The Junk Drawer

As not uncommon with Nietszche quotes, many attributed to him are the words from Zarathustra, a character from his philosophical fiction with fitting title Thus Spoke Zarathustra. A positive message of course, but not one of the many he was trying to convey, more part of a dialog and thought excercise. It’s like: “Luke, I am your father” - George Lucas. Which is a good analogy because that’s not verbatim what Darth Vader, the character to whom that quote should be attributed to, said either. Humata, Hukhta, Huvarshta, meaning good thoughts, good words, and good deeds, are the basic principles of Zoroastrianism but similar quotes exist in islam too.

That’s ok, Nietzsche last words supposedly were “Mom, I am dumb!”
Did we lose @cannabineer ?!?
Most liberal democracies have laws against hate filled bullshit that leads to violence. He will have his day in court and can whine on YouTube, if he isn't banned. Fascist like this shit, it's a form of cheating, abusing the right of free speech, inspiring extremism and giving free rein and license to people's worst instincts. Governments have a duty and right to combat such social division using whatever constitutional measures are available. At best fascist disrupt the business of the country over nothing real or try to destroy the constitutional democracy and install minority rule. In America for the most part, they are funded by the greedy rich who are desperate to keep the government grid locked to preserve the tax breaks the republicans gave them. Not all the rich, but since the rich are so rich in comparison to everybody else, they don't need very many pathologically greedy ones to finance the show.

Most liberal democracies have laws against hate filled bullshit that leads to violence. He will have his day in court and can whine on YouTube, if he isn't banned. Fascist like this shit, it's a form of cheating, abusing the right of free speech, inspiring extremism and giving free rein and license to people's worst instincts. Governments have a duty and right to combat such social division using whatever constitutional measures are available. At best fascist disrupt the business of the country over nothing real or try to destroy the constitutional democracy and install minority rule. In America for the most part, they are funded by the greedy rich who are desperate to keep the government grid locked to preserve the tax breaks the republicans gave them. Not all the rich, but since the rich are so rich in comparison to everybody else, they don't need very many pathologically greedy ones to finance the show.

Fuck. I lasted two minutes and between British English and 4 people speaking at once, I got nothing out of it. Should I have gone on longer?
Fuck. I lasted two minutes and between British English and 4 people speaking at once, I got nothing out of it. Should I have gone on longer?
Just illustrates the difference in attitudes towards "free speech" in liberal democracies. What he was busted for didn't happen in the video from what I can gather. This was just the bitch fest when they busted him for it. As liberal democratic countries get more multicultural and global in the future, they will grow less tolerant of this bullshit.
Junior at his best. Scan through for the videos. Hilarious, especially the finger quotes..:lol: His own bad Kermit the frog impression. Yay!

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Fuck. I lasted two minutes and between British English and 4 people speaking at once, I got nothing out of it. Should I have gone on longer?
The English are so good at English they can have 20 pissed people speaking at once and still make sense of it :lol:

Most liberal democracies have laws against hate filled bullshit that leads to violence. He will have his day in court and can whine on YouTube, if he isn't banned. Fascist like this shit, it's a form of cheating, abusing the right of free speech, inspiring extremism and giving free rein and license to people's worst instincts. Governments have a duty and right to combat such social division using whatever constitutional measures are available. At best fascist disrupt the business of the country over nothing real or try to destroy the constitutional democracy and install minority rule. In America for the most part, they are funded by the greedy rich who are desperate to keep the government grid locked to preserve the tax breaks the republicans gave them. Not all the rich, but since the rich are so rich in comparison to everybody else, they don't need very many pathologically greedy ones to finance the show.

Have you actually watched the video or read what he said? Can you post (censored if needed) quotes of this alleged "hate filled bullshit that leads to violence and why he is a fascist and how he violated rules on youtube and abused the right of free speech? He looks the part but that aside... This comes after UK Home Secretary wrote the police they should start treating waving the Palestinian flag as a criminal offense when it is "intended to glorify acts of terrorism". And that is exactly why many do it, you have no idea, your words about abusing the right of free speech applies to those waving the Palestinian flags, as made apparent by the words that go with it. It doesn't even seem certain yet whether the arrest was actually made over the video alone, it actually seems unlikely. But even if that's the case, when cops come for citizens whining about flags in videos on social media, it's the citizen who's the fascist? That's some 1984 shit.
The English are so good at English they can have 20 pissed people speaking at once and still make sense of it :lol:

Have you actually watched the video or read what he said? Can you post (censored if needed) quotes of this alleged "hate filled bullshit that leads to violence and why he is a fascist and how he violated rules on youtube and abused the right of free speech? He looks the part but that aside... This comes after UK Home Secretary wrote the police they should start treating waving the Palestinian flag as a criminal offense when it is "intended to glorify acts of terrorism". And that is exactly why many do it, you have no idea, your words about abusing the right of free speech applies to those waving the Palestinian flags, as made apparent by the words that go with it. It doesn't even seem certain yet whether the arrest was actually made over the video alone, it actually seems unlikely. But even if that's the case, when cops come for citizens whining about flags in videos on social media, it's the citizen who's the fascist? That's some 1984 shit.
It wasn't about waving flags it was about hate speech and inciting violence and from what I can gather it involved incidents not on the video. Like I said, he will have his day in court and if he did not break the law, then he can sue the authorities. In the English system of law, he can even have a jury of his peers decide guilt or innocence. People who say kill the Jews are committing crimes, since Jews are a religion not a nationality and many Jews don't agree with Israeli policy or are Israeli citizens. Unfortunately, many Palestinian supporters fall into this antisemitic trap and scream "kill the Jews" and attack people for being visibly Jewish. Perhaps the explosion of antisemitic acts and violence had something to do with it?
The English are so good at English they can have 20 pissed people speaking at once and still make sense of it :lol:

Have you actually watched the video or read what he said? Can you post (censored if needed) quotes of this alleged "hate filled bullshit that leads to violence and why he is a fascist and how he violated rules on youtube and abused the right of free speech? He looks the part but that aside... This comes after UK Home Secretary wrote the police they should start treating waving the Palestinian flag as a criminal offense when it is "intended to glorify acts of terrorism". And that is exactly why many do it, you have no idea, your words about abusing the right of free speech applies to those waving the Palestinian flags, as made apparent by the words that go with it. It doesn't even seem certain yet whether the arrest was actually made over the video alone, it actually seems unlikely. But even if that's the case, when cops come for citizens whining about flags in videos on social media, it's the citizen who's the fascist? That's some 1984 shit.
As for flags they have been symbols of war as well as nationalism, a military charge is led by a flag, or rally point. The J6 coup attempt in America was led by flags all kinds of them, it was a feature of the event, until they stormed the capitol after assaulting the police with the flag poles. They were a rallying point for violence and when violence or hate speech becomes associated with such rallies, then authorities should take action. There are plenty of peaceful protests they happen every day and one even happened in the US capitol disrupting a hearing with Palestinian supporters, some were arrested and will probably be fined. I find you don't see too many flags at most peaceful events, but they are always present at the violent ones. People were holding rallies with Ukrainian flags, but I don't recall violence being directed against Russians in countries with such rallies or calls by their leaders to kill Russians, except those occupying Ukraine in a hot war.
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It wasn't about waving flags it was about hate speech and inciting violence and from what I can gather it involved incidents not on the video. Like I said, he will have his day in court and if he did not break the law, then he can sue the authorities. In the English system of law, he can even have a jury of his peers decide guilt or innocence. People who say kill the Jews are committing crimes, since Jews are a religion not a nationality and many Jews don't agree with Israeli policy or are Israeli citizens. Unfortunately, many Palestinian supporters fall into this antisemitic trap and scream "kill the Jews" and attack people for being visibly Jewish. Perhaps the explosion of antisemitic acts and violence had something to do with it?
The tweets you posted suggest it is, social media and sensational rightwing media is trying to make it sound like he was indeed arrested merely for comments on flags. The law obviously decides he's guilty of violating laws yes. Based on facts and evidence after the fact, not crystal ball conjecture. From what you can gather you concluded: "Fascist like this shit, it's a form of cheating, abusing the right of free speech, inspiring extremism and giving free rein and license to people's worst instincts." For all I know that's spot on but seems a wee bit premature.

You have to go really far to violate hate speech laws. The suggestion cops will come to arrest citizens for commenting on flags is ammo for the right, exhibit A:

The tweets you posted suggest it is, social media and sensational rightwing media is trying to make it sound like he was indeed arrested merely for comments on flags. The law obviously decides he's guilty of violating laws yes. Based on facts and evidence after the fact, not crystal ball conjecture. From what you can gather you concluded: "Fascist like this shit, it's a form of cheating, abusing the right of free speech, inspiring extremism and giving free rein and license to people's worst instincts." For all I know that's spot on but seems a wee bit premature.

You have to go really far to violate hate speech laws. The suggestion cops will come to arrest citizens for commenting on flags is ammo for the right, exhibit A:

I don't make the laws or enforce them here or in the UK, but we have hate speech laws and human rights commissions to try and deal with it as do many countries in the EU and the UK. Often peaceful protests are cover for other types of extremists who show up at them and cause trouble for one reason or another.

We in the west live in increasingly multicultural societies and governments are taking increasing measures to deal with stupidity and social division. We have issues with India over Sikhs and some among them who support an independence movement in an increasingly Hindu nationalist India where Muslim's, Christians and other religious minorities are facing increasing harassment. So, our governments must take action to keep outside conflicts from spilling over and causing unrest and crime at home.

I'm not pro-Israeli or pro-Palestinian and prefer to stay out of it, except for humanitarian reasons, Israel has a fish in a barrel situation with a couple of million civilians in the crosshairs of a pissed off nation led by a right-wing hard-liner. Hamas designed it that way and they are the ones at fault for this incident and who will be exterminated, the question is how. We can't indict Putin for war crimes if Bebe is committing them too by racking up an obscene civilian body count with air strikes.
Looking at 100 years, the normal course of justice and it didn't take long at all. Donald did far worse financial crimes that he is yet to be indicted for in NY, it's just the tax bill so far.

‘Sam Bankman-Fraud’: Fallen crypto king found guilty on all counts

After a month-long trial, the jury deliberated for just 4.5 hours before convicting FTX founder Sam Bankman-Fried on charges of fraud and conspiracy. Stephanie Ruhle joins Chris Hayes to discuss.
I don't make the laws or enforce them here or in the UK, but we have hate speech laws and human rights commissions to try and deal with it as do many countries in the EU and the UK. Often peaceful protests are cover for other types of extremists who show up at them and cause trouble for one reason or another.

We in the west live in increasingly multicultural societies and governments are taking increasing measures to deal with stupidity and social division. We have issues with India over Sikhs and some among them who support an independence movement in an increasingly Hindu nationalist India where Muslim's, Christians and other religious minorities are facing increasing harassment. So, our governments must take action to keep outside conflicts from spilling over and causing unrest and crime at home.

I'm not pro-Israeli or pro-Palestinian and prefer to stay out of it, except for humanitarian reasons, Israel has a fish in a barrel situation with a couple of million civilians in the crosshairs of a pissed off nation led by a right-wing hard-liner. Hamas designed it that way and they are the ones at fault for this incident and who will be exterminated, the question is how. We can't indict Putin for war crimes if Bebe is committing them too by racking up an obscene civilian body count with air strikes.
You are making a lot of assumptions from what seems to be shoddy information.
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