God flips flat earth over, like a pancake, to create day, and night.
We don't know, the Roman's murdered Jesus, morphed into the Catholic church a few centuries later and then blamed the Jews. If Christians are pissed about the execution of Jesus, then beat up the Italians, crucifixion was a Roman method of execution for rebels and other troublemakers. They didn't accept him for the same reason most modern people don't, it's all bullshit. The Gospel of Matthew is the first account written and it makes no mention of the resurrection, The women left Jesus dead in his tomb, that's where it ends. The other books of the Bible, Luke, John, etc. were written much later and attempted to correct mistakes and added a lot, like the entire resurrection.Why didn't the Jews accept Jesus as their Messiah?
He fulfilled all the criteria and the prophecies they wrote about.
These Jews are interesting and I think I might check them out
Maybe they can enlighten me.
We don't know, the Roman's murdered Jesus, morphed into the Catholic church a few centuries later and then blamed the Jews. If Christians are pissed about the execution of Jesus, then beat up the Italians, crucifixion was a Roman method of execution for rebels and other troublemakers. They didn't accept him for the same reason most modern people don't, it's all bullshit. The Gospel of Matthew is the first account written and it makes no mention of the resurrection, The women left Jesus dead in his tomb, that's where it ends. The other books of the Bible, Luke, John, etc. were written much latter and attempted to correct mistakes and added a lot, like the entire resurrection.
If there were no media and not much writing, no science, then 50 years after they crucified Trump, his followers might spread embellished stories about how great he was and how he died for America's sins, one hundred years later Donald might have turned in to quite a guy, farting lightning bolts and standing ten feet tall! In a few centuries the cult of Trump would only grow his supernatural importance and abilities as the scriptures were copied over the centuries and mistakes were made along with deliberate changes, books were excluded and the whole thing edited. Then in 1604 an approved KJV was published, based on the earlier Tyndal old English Bible and written by a committee. That is when Christianity actually began for most American protestants! The printing press and vernacular bibles brought on the protestant reformation and the religious wars of Europe.actuallly Matthew made a Jonas reference about Jesus. Mathew and Luke freaked out about something
If there were no media and not much writing, no science, then 50 years after they crucified Trump, his followers might spread embellished stories about how great he was and how he died for America's sins, one hundred years later Donald might have turned in to quite a guy, farting lightning bolts and standing ten feet tall! In a few centuries the cult of Trump would only grow his supernatural importance and abilities as the scriptures were copied over the centuries and mistakes were made along with deliberate changes, books were excluded and the whole thing edited. Then in 1604 an approved KJV was published, based on the earlier Tyndal old English Bible and written by a committee. That is when Christianity actually began for most American protestants! The printing press and vernacular bibles brought on the protestant reformation and the religious wars of Europe.
Mathew is considered the original text written down about 30 to 50 years after Jesus's death and other gospels are copies and embellishments of that original gospel, there are other gospels, Coptic ones for instance and they are turning up all the time, the Church didn't burn them all. Biblical textual scholars have access to more diverse and ancient texts than in the past and many changes have been tracked.
Here is an example and this guy has many shorter YouTube videos that might be easier to digest.
How Jesus Became God - UCC Part 1 of 3
Program discussed on Bart Ehrman's Foundation Blog: http://ehrmanblog.org/?p=10888
Bart D. Ehrman is the James A. Gray Distinguished Professor at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. He came to UNC in 1988, after four years of teaching at Rutgers University. At UNC he has served as both the Director of Graduate Studies and the Chair of the Department of Religious Studies. A graduate of Wheaton College (Illinois), Professor Ehrman received both his Masters of Divinity and Ph.D. from Princeton Theological Seminary, where his 1985 doctoral dissertation was awarded magna cum laude.
First off, Jesus Christ wasn’t just a prophet, although most people agree that Christ was a prophet and a great moral teacher, not all agree on the actual title of Jesus. He had to be one of three things, a liar, a lunatic, or God in the flesh.meh Jesus was just a prophet and a mere man, and a person who might have survived and walked away, as mention in that Luke txt i put above. Keep in mind Luke was one of the 12. Bible thumpers who say Jesus died on the cross, how can he die on a friday and come down that night before the Sabbath which is Saturday
glad i'm gnostic
Mexican Congress shown ‘non-human’ corpses in UFO hearing
A pair of alien “bodies” were displayed in Mexico’s Congress on Tuesday as part of the country’s first hearing on unidentified aerial phenomena (UAPs).
UFO enthusiast Jaime Maussan brought the specimens to Mexico City, claiming that they were recovered in Peru in 2017. He said carbon dating shows that they are between 700 and 1,800 years old.
“This is the first time extraterrestrial life is presented in such a form, and I think there is a clear demonstration that we are dealing with non-human specimens that are not related to any other species in our world and that any scientific institution can investigate it,” Maussan said.
The small figures resemble the Hollywood alien E.T., with an elongated neck, skinny appendages and three fingers on each hand.
Maussan has made similar alien claims before, with previous “bodies” debunked as the mummified remains of children in 2015.
The hearing was to discuss the Aerial Space Protection Law, which would be the world’s first national law to acknowledge life outside our planet if it passes.
Retired U.S. Navy pilot Ryan Graves also spoke at the hearing. Graves has been a mainstay at recent hearings on UAPs in the U.S. Congress, advocating for the government to take the phenomena seriously and be more transparent.
He claims to have seen UAPs while serving as a Navy pilot.
“We believe that UAP represent an urgent priority for both aerospace safety and scientific inquiry,” he said Tuesday, according to CBS News. “Our focus is on improving public education of UAP, breaking stigma and working towards better transparency and disclosure.”
The U.S. focus on UAPs is being led by a bipartisan group of House members concerned about government transparency. The group has requested a select committee with subpoena power to question military leaders who they claim have not answered their questions adequately.
“We’re running into a lot of roadblocks there, and that’s the problem with this whole thing. It just creates more and more conspiracy theories because our federal government is so arrogant and so bloated, and they’ll just run out the clock,” Rep. Tim Burchett (R-Tenn.) said at a The Hill event last month.
At the end of August, the Department of Defense launched a site to track and collect reports of UAPs.
Mexican Congress shown ‘non-human’ corpses in UFO hearing
A pair of alien “bodies” were displayed in Mexico’s Congress on Tuesday as part of the country’s first hearing on unidentified aerial phenomena (UAPs). UFO enthusiast Jaime Maussan brought the spec…thehill.com
What can I say?
I'm glad I'm a Buddhist.meh Jesus was just a prophet and a mere man, and a person who might have survived and walked away, as mention in that Luke txt i put above. Keep in mind Luke was one of the 12. Bible thumpers who say Jesus died on the cross, how can he die on a friday and come down that night before the Sabbath which is Saturday
glad i'm gnostic