The Irish Growers Thread!

@fr3d: I still am waiting to grow the jack O because of the sativa dom and having longer flower times, but it is suppose to be top notch I mean it is an amnesia and jack 22 cross so I wouldn't expect anything but a knock out punch!
I realised after I posted that I misunderstood and that it was a pic of jack and not your actual jack.

yeah its jack o'nesia which dublingrower will have in a week or so.

on another hand here is a clip of the pararescue (the guys I was with in the air force) in the documentary surviving the cut.

burnt like a sausage i am... all day yesterday welding with a stick welder (rods) out in that heat... came home to the sound of the planr flying a search pattern all over our town, hour later the chopper was in and they hit 5 or 6 spots around town, no doubt someones haveing the love tap this morning...

so todays the day.. get to smoke my first spliff with dry cured weed, the early finish bubba has been in jars long enough now too at least sample..

the power plant has started to die off at the bottom and now starting in the middle so another week should see her finished, been flushing with water since day befor yesterday, and will continue filling hempy until say saturday evening and see how shes going then, if far enough then i will stop watering and allow her to dry out the soil and empty the res...

by doing it this way i find they dry out after 4/5 days of hanging. then they go straight into jars...
yeah its jack o'nesia which dublingrower will have in a week or so.

on another hand here is a clip of the pararescue (the guys I was with in the air force) in the documentary surviving the cut.


bad link md, says not available to me....
Alrigh buds. New to the site, and stoked to find so many Irish growers out there! I just got into the indoor gardening hobby, and after a bit o' struggling I managed to get a firm footing. :lol: There seems to be so much information out there that it was a bit confusing to get advice that does not conflict with what I read elsewhere. In Santry there is a new shop called Roots and Shoots, and I went there hoping someone can help me out, and they did! Would recommend them to anyone as the prices are really competitive and the staff seems to know what they are on about. Well, my tomatoes are looking healthier than some of my mates' stuff, and he has been doing it for years. Any you you guys got experience with the shop? Will defo be going through everything on this thread as you guys seem to have a lot of experience between you! Thanks for entertaining a newby... ;-)
quadscotty that's a lot of plugging for your first post and i believe u are a shill unless u can prove otherwise.
mdjenks:9177222 said:
@dublingrower: a pic of jack o'nesia I found

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I put this pic on here because I expect to see some grow reports from dublingrower and all the pics I researched seem to be uniform so I hope he has the same luck!

I've had my head in the books reading up on them they look really good looking forward to trying them out, gonna be more prepared this time pick up a few essentials before I start, if this weather stays the same ill be laughing =))
Alrigh buds. New to the site, and stoked to find so many Irish growers out there! I just got into the indoor gardening hobby, and after a bit o' struggling I managed to get a firm footing. :lol: There seems to be so much information out there that it was a bit confusing to get advice that does not conflict with what I read elsewhere. In Santry there is a new shop called Roots and Shoots, and I went there hoping someone can help me out, and they did! Would recommend them to anyone as the prices are really competitive and the staff seems to know what they are on about. Well, my tomatoes are looking healthier than some of my mates' stuff, and he has been doing it for years. Any you you guys got experience with the shop? Will defo be going through everything on this thread as you guys seem to have a lot of experience between you! Thanks for entertaining a newby... ;-)

Welcome along buddy..
Grand day for the washing haha
It's nearly too hot, may go and water my gorilla grow so..

ever thought of flowering off under the sun when it's like that..?
I'm going to see mine now and hopefully they haven't worsened since yesterday.
If they are I'll have to flush again,that's a lot of water I have to lug.
fr3d12:9179391 said:
I'm going to see mine now and hopefully they haven't worsened since yesterday.
If they are I'll have to flush again,that's a lot of water I have to lug.

I gave mine an extra watering this morning, more than usual just home now and the difference in them already, they seemed to like it gonna give one more big one in the next day or two leave to dry out and start on small feeding with different feed one for flowering, so far I've moved them to a better location, added more drainage, kinda flushed them, and everything I've done has done them the world of good, hopefully yours bounce back for ye
I gave mine an extra watering this morning, more than usual just home now and the difference in them already, they seemed to like it gonna give one more big one in the next day or two leave to dry out and start on small feeding with different feed one for flowering, so far I've moved them to a better location, added more drainage, kinda flushed them, and everything I've done has done them the world of good, hopefully yours bounce back for ye

didn`t yours have the spotting on the leaves? white spots wasn`t it?
Alrigh buds. New to the site, and stoked to find so many Irish growers out there! I just got into the indoor gardening hobby, and after a bit o' struggling I managed to get a firm footing. :lol: There seems to be so much information out there that it was a bit confusing to get advice that does not conflict with what I read elsewhere. In Santry there is a new shop called Roots and Shoots, and I went there hoping someone can help me out, and they did! Would recommend them to anyone as the prices are really competitive and the staff seems to know what they are on about. Well, my tomatoes are looking healthier than some of my mates' stuff, and he has been doing it for years. Any you you guys got experience with the shop? Will defo be going through everything on this thread as you guys seem to have a lot of experience between you! Thanks for entertaining a newby... ;-)

could be beginners luck on the tomatoes front..;) hahahahaha....

welcome along dude, and maybe bit more about you and less shop talk...(but thanks for the heads up anyways)....