The Junk Drawer

I do tip people that i think deserve it...wait staff, delivery drivers, barbers, cab drivers if they know their job.
I'm not a cheap bastard, i just don't think most jobs deserve it. Listen to what Mr. White has to say in that clip...It applies to waitresses, drivers, barbers...It doesn't apply to punks at starbucks
I know what he says its one of my fav movies actually and Steve b is one of my fav actors!
why don't you tip retail employees? they have to eat karen shit every day, they have to work late hours and miss things that are important to them...what is the distinction? most retail workers around here make about $15 an do most fast food workers...why would i tip one and not the other? Proper service should be insured, that's what having a job implies, that you will do that job properly.
i am all for worker's rights, but workers also have responsibilities. if you have a job and feel you are being asked too much, find another job. or negotiate.
“Here comes the grumpy, cheap old bastard with his pleated khakis and rockport loafers”, say all the wait staff in restaurants in your town.

North Korea locks down Pyongyang due to ‘respiratory illness’
North Korean authorities have ordered a lockdown in the nation’s capital city Pyongyang because of the spread of an unspecified respiratory illness, according to a statement released by the Russian embassy in North Korea on Facebook.
The lockdown will last for five days, and could be extended another three days, according to the post, which called for a “special anti-epidemic period” and urged foreign diplomats to remain inside.

The notice also stated that individuals should take their temperature four times a day and report the results daily to a hospital in Pyongyang. If an individual has a high temperature, they should immediately report to the hospital.
While the notice does not mention any particular illness, such as COVID-19, it does say the city has seen a rise in patients with “recurrent influenza in winter and other respiratory diseases.”

South Korean news outlet NK News first reported the lockdown.

The secretive dictatorship has been guarded about the toll that the COVID-19 pandemic has taken on the country. In August, North Korean leader Kim Jung Un said in a speech that the country had “eradicated” the virus, according to state media reports.

While North Korea did not officially report coronavirus cases, it did report cases of people with “fever” symptoms. In 2022 it reported statistics that showed nearly a fifth of its 25 million population had the symptoms, but it has stopped reporting the cases since the end of July.
the things some people will litigate.

Your honor it clearly states on the packaging that cooking time depends on microwave power, the complainants have shitty microwave ovens who are not putting out the stated power, we move for dismissal. Here are the results of our lab certified microwave ovens used in testing and the report in support of our contention.
Your honor it clearly states on the packaging that cooking time depends on microwave power, the complainants have shitty microwave ovens who are not putting out the stated power, we move for dismissal. Here are the results of our lab certified microwave ovens used in testing and the report in support of our contention.
it’s worse than that: there are three other steps from package to meal beside microwaving, and that does not count getting a fork.
Looks like she found a winner of an attorney. I wonder if he could spring agent orange on a product liability suit involving ambiguous electoral instructions in the Constitution.
Your honor it clearly states on the packaging that cooking time depends on microwave power, the complainants have shitty microwave ovens who are not putting out the stated power, we move for dismissal. Here are the results of our lab certified microwave ovens used in testing and the report in support of our contention.

Bingo! Judgement for Velveeta!

The Human Condition hard at work.