86 as looking into buyin a few fluros for veg helpin a mate set up know elect wholesalers is the spot wht am i after mate roughly
gonna head in tomoro know ur the fluro king u did some great stuff under um any advice wellcome
i just went for the highest wattage they had, actual wattage now not equivelent... and wired them together to work off one plug, a mate thats a sparkie done the calculations and they were only pulling 3 amps across a 13amp fuse so safe as houses, and the flutter as it just the gas heating won`t cause problems with timers, i got 65w and hung 4 over them in veg adding another 4 of the 2700k in flower...
oh and they have to be 6500k for veg, i payed 20 euro a bulb but they were i think 36 each at the time, think thats about it, any decent wholesaler should carry them..
went to a 21st tonight, i was told it was to be fancy dress and it was for her neice so tought i`d go the whole hog, as with me its nothing or all... so borrowed a mad hatter outfit from the bro, and its a great quality suit like movie prop good...
must stress the niece is kinda querkie, into japan style bigtime, so hello kitty and weird clothes, i figure i`m in good company between her and her mates at least, even if the family don`t dress up as there all women that dress classy like..
so get there walk in and you guessed it... onlu one dressed up....hahahahahahaha
so made the most of it and just went mental, table danceing, singing, and had them all even the ould lads out doing gangham style dance hahaha that was funny....
had a great night and everyone there had the hat at one point, so made up for the lack of crowd and i was the only sober one witch is weird..