oxypot!

Think that's enough to get you started,don't wanna try cram too much in,lol!


no thats a great bit of advice exactly what i was after thanks alot man you no your stuff.. delighted now i came across this irish section would have never have even known 1 existed..!! have you used hydro before id love to hear your experience with the setup??


Well-Known Member
I never went for it,but it's basically the same as soil growing technique like,it's just how you feed and water is different.

With the Oxypot,from what I know you'll just need to add water,nutes,then pH the solution and then just plug her in!


yea thats the result im hoping for once i get the ph tester and gear setup properly.. iv a choice of going for a 400w hps or a 600w hps at the min but have to decide today before its shipped out.. like i only plan on growing up to say 6 plants at a time in different stages , which do you think would be best from your experience for the adult plants?? im after getting myself confused now as iv been reading some people use hps or mh lights for the full life cycle and others using tubes in veg and then switching to hps what technique did you find best and thanks again for helping me out


Well-Known Member
I did a 400w HPS run before this one and I'd say its footprint is perfect lined up dead centre over 4 topped plants,600w I'd do 6 topped (did 5 this run,could've got a sixth in!).

The 600w gives you DOUBLE the light of the 400w for only a 50% more power,is way more efficient than a 400w and overall just gives you MUCH bigger buds cos it's much more intense.

If you can properly deal with the heat from a 400 then the 600 wouldn't be much of a step up,I'd say the 600 would probably be enough for you to not want to upgrade anymore unless you're going BIG too.

My opinion is I wish I'd bought a 600 in the start,I'd have grown (excuse my language,it's necessary to convey in words!)a fucking SHIT-LOAD more bud by now.


Well-Known Member
If you look at my harvest post (I think post 91), that's what 25mins a day work in a small tent with a 600w and 5 plants can get you. Each of the buds in the tent is AT LEAST the size of the bud in the pic beside it,and anything smaller than a lighter went into a brown paper shopping bag...which is half full with buds. I'm not gonna need any smoke for quite a throwing away money with dealers :)

And I'm not even that "good" a grower,journeyman at best.

Separately tho,just tried my first sample of quick dried AK48...tiny bud in a joint...head is soaring,it's awesome! Can't wait to try t slow dried and cured...

EDIT: The grow above was started with a 400w,up until week 2 flower,hence the title.


If you look at my harvest post (I think post 91), that's what 25mins a day work in a small tent with a 600w and 5 plants can get you. Each of the buds in the tent is AT LEAST the size of the bud in the pic beside it,and anything smaller than a lighter went into a brown paper shopping bag...which is half full with buds. I'm not gonna need any smoke for quite a throwing away money with dealers :)

And I'm not even that "good" a grower,journeyman at best.

Separately tho,just tried my first sample of quick dried AK48...tiny bud in a joint...head is soaring,it's awesome! Can't wait to try t slow dried and cured...

EDIT: The grow above was started with a 400w,up until week 2 flower,hence the title.
sound 600w is after been ordered just there cant wait to get cracking now and thanks again for all the advice and like you said cutting dealers out is my main goal sick of paying out loads for most of the time dirt.. im after been looking for your harvest there dude but either its right in front of me and i cant see it or im still just not used to the site.. its it post 91 or page 91?? or got a link really intrigued to see it..

i never smoked ak48 ( pure jealous now sitting here grrr lol ) what kind of yield did you get from the 5 plants??
when i get the pinnapple chunk on the go we,ll have to have an owl clone swap haha...

and like you were saying about controlling the heat for a 600w iv a nice little corner in the attic beside a vent and i was looking at cheap extractor fans there on ebay for 45 odd quid so think il get 1 of those pay day..


Active Member
harrekin did you find the grow went quicker witht he 600w? im still using the 400w at the minute as they have only just gone into flower. ill bang the 600w in a week or 2. i let the plants veg a lot longer this time as i got the dr100 so a good height difference. getting worried though as the are already between 3-4 foot. hope they dont triple in size or im stuffed!lol!
hope everyones grows are coming along well. dont be on much these days.

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
cheers ae86 grower.. i was reading your post when i was looking threw this thread.. hows your setup going??
going grand dave thanks for asking, i`ve just got some cfl`s on mine, i was looking into the ikea wardrode grow box but had to tax the car today so tut tut it may wait for the next one i`d say...

Have another 6 bagseed outside growing, when the crop is ready inside i might swap in the bagseed plants before starting the nirvana seeds..... i can do that yeah?

i`ve ordered the mazzar and great white shark for the next grow, going to get some other strains aswell any recomendations? Friend reckons to go with the afgan kush, and white widow?


going grand dave thanks for asking, i`ve just got some cfl`s on mine, i was looking into the ikea wardrode grow box but had to tax the car today so tut tut it may wait for the next one i`d say...

Have another 6 bagseed outside growing, when the crop is ready inside i might swap in the bagseed plants before starting the nirvana seeds..... i can do that yeah?

i`ve ordered the mazzar and great white shark for the next grow, going to get some other strains aswell any recomendations? Friend reckons to go with the afgan kush, and white widow?
no bother man hope all is goin well.. to be honest im only after getting into the grown recently ( well since moving out the parents house lol ) so im not to sure about the outdoor side of things yet so cant help you there sorry..

but i can tell you about white widow and afgan kush from the smoking side of things no problem haha.. a few of my mates who used to be into grown used to swear by all the barneys seeds have you had a look at there site?? id love to get a few tangerine dream and lsd fem seeds but dont think i have the experience for those yet as they say moderate to hard to grow and from what iv read on this site so far they sound like a disaster but 25thc levels sound so so tempting ha..

what kind of cfl set up do you have?? and how many plants at what stages??
