The Irish Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
actually I did get most of what I wanted but I don't really ask for much because I'm horrible about getting gifts for others, I hate shopping. The one thing I really wanted and thought I was going to get was the ebb n flow but that will happen in due time.

If you want to see a couple of good movies "lawless" and "killer Joe" are two great ones and the bourne legacy was awesome as well.


Well-Known Member
I turned Lawless on yest but turned it of after half an hour, just couldn't get into it. May try give it another go during the week as i've heard good things.

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
evening bill, how was your christmas dude, all went well i hope.... did you get your socking filled.....;)

haven`t seen lawless or the new bourne yet but looking forward to them, also heard great things....


Well-Known Member
lawless starts out slow but turns ultra violent shortly after the first half hour, it is worth the wait I assure you. Killer Joe is violent as shit and very sadistic I didn't expect to be so violent and dark but I like those kind of movies, makes you wonder if there are really people like that in this world and of course the texas redneck white trash is well depicted, I grew up in San Antonio TX before moving to the bay area.

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
actually I did get most of what I wanted but I don't really ask for much because I'm horrible about getting gifts for others, I hate shopping. The one thing I really wanted and thought I was going to get was the ebb n flow but that will happen in due time.

If you want to see a couple of good movies "lawless" and "killer Joe" are two great ones and the bourne legacy was awesome as well.

well i`m not too good at the shopping myself dude, tend to leave that to herself.. and as for getting this or that for the christmas well i figure i`m not getting it off anyone, i may aswell get some stuff myself...

new fans another 600w and some hugh pots are all on there way... ohhh and a thermostat....hahahahaha....

Le Spliff Doctor

Active Member
shtory lads the recession made me move to england but +rep to all you irish growers. i miss the emerald isle, spose the emerald plant will have to do for now :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
We've been scattered we've been torn and round our gearbox we are worn! aslong as theres a light in youre eye there a chance of change so you may find yourself back home in a few years with any luck, until then keep it green buddy

the movie lawless is very good i like the guy in it that plays baine in batman hes real rough and handles himself well haha never heard of killer joe but after the good review i downloaded it and i will be watching now in a min when i get an expresso and a joint for it!! happy new year guys

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
happy new year fellas...

the fella that played bain in batman, fuck can`t think of his name, but he plays a fella called bronson, a physco if there ever was one, based on true storys if i remember right....


Well-Known Member
Yeah ive got that bronson film on the pc from years ago, it was a good film and your man is some actor, must watch it again!

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
hes some size of a fucker too, wouldn`t want to take a punch off him...

just catching up on some news (heads been in the clouds for few days) and it seems murder is the new sport these days, people being shot left right and centre.... really puts growing a few plants into perspective ....

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
le splif, what part were you from? you top middle or bottom.....? how you finding it in the uk? i hear there street weed is always decent over there, not as much of the crap we get...

Le Spliff Doctor

Active Member
from the middle my man, it was a bit weird being in the uk at first but really loving it now. street weed around London where i used to live wasn't great but moved up to norfolk (where alan partridge hails from) and its way better! had some stuff recently that was almost as good as some of the stuff i had in amsterdam

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
there way ahead on the growing front over there, lots more at it and all so no wonder the quality is better, in comparison for the little while its going here the quality has tripled...

haven`t seen sprayed or tampered with weed in a very long time...

i`d say its a pretty cool spot these days to hang around in, meaning of course there don`t seem to be as much "hatered" for irish anymore, like them brits hate the french still....;)

you got a garden on the go now or you planning?

Le Spliff Doctor

Active Member
yeah thats true mate the english love the irish! as an english friend of mine said to me recently when we were really baked "i love the Irish but they hate me, I have to make up for my ancestors crimes"

just planning a garden at the moment, got a bit of bad seed and im gonna do some Northern Light Autos in a few weeks, what about yourself?

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
ah tossed the last grow just before christmas, was shit in fairness, went multiple hempy and it didn`t really work out, then i had such a high male ratio wasn`t worth finishing so binned the lot and packed up the lights...

4/5 weeks time tho i`ll be going 50 litre hempy with massive scrog.... bubba 76 is the strain thanks to our md jenks for the great genetics there, and have to tell you i`m only itching to get started, sad but true, i`m a gardening addict hahahahaha....

as for the irish english thing, after that french fucker handballed lets just both hate them french fuckers hahahahah....

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
yeah thats true mate the english love the irish! as an english friend of mine said to me recently when we were really baked "i love the Irish but they hate me, I have to make up for my ancestors crimes"

just planning a garden at the moment, got a bit of bad seed and im gonna do some Northern Light Autos in a few weeks, what about yourself?

forgot to ask, you picked you lights yet, or you got them????


hi, northern irish grower here... 1st off happy new year. just started 10 big bang autos under 600watt hps but any sugestions on what nutes to go with from start to finish ther 1 wk old now!!!

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
hi, northern irish grower here... 1st off happy new year. just started 10 big bang autos under 600watt hps but any sugestions on what nutes to go with from start to finish ther 1 wk old now!!!

what soil are they in, reg compost or the kind from the hydro shop???? different soils have nutes in them, so you might not need nutes for up to two more weeks depending on which, after that, baby bio is great for veg, can be got at homebase, b&q etc, for a few euro, and for flower theres loads, they don`t have to be the expensive types you have good genetics and a great light so you`ll yeild fine, and with 10, loads too....


soil is atami all mix altho i shud of got light mix but sure, baby bio it is then ill start that in 2wks and see how things go from ther thanks for the info and if i need anything else ill drop u a line...