The Junk Drawer

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
just add it to the pile of fucking lies and stupidity that have been flowing from the hole in his face for years now...and of course, now that magats have heard it, it has become true, and no matter how many times this mentally deficient lying piece of shit apologizes now, the damage is done, and can't be undone.
just another fucking scumbag making a living by hurting the entire race


Ursus marijanus
just add it to the pile of fucking lies and stupidity that have been flowing from the hole in his face for years now...and of course, now that magats have heard it, it has become true, and no matter how many times this mentally deficient lying piece of shit apologizes now, the damage is done, and can't be undone.
just another fucking scumbag making a living by hurting the entire race
the part I noticed is “look where Tulsi is now”


Well-Known Member
DoFo cracks! Good thing too, because the teachers were digging in and would screw him in the end. BTW teachers are in high demand for lots of corporate jobs in this tight labor market, many are highly educated and unless voters like home schooling...

CUPE announces end to strike after Doug Ford offers to rescind education law

5,583 views Nov 7, 2022
The union representing 55,000 education workers across Ontario is committing to end their mass walkout on Tuesday after Premier Doug Ford offered to rescind the legislation that made the strike illegal.


Well-Known Member
A couple is at the airport in Arizona awaiting their flight. They are dressed in heavy boots, a parka, scarf, and mittens and are all ready to head home to the Canadian winter. An older American couple standing nearby is intrigued by their manner of dress.
The wife says to her husband, "Look at that couple. I wonder where they're from?"
He replies, "How would I know?"
She counters, "You could go and ask them."
He says, "I don't really care. You want to know, you go ask them."
She decides to do just that, walks over to the couple and asks, "Excuse me. Noticing the way you're dressed, I wonder where you're from?"
The Canadian farmer replies, "Saskatoon, Saskatchewan".
The woman returns to her husband who asks: "So, where are they from?"
She replies, "I don't know. They don't speak English."


Well-Known Member
The inevitable balance in our simulation rears its beautiful face again:

In turn, these countries bought LNG as a substitution, but unseasonably warm temperatures have led to a reduction in heating demand, which in turn kept storage sites full and prices falling.

The most relevant example:
Literally nobody expected storage levels to reach 100%, ever.

main difference is from households (mainly heating)

Import from Russian gas by Europe has been reduced by almost 90% compared to previous 5 years. Theoretically, atm, Germany and others could sell gas to mostly east european nations still importing some russian gas to completely end the stream of income for Russia. And then let these ships and the 30 more on the way unload before they move on to Asia and sell it there.

I still haven’t really been able to test my own natural gas usage after taking more measures to cut it down. Getting colder but still 3-5C higher than usual. Energy co predicts I will use 45% of usual unless the next 3 months get very cold (which they still might). Some say we shouldn’t be happy with a warm start of the winter cause climate change, but wishing the effects of the actual causes away isn’t going to help anyone, while these mild temps have a postive effect.… cause balance is hardcoded like gravity.