The Junk Drawer

A very misleading tweet typical of why I despise twitter.

"Euro area annual inflation was 10.6 % in October 2022"

France is the exception, not the UK.
A sign opposition to Brexit is mounting, it got the Tories out from under EU regulation and oversight, Boris used to like that Russian money, but it's gone for good now. It's now seen by many as voluntarily voting for sanctions on yourself and an idiotic move.

I am so sick of Media saying 'How __________________ Enabled ___________________.

They are so guilty of it themselves..have they ever even asked the question?

Thats profoundly sad to me. Fuckers are ruining wrasslin.
the ignorant cocksuckers believe trump when he opens the hole in his face that lies come out of, is it really surprising that people that fucking stupid believe professional wrestling is real, and that the characters are actual people, and not actors playing a role?
we're talking about the dumbest motherfuckers in the entire country...really, honestly...the dumbest fucks in the entire nation...NOTHING they do surprises me anymore, i just shrug and hope whatever they just did kills a bunch of them, so they won't breed more deplorable morons.
I have been to a few of those events as a kid.

Sort of like going to a trump rally, sometimes that's the only game in town for entertainment.
I have been to a few of those events as a kid.

Sort of like going to a trump rally, sometimes that's the only game in town for entertainment.
i'll go to shit like that, but i piss people off, i actively root for an's the only reason to go, as far as i can see.
i yell shit like "cut him off, you fucking pussy" and "drive him into the wall, ya cunt" the end of most races, i have a large open area around me...a couple of times, i've ended up fairly close to a like minded person, and we'll end up with a whole section to split between us, with a bunch of dumbass rednecks all crowded together around us :lol:
i'll go to shit like that, but i piss people off, i actively root for an's the only reason to go, as far as i can see.
i yell shit like "cut him off, you fucking pussy" and "drive him into the wall, ya cunt" the end of most races, i have a large open area around me...a couple of times, i've ended up fairly close to a like minded person, and we'll end up with a whole section to split between us, with a bunch of dumbass rednecks all crowded together around us :lol:
I’m in the minority … what makes me stand and cheer is a good save.


There was an Indy 500 decades ago, before the league split, where some guy ran into trouble exiting a corner … and the guy on his tail evaded inside, leaving an S-shaped skid mark … missed by inches, straightened out and kept driving. It was awesome car control, seeing how he was already on the edge exiting the turn at speed. That’s my cup of tequila.

I’m in the minority … what makes me stand and cheer is a good save.

View attachment 5229560

There was an Indy 500 decades ago, before the league split, where some guy ran into trouble exiting a corner … and the guy on his tail evaded inside, leaving an S-shaped skid mark … missed by inches, straightened out and kept driving. It was awesome car control, seeing how he was already on the edge exiting the turn at speed. That’s my cup of tequila.

View attachment 5229565
i too enjoy a fine display of driving skill...and you can see that, quite often in most types of racing...but nascar is the stupidest, most boring excuse for entertainment since james the asshole neysmith invented the fucking dumb ass game of basketball...another thing to thank Canadia for...
i too enjoy a fine display of driving skill...and you can see that, quite often in most types of racing...but nascar is the stupidest, most boring excuse for entertainment since james the asshole neysmith invented the fucking dumb ass game of basketball...another thing to thank Canadia for...
still beats golf all hollow. I prefer Nascar to the quarter-mile thing where you blink and you missed it.
still beats golf all hollow. I prefer Nascar to the quarter-mile thing where you blink and you missed it.
to me real racing is on street/off road, balls to the wall, no governors, no governance, first one to cross the line wins...
nascar is for school crossing guards...
and i played golf in school to get out of class twice a week, and ended up liking it...i personally would rather watch golf than basketball...but i'd rather watch trump colonoscopy videos than basketball :spew:
to me real racing is on street/off road, balls to the wall, no governors, no governance, first one to cross the line wins...
nascar is for school crossing guards...
and i played golf in school to get out of class twice a week, and ended up liking it...i personally would rather watch golf than basketball...but i'd rather watch trump colonoscopy videos than basketball :spew:
I never cared for team sports, but if that is the choice, go Warriors!