The Irish Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
I cant go anywhere for at least 3 years because of debt but at least ive got my own place, and to tell you the truth them bastards deserve to have me on the dole rather than forceing me out of the country when they royally fuck things up.

Just popped a flash cobra auto seed into the coco and put under a cfl, wet the coco with small amount of the a&b in water ph'd to 5.8 it was a case of 1 drop of ph down and two drops of ph up lol got there in the end lol that essentials digital ph meter is a good job

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
i`ve just finished paying off my debts.........

with the exeption of a few grand and i`m clear..

i bought a shitty broken down ex council house and did her up.. lucky i can do the work and it kept me busy, but saved from negative what ya call it...

it`ll be mine in a year or so, very small morgage, so kang i was where you are now, but a few years ago, so theres light at the end of the tunnel dude, wanted to go to canada since before i met herself, sure then kids came and that put paid to that plan...


Well-Known Member
Thus is life my friend, ive no kids tho and no girlfriend either, no good women around here who dont think weed is the d-e-v-i-l

Hints of strawberry in the shanti sounds good ae!

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
chin up tho dude, thats the thing with life... today your down, tomorrow your not...

i`ve had it good cars, things, etc but alas they don`t last..

have my little house in the country, and my little family.. i`m blessed, and comeing from where i`m from it was always my dream to live in the country, maybe i didn`t get the pool i always wanted but hey, it worked out.;)


Well-Known Member
Yeah i dont care man i am not bothered about getting married anytime soon, i am in the same boat as yourself i got myself a nice little place in the country and i love just sitting outside smoking a joint looking afar over hills and fields, its where my heart is


Well-Known Member
I love the timelapses they do of plants growing over a year in the space of a minute or two, sometimes I forget they are living breathing things.


Well-Known Member
Also the plant is due to be chopped down next friday, going to flush her tomorrow and give her a week long flush. I've also got some fucking spider things somewhere on the plant, was looking with the scope and seen some webs on the buds that were invisible to the naked eye, I'll catch this bastard that wants to set up a rent free home on my girl.

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
seen something the other day about little blackand white jumping spiders being on a uk growers plants....

they seem to be a help if thats what you have iam..


Well-Known Member
I haven't been able to spot any of the bastards yet, but it's only a matter of time then I will get the lighter at them!


Well-Known Member
Alright lads.anyone got any tips for watering airpots lol, just done my first watering, messy,messy job lol those damn holes

oh and ive always ordered my seeds fom attitude


Well-Known Member
Alright lads.anyone got any tips for watering airpots lol, just done my first watering, messy,messy job lol those damn holes

oh and ive always ordered my seeds fom attitude


Well-Known Member
If I was on the dole I'd get the fuck out of this country so quickly I wouldn't even need a plane.
Im with you there dude,one of my mates headed off to Canada last friday to work on some oil field in fort somewhere or other. He will be working 3 weeks on and two weeks off earing 1large a week, nice money but seriously hard work, 14 hour days but have to say id be well in to that. I worked on a road crew in the early 90s in tazmania doing 16 hour days, 2 weeks on 2 weeks off. It was mega money at the time, i was only a young fella and was earing more money than i could spend. You would be so wrecked on your first week off that you would do nothing but then go nuts for a week. One of the best years of my life that, some group of lads i was working with.


Well-Known Member
Just water slowly jingle, and go super slowly when watering near the edges :P after a while your medium will compact and they wont be so bad to water.