The Irish Growers Thread!


Active Member
seedlings come in every eve smokey, and if its going to be wild out i`ll leave them indoors, clones are starting to look like there growing, there standing upright now not all soft looking.....

comeing out of the domes tomorrow, so hopefully they live....

oh and seedlings are going in the ground in two weeks whatever the weather, barr frost like..

nft.. never got to read up on it yet, be honest smokey i forgot, how do you find it? i think i love soil cause you can get away with murder in it...
i kinda like it 86 but true you dont get away with very much as no soil to buffer the solution, time wil tel i suppose.

Hows daves girls gettin on,any pics for us?

dave gilmour

Well-Known Member
lookin good smokey!, i planted five seeds into peat pots last thursday. one of them isnt growin, ill just leave it there anyway if it grows it grows. when did you plant yours? youre a brave man to go straight into hydroponics but they seem to be doin just fine.

Rory Gallagher

Active Member
Ok so i just won a shit load of seeds & i want to pass some of them on to my fellow growers

so all you have to do is put a picture of Enda Kenny beside your girls the funniest 1 will be picked next week


some of the genetics


This competiton is for irish growers only best of luck


Well-Known Member
I will win this competition, I'll get a pic printed out tomorrow! Then grow out some alien genetics and pass it out to all the other irish growers here, ahhh the circle of life is beautiful.


Well-Known Member
dont call me a plank ok was jsu askin are u from ireland that ok with u u plank
I need to ask you a couple of things before i can take you serious, are you over 18? is this the first time you have been on the internet? and are you really from ireland the reason i ask is most people can spell here in ireland and we make new friends easily not by showing up out of the blue asking personal questions like a 12 year old, am sorry if am wrong but you have done little to prove otherwise.

Nice seeds rory good job. hope you get them ok and i may have to check out some of them strains mate


Well-Known Member
np budman welcome, what set up do you have and how many are you growing, i only grow one for personal use no crime no victims but still somehow a crime


Well-Known Member
I also only grow for myself, it's medicinal for my arthritis, so leave me alone police watching this thread, ok?