The journey of 40


Active Member
I been checking out the site for about a year or two and really wanted to build a rubbermaid grow box. Brought the boxes went to menards got a 10 $light fixture and some Y connecters. Went to Walmart got a few cfls and a fan to blow on my babys. Went to the garage took them dusty ass cpus apart and got some exhast fans. My boy had some matreial called meteler( its just like mylar in the way it reflects light,but free for me)! Germanted some bagseed & did the do! Here are pics from 4/4/10. Check out whats to come next!!!1



Active Member
In my area theres aplace that sells everything grow related its like heaven up in there. I mean they have EVERYTHING if you grow weed & got some money you'll lose your fucking mind in there. Anyways got myself some nutrients(i call them steroids) flushed my babys out and this is what i got from the last date of pics ya'll seen. 4 day diffrence 4real. I wish i had a better camara but my phone is doing the job at the moment! I think its time to transplant a few of these what to ya'll think? All comments are appreciated!



Well-Known Member
they are growing nicely it seems but your going to need bigger pots asap. they should be getting rootbound in those by now. you may have to make some hard choices which ones to keep and which to toss since you probly will not have room to bloom them all. maybe im wrong maybe its bigger than it seems but you definitly need bigger pots.


Well-Known Member
also is that two growing out of one cup if so try to seperate or kill the smaller one. two in one container and they will only compete for space and neither will benefit.


Active Member
Ok i have a question when i move the plants to the pots sld i keep up the18/6? From Germation its only been 18days!


Well-Known Member
I suppose it depends on how large you want them to get. You have to take into consideration the size of container you are using, the space that will be used by the containers holding the substrate, and the size of the plants themselves. They generally at least double in size in flower (sometimes almost triple for sativa strains). If you don't plan to flip another tub upside down on those then you will have to LST pretty heavily or flip them soon. If you are transplanting I would wait a couple days before you flip the lights.


Active Member
Yea i'm gonna get another tub and flip it upside down for more up space. Gonna get started working on that tonight as well! I'm not up on the LST thing really. Gonna do some homework on that to see whats up! Pics on the way!!!


Active Member
Ok i'm wondering what to do. I have 8 plants but my tub won't take more than five 2gallon pots. Out of the 8 i hope to a least get 5 females. Do i transplant jus 5 of them and disregard the other 3? Can i flower them early and find the sex out. Can i put 2 plants on oppsite sides of a 2gallon pot and wait it out? Whats a newbie 2 do? Any suggestions here? The journey f sleepy40 goes on!!!!!
On another notei had to add another exhaust fan to the other side of my box the inside temp of the house was at 73. Inside the box it was like 90 plus witch threw me off cuz the other nite with 1 fan going inside was at like 85. 85 i can deal with, we all know 90plus ain't gone get it. So i'm like "fuck it, add another fan to it". Now i have 1 on each side and a fan going in the inside. Now my temp is at 81 niceeeeee.


Well-Known Member
let them get bigger they can grow a long time in the red cups. It does look like you don't have enough soil in the cups though. You should have the soil up to 1/2 to 1/4 from the top. I would pull them out put some soil in the bottom and put them back. O.k. now let them grow some more. Take cuttings from each plant and mark them so you can keep track of who came from who. Now put the cuttings in 12hr and they will show sex even as they try to grow roots. At the same time the plants you took the cuttings from are in 24hr light getting bigger. Once you know the sex you can pull the cuttings and the plants you got them from. You can use the 2ed bucket your getting to use as a top to do it in then when you know whats what you fave the 2ed floor addition ready to go.
Hope this helps



Active Member
Thanks DoctorD i'm gonna go with that idea and leave them in the cubs a little longer. I gotta figure out how i'm gonna put them on a 12/12 ans still mantain the cups on a 18/6. Gonna lay some new soil down in the bottom and let them go 4 another week or so.


Active Member
I've been on bullshit posting my progress but i'm on it tonight(since i'm about to blaze maybe tomarrow) LOL


Active Member
DSCN0206.JPGDSCN0201.JPGWait I got ahead of myself because i was smokeinf and feeling bad about not keeping you guys updated about how its going. I weeded out the guys and ended up with 5 girls bagseed. I'm a luck dude if you ask me, my homie how started the same time as i ended up with just 3 girls. LOL go figure

Don't know if i told ya'll i ended up getting a White Widow as a gift from a lady friend of mine. Ya'll don't know the hell I went though for this bitch(the white widow). 1st the chick I got it from ended up really trippin and tried to kill her, I mean stright up tried to kill the plant plus my graden. We had it out so bad we broke 3 outta 6 of my lights. I ended up having to move my grow box to another locating, only to get there and brake one more light. I was so pissed off at that whole event I lost my will to grow..............................................................Ok that lasted like 5hrs LOL When I woke up the next day and was like "my babies are suppose to be on fuck this off to Menards I go".

The story gets deeper. So i take my white widow to my homie crib, steam and all no bullshit ya'll the bitch was still looking good. Replant her cuz I left all growin supplies at the chick crib & as I stated B4 he started growing when I did. Get her all in the pot put her on the ground cuz we smoking and talking shit about my night. His muthafuckin dog eats over half of the mane leaf of the clone, he just crunching on it like some dog fuckin food!!!!! Me & my boy sitting there like WTF!! I mean I for real I lost a breath, heart skipped a bet, damn near fainted!! I still keep that bitch tho and her she is.DSCN0208.JPG


Active Member
More or the white widow cuz I'm really really likeing her right not. The smell, the look, the wow factor of my 1st, the hell she went though. My bitch................DSCN0258.JPGDSCN0256.JPGDSCN0256.JPGDSCN0257.JPG


Active Member
Ok here is the bad part. I got one plant thats just to fuckin tall for my box it's budding up but it gets burning at the top. I have no idea what to do PLEASE, PLEASE HELP A NEWBIE.........DSCN0244.JPGDSCN0251.JPGDSCN0250.JPG


Well-Known Member
Can U add another tub in the middle for height? Don't know how 2 explain it but I've seen it done here....



Active Member
really don't wanna add another box. My boi who i mentioned has 3 totes and that shit looks crazy tall.


Active Member
Well I guys I'm back with a update I chopped 2 outta of the five I have and here are the resultsIMAG0087.jpgIMAG0089.jpgIMAG0093.jpgIMAG0091.jpgIMAG0090.jpgIMAG0098.jpgIMAG0097.jpgIMAG0095.jpgIMAG0092.jpg