The Irish Growers Thread!

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member

to be fair to them, the copper shouldn`t have tryed to box in the horse like that, he could have hurt the poor thing, even tho they have shoes on they can still slip on tarmac and especally the shit with the old tyres in it on major roads these days..

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
opened the seed packet you sent me rory, and this is what i found........

no doubt you sent good seeds, my thinking is either squashed in the post..... or they rolled the envelope to squish them and then sent the letter on!!!!




Well-Known Member
Oh shit that doesn't look good, if theres no whole ones that arent crushed into dust they are a goner am afraid


Well-Known Member
get you now..

ah nearly over the last hurdle now anyways...;)
not quite, i have to still get the drying/curing process right, i have dryed/cured 3 harvests and all 3 never turned out right but i think i know what my problem is. so hopefully this go now it should be right and if its not im going to have 7 harvests by the end of the year to practise with.

thats fair bad about them seeds


Well-Known Member
and talking of seeds i tryed ordering blue mystic of irishseedbank and they cancled my order due possibility of fraud. The delivery addy was diff to the card name, (my name for the addy and gf's card) so i going back to nirvana. Never have had a problem with anyother website with the diff names

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
thats the way they came out of the wrapper lads, no whole seeds just dust..

how do you mean get it right smiffy, how wrong can you go burping jars..hahahahaha..

seriously tho, what was the thing that went wrong? not hung long enough? jared for long enough? what else is there to drying?


Well-Known Member
well i read a week, but then other people say they're dryed enough when you bend the stem and it snaps and the bud is slightly crispy on the out side


Well-Known Member
i dont know man im in the same boat as you, we need some of the more experienced growers to chim in,

like the commercial growers i cant see them curing it and i wouldnt mind that weed smells and tastes nice, how do they go about it.?

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
yeah then they go and spray that good weed and turn it to crap...

but yeah i agree i have had commercial grown with no spray, and its good stuff, taste and smell wise...


Well-Known Member
i dont know man im in the same boat as you, we need some of the more experienced growers to chim in,

like the commercial growers i cant see them curing it and i wouldnt mind that weed smells and tastes nice, how do they go about it.?
They have the benefit of having a shitload and a shitload of time.

They can be piled up and bricked/fermented for their cure too.


Well-Known Member
yeah what exactly do they spray it with.? iv heard that said a few times on here. and can you notice that its sprayed.?

so Harrekin gives us a quick run through of your drying/curing process. That is if you dont mind.


Well-Known Member
yeah what exactly do they spray it with.? iv heard that said a few times on here. and can you notice that its sprayed.?

so Harrekin gives us a quick run through of your drying/curing process. That is if you dont mind.
Alot of the time the spray is glucose water which makes the ash hard and stay solid on the joint. It's pretty harmless, silica crystals are the dangerous ones, it's that stuff you get in the little paper bags in new shoe boxes, it's bad shit from what Iv heard.

My drying and curing is pretty simple, I hang the branches in one of the tents for about 2 weeks, snip the stems off and then into a jar. Usually once it's in the jar it's smokable, so opening it to retrieve my "daily needs" burps it. I'll know it's cured from the taste and smell, it starts off very neutral and after 2 ish weeks in the jar it's got a banging smell.


Well-Known Member
Never noticed if i had hard ash or anything - no worries now anyway, cut out the dealers all together

and would you have a fan blowing to move air around or anything.? and what sort of temp would you dry at standerd room temp


Well-Known Member
Is any one else having trouble loading pic.

Was it Ror who said we sbould look for a back up site, this place is getting on my tits