The Irish Growers Thread!


He was caught because he had just moved into the house and the ESB noticed the large jump in bills from the previous owners and when the guards came knocking it was too late for him to do anything about it, he had no scales or bags or anything and he managed to convince the jugde it was personal use... he was very lucky and got away with a years suspended sentence and some community hours i think but im not sure, but bear in mind he got a criminal record so that would rule out any hope of you ever going to oz or the USA .... He was using 1200W of HPS and there was some HID bulbs aswell as fans etc so id imagine there was quite a large jump in ESB bills.

Im sure your going to go ahead with it all anyway so if i was you in order to shift ounces at a time id lower the prices of your ounces and you wont be able to hold onto them for long with the demand
Are you sure thats the reason he got caught. FUCK. If thats true then theres no way im gonna risk it. Maybe if I started off with a 600 watt and brought it up over time? Whats the difference between HID and HPS.

I could always just get the 2400 watts of hps and run them for a couple of months growing lettuce or something and see what the outcome is haha.

I had 2 grows in the dr 60 but the second one was abandoned due to the roommate. I did do the 4 way top to the second run and it did work however i never got to finish it. I would recommend it tho. Especially as your keeping your plant shorter so better light penetration. Theres also a scrog that goes with it. Perfect for a scrog as it spreads evenly.

I am genuinely freaked that the ESB ratted him out. I thought they wouldnt care as long as you werent stealing it


Well-Known Member
It's not enough to get a warrant, but if they send the chopper up and get a FLIR hit on the place it is enough for a warrant.

dave gilmour

Well-Known Member
iamaaror- how do i know when to go from watering every other day to watering every day or will the plants tell me?. also, do i give them half nutes at a time when im watering everyday?. some of the leaves at the very bottom are starting to rot and they come off very easily, is this because of the small amount of light theyre getting?


iamaaror- how do i know when to go from watering every other day to watering every day or will the plants tell me?. also, do i give them half nutes at a time when im watering everyday?. some of the leaves at the very bottom are starting to rot and they come off very easily, is this because of the small amount of light theyre getting?
You should not be watering every day. Its likely they have root rot and their basically drowning. Id leave it dry for 4 or 5 days and then water every 2-3 days. Stick your finger in about one - two inches and it should be dry before you water again. Its better to under water than over water


Well-Known Member
thanks iamaaror. U referring to Ireland ya?
Yes sir

iamaaror- how do i know when to go from watering every other day to watering every day or will the plants tell me?. also, do i give them half nutes at a time when im watering everyday?. some of the leaves at the very bottom are starting to rot and they come off very easily, is this because of the small amount of light theyre getting?
If you can lift the pots you will know by the weight that it will be fully dry in 24 hours. Also it's better to let the coco dry fully, I battled large salt deposits last grow simply because I couldnt water as much as I needed to. And yeah, leaves that never get any direct light will die eventually.


Regarding the FLIR I read that the garda heli amount have been cut to one and that it has a 1/2 per day operating allowance due to costs. The fact that im in Kerry could mean that they dont fly down here.


Well-Known Member
do you use any sort of molasses, bloombastic type stuff with coco to improve yield/flavour etc? if so what would you recommend?
I use PK13/14 a bit in flower to help the yield, other than that I don't use anything else. If it's not needed, then why buy it :P

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
evening fellas, still at home so feeling fucking fantastic....

choc, your starting to see the light .. good on you....

kang thats some camera/scope yoy have there, so any recommendations on seeds for the next grow.. only they have to be availble in nirvana as cash customer only, no net or credit cards for reasons already discussed, hee hee hee..

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
Regarding the FLIR I read that the garda heli amount have been cut to one and that it has a 1/2 per day operating allowance due to costs. The fact that im in Kerry could mean that they dont fly down here.

i`m further up the land than you, but i see the flir regularly, there have been a good few big busts here, but they look everywhere with it...

anyone hear about the houses caught today, load of polish growing..