The Junk Drawer

That was either an overstatement when I was a kid or just doesn’t seem to cut it these days.
I see it as the timeless complaint of old people observing kids doing strange new things and abandoning traditional rites of daily living that inform us old-timers’ memories.

Show a kid today a music cassette with some tape pulled out and a pencil — and they won’t have a clue about something as natural as breathing to a sexagenarian like me.
I see it as the timeless complaint of old people observing kids doing strange new things and abandoning traditional rites of daily living that inform us old-timers’ memories.

Show a kid today a music cassette with some tape pulled out and a pencil — and they won’t have a clue about something as natural as breathing to a sexagenarian like me.
You label the cassette with a pencil? I used a pen.
They do not last that long afterwards. I found that the tape got kinked and some time in the near future it gets stuck again and you will have a hard time getting the actual tape unstuck. But yeah, I used to use a Bic pen to wind them.
Guess I was lucky. Most of my rescues did not have that fatal and often diagonal kink.
I got one but usually turned off and normally don't take it with me. Makes people nerves that I don’t hook up to my phone, like when I'm waiting for my turn at the barbershop or dentist, as if they feel an urge to tell me “sir, you can grab your phone, it’s going to take a while“. Only people I tend to make eye contact with in those situation are toddlers and little newborns who look at me like why is that strange old man the only one not watching a small screen. They removed all the magazines too so yeah, I'm mindful af.
It's a personal choice. Missing out on some discussions is a real thing though. FOMA is not unjustified. It's just that missing out on quiet time is also a real thing.
I got one but usually turned off and normally don't take it with me. Makes people nerves that I don’t hook up to my phone, like when I'm waiting for my turn at the barbershop or dentist, as if they feel an urge to tell me “sir, you can grab your phone, it’s going to take a while“. Only people I tend to make eye contact with in those situation are toddlers and little newborns who look at me like why is that strange old man the only one not watching a small screen. They removed all the magazines too so yeah, I'm mindful af.

I'm much the same with my cell phone tho I do take it with me when I go out in case the spousal unit wants to get hold of me. I don't use it for much more than making/taking calls and only a few people have the number. I don't do any banking or hanging out on forums with it preferring to use my desktop for that. Hate trying to have a convo via texting and I always have the location turned off unless I want to fly my drone. I was happy with my old phone but had to get a new one to load the app for the drone. Had I known that I wouldn't have bought the damn drone but it's kind of fun and I'm going to be able to get lots of photos and video I wouldn't get otherwise. I got pontoons for it so I can use it out in my little boat when I'm fishing and hopefully get some footage of me catching the big one. :)


I'm much the same with my cell phone tho I do take it with me when I go out in case the spousal unit wants to get hold of me. I don't use it for much more than making/taking calls and only a few people have the number. I don't do any banking or hanging out on forums with it preferring to use my desktop for that. Hate trying to have a convo via texting and I always have the location turned off unless I want to fly my drone. I was happy with my old phone but had to get a new one to load the app for the drone. Had I known that I wouldn't have bought the damn drone but it's kind of fun and I'm going to be able to get lots of photos and video I wouldn't get otherwise. I got pontoons for it so I can use it out in my little boat when I'm fishing and hopefully get some footage of me catching the big one. :)

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Didn't have much growing up but the latest TDK cassette tapes and quality audio equipment were nearly free for me... unwrapping new TDK cassettes, now that's nostalgic for me. Still got a Sony Walkman and a bag of tapes. It's a time travel machine and I don't even mean that metaphorically. Almost like Ashton Kutcher in the Butterfly Effect, just not able to affect the past.

I do take it with me when I go out in case the spousal unit wants to get hold of m
Same, especially when we go out together like on big city trips or abroad, in which case a walkie talkie would usually suffice.

Gorgeous photo... I used to use an ipad to fly dji drones. Straight down shot half water half land/trees would look great there.
Same, especially when we go out together like on big city trips or abroad, in which case a walkie talkie would usually suffice.

Gorgeous photo... I used to use an ipad to fly dji drones. Straight down shot half water half land/trees would look great there.

When we make trips to the city it's handy having the phones so I can drop her off at some store/clinic and go do my thing for a while. I have the location set off but if I have to use 911 it turns on for that. I'm often the only one there at the end of the day when I go fishing so it's nice to be able to call for help if something happens.

The wife wouldn't be happy if I stole her iPad for drone use and would have to get the adapter to make it fit. I'm using a Samsung Galaxy A14 5G that I have to take the rubber case off to get it to fit properly but can squeeze it on with the case still on it. I have the DJI Mini 3 Pro and am still flying with the original propellers thanks to it's anti crash features. The pontoons put me overweight but I live in the boonies so not too worried about drone police busting me for it.


That little trout lake from 500 meters up. At 100 meters I got a warning not to go any higher but ignored that then 10 min after taking pics a small plane looking like it was coming in for a landing and was probably only 60 meters up flew past headed west. Probably a private landing strip not far away. :) The 2 pothole lakes are connected by a narrow canal I can pole thru with an oar but using the trolling motor tilted and the top of the prop breaking the surface with some body english can get thru a lot easier. I mostly row for some exercise tho.


That little black speck at the end of the dock is me. Boat in the water with my car and trailer parked just up from the water. That red box is a sea-can housing the aeration equipment to keep all the planted fish alive over the winter. It has rainbow, brown and tiger trout in there but I've yet to catch a tiger. They can get really big so they don't put many in there or they eat the smaller fish. I'm looking forward to fishing it with one of the new 5wt or 3wt fly rods I'll be building now.


I'm still working on the 10' 5wt I bought almost a year ago but put together well enough to try it out and even got a couple trout on it. Nothing is glued together yet and I plan to get different single foot wire guides for it. Made the grip and the little fighting butt myself and got a cork cutting jig set and many different corks to make my own custom grips for the other 10 rod blanks I recently got after a 3 1/2 month wait. The old VISA card has been taking quite a beating over this stuff. :D

My 5wt rod on top and my grandfather's old c.1945 6wt fiberglass rod I rebuilt many years ago with new guides and reel seat. Pair of matching Hardy Lightweight reels I scored for a good price on them. First fish of the season will be on gramp's rod.


and would have to get the adapter to make it fit.
Yeah that's definitely an issue. I used to put it on the ground or have my wife hold it up in front of my face.

This is close to where I spent most of my summer days. Haven't gone fishing for decades but used to swim a lot. The water going from left to right center is a river normally not safe to swim but nowadays it gets so dry in summer there's proper beaches. Couple of years ago it got so dry and low I swam across with drone tracking me top-down view.

Since the introduction of EU rules it's just catching dust. It's ok, turns out from above the world looks pretty much like I imagined it would.


Grandfather's rod, a fishing spot like that, a caring wife and a boat... you are blessed.
When we make trips to the city it's handy having the phones so I can drop her off at some store/clinic and go do my thing for a while. I have the location set off but if I have to use 911 it turns on for that. I'm often the only one there at the end of the day when I go fishing so it's nice to be able to call for help if something happens.

The wife wouldn't be happy if I stole her iPad for drone use and would have to get the adapter to make it fit. I'm using a Samsung Galaxy A14 5G that I have to take the rubber case off to get it to fit properly but can squeeze it on with the case still on it. I have the DJI Mini 3 Pro and am still flying with the original propellers thanks to it's anti crash features. The pontoons put me overweight but I live in the boonies so not too worried about drone police busting me for it.

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That little trout lake from 500 meters up. At 100 meters I got a warning not to go any higher but ignored that then 10 min after taking pics a small plane looking like it was coming in for a landing and was probably only 60 meters up flew past headed west. Probably a private landing strip not far away. :) The 2 pothole lakes are connected by a narrow canal I can pole thru with an oar but using the trolling motor tilted and the top of the prop breaking the surface with some body english can get thru a lot easier. I mostly row for some exercise tho.

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That little black speck at the end of the dock is me. Boat in the water with my car and trailer parked just up from the water. That red box is a sea-can housing the aeration equipment to keep all the planted fish alive over the winter. It has rainbow, brown and tiger trout in there but I've yet to catch a tiger. They can get really big so they don't put many in there or they eat the smaller fish. I'm looking forward to fishing it with one of the new 5wt or 3wt fly rods I'll be building now.

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I'm still working on the 10' 5wt I bought almost a year ago but put together well enough to try it out and even got a couple trout on it. Nothing is glued together yet and I plan to get different single foot wire guides for it. Made the grip and the little fighting butt myself and got a cork cutting jig set and many different corks to make my own custom grips for the other 10 rod blanks I recently got after a 3 1/2 month wait. The old VISA card has been taking quite a beating over this stuff. :D

My 5wt rod on top and my grandfather's old c.1945 6wt fiberglass rod I rebuilt many years ago with new guides and reel seat. Pair of matching Hardy Lightweight reels I scored for a good price on them. First fish of the season will be on gramp's rod.

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That's really cool.. the fly rods. On your drone, Im pretty sure they make a mount for up to a 10"Pro (which is what I use)... my eyes aren't what they used to be. It does make it a bit front heavy, but not a big deal...I'd have to see your controller. I can't remember what those looked like, I've had just about every DJI product they've put out except the I3... at $17,900 base price.. Im gonna have to pass on that one. Gonna test out thier Action 4 in the shallow reefs next week in Honduras. Supposed to be salt water proof without a case. We shall see.
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Grandfather's rod, a fishing spot like that, a caring wife and a boat... you are blessed.

It's only the last couple of years I've been feeling a bit blessed. Now I'm hoping for some more time with reasonably decent health to enjoy what's left.

With any luck.

Are those pics in Holland? Where we live it's flat too but no water like that. Very pretty scenery there.

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That's really cool.. the fly rods. On your drone, Im pretty sure they make a mount for up to a 10"Pro (which is what I use)... my eyes aren't what they used to be. It does make it a bit front heavy, but not a big deal...I'd have to see your controller. I can't remember what those looked like, I've had just about every DJI product they've put out except the I3... at $17,900 base price.. Im gonna have to pass on that one. Gonna test out thier Action 4 in the shallow reefs next week in Honduras. Supposed to be salt water proof without a case. We shall see.

They do make an adapter that fits my controller for bigger screens. Mine here is just the basic unit and I thought I might like the one with the screen but my phone is bigger so other than a little extra weight it's as good or better IMO. Might get one of those sun shades for it tho. Can be hard to see when it's sunny out.

The antenna is built in to the top of the clamp holding the phone and seems to work pretty good but it's my first and only drone so nothing to compare it to. Flew it over to my neighbour's about a half mile away as the drone flies with trees in my yard between us and some tall pines over at his place. Was OK until I dropped down in front of his shop then it lost contact but I just went up again and it came back online so it must have been receiving the signal.

I'm still Joe Rookie with it but will be getting more practise with it this year. Hopefully go somewhere more scenic but won't top the Honduras. :)

If I get to our cabin this year there's some really nice scenery up there and on the way I'm hoping to have time to stop at and get some nice footage and pics. Nice drive up the Fraser Canyon highway past Hell's Gate which is a big tourist attraction with a cable tram going over the river so don't know if I can fly it thru there but downstream 30 miles or so is the old Alexander Bridge that is over a narrow spot of the river and should be no problem flying around in there as there's rarely anyone down there. I bought a charger with 4 rubber boots to put batteries in and two USB ports for phone and controller so can keep the batteries charging while moving from spot to spot using a little DC- AC converter for power.

Hopefully I can learn this video editing stuff well enough to put together some decent videos with voice overs etc but I need to fire it up and work at that. I downloaded that free Openshot video editor and think it has more than enough features to be able to do all I'll want to do. If you know of anything even easier to use that works with Win10 I'd appreciate knowing about it.

It's only the last couple of years I've been feeling a bit blessed. Now I'm hoping for some more time with reasonably decent health to enjoy what's left.

With any luck.

Are those pics in Holland? Where we live it's flat too but no water like that. Very pretty scenery there.

Yes, just a short a drive. Large part of NL is a river delta of the German Rhine, with rivers going to the sea and the big lake in NL. Instead of fighting against it as we have for decades, we gave them space in a 'room for rivers' project to flood in a controlled manner. The mini lakes along that river are overflow areas doubling the river's capacity.

(Not my pic)

Steel doors under that bridge-road.
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Different place, same tech, doors open (original river on the right, just the right side of the row of trees in the water.)
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In dry summers relatively secluded little beaches appear. I'm the black dot on the beach center right
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If you know of anything even easier to use that works with Win10 I'd appreciate knowing about it.
Davinci Resolve. Free version does more than I need already, though I didn't need 4k, not sure what the limits are today. Tons of features but watch a few youtube vids and it's pretty easy to work with.
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They do make an adapter that fits my controller for bigger screens. Mine here is just the basic unit and I thought I might like the one with the screen but my phone is bigger so other than a little extra weight it's as good or better IMO. Might get one of those sun shades for it tho. Can be hard to see when it's sunny out.

The antenna is built in to the top of the clamp holding the phone and seems to work pretty good but it's my first and only drone so nothing to compare it to. Flew it over to my neighbour's about a half mile away as the drone flies with trees in my yard between us and some tall pines over at his place. Was OK until I dropped down in front of his shop then it lost contact but I just went up again and it came back online so it must have been receiving the signal.

I'm still Joe Rookie with it but will be getting more practise with it this year. Hopefully go somewhere more scenic but won't top the Honduras. :)

If I get to our cabin this year there's some really nice scenery up there and on the way I'm hoping to have time to stop at and get some nice footage and pics. Nice drive up the Fraser Canyon highway past Hell's Gate which is a big tourist attraction with a cable tram going over the river so don't know if I can fly it thru there but downstream 30 miles or so is the old Alexander Bridge that is over a narrow spot of the river and should be no problem flying around in there as there's rarely anyone down there. I bought a charger with 4 rubber boots to put batteries in and two USB ports for phone and controller so can keep the batteries charging while moving from spot to spot using a little DC- AC converter for power.

Hopefully I can learn this video editing stuff well enough to put together some decent videos with voice overs etc but I need to fire it up and work at that. I downloaded that free Openshot video editor and think it has more than enough features to be able to do all I'll want to do. If you know of anything even easier to use that works with Win10 I'd appreciate knowing about it.

I have never been a Windows person, I’ve been editing on a Mac with Final Cut Pro X for about 10 years now. But as Sativa said, Devince might be a good program to dip your toes into.
Yes, just a short a drive. Large part of NL is a river delta of the German Rhine, with rivers going to the sea and the big lake in NL. Instead of fighting against it as we have for decades, we gave them space in a 'room for rivers' project to flood in a controlled manner. The mini lakes along that river are overflow areas doubling the river's capacity.

Looks really nice there. I grew up with dikes keeping the Fraser River water out in Richmond, BC on Lulu Island in the river on the south side of Vancouver. Dead flat there too. The Vancouver International airport is on Sea Island which is also surrounded by a dike and only a few miles from where we lived. The mountains are only a half hour drive up the Fraser Valley and we used to make all sorts of road trips out to Alberta through the Rockies to visit mom's side of the family. Some really spectacular scenery through there and I'm still in awe every time I make the trip out to BC to visit my family.

I have all sorts of pics but taken with a film camera. I keep meaning to scan them but it's a daunting task.

Nice spot on the Bridge River road on the way to the cabin. The little Yakima river runs into the Bridge River there and I always thought it would be a nice spot to live tho 30 miles of gravel road to the nearest store in Lillooet.


The cabin with mom headed to the back door. That tree was maybe 10' tall when we first started building the cabin 60 years ago and should come down as we almost lost the cabin to a huge forest fire that burned off the back of the mountain behind the cabin about 10 years ago. Luckily the fire fighters and a shift in the wind kept it at bay.


The view looking west from the dock. The lake is only about a mile and a half long. Glacier fed alpine lake and very deep in the middle.


Feeding Whiskey Jacks, (grey jays), on the deck.


Had to hunt but found some pics taken by my sister when the cabin got updated with a foundation and added bedrooms and an indoor outhouse back in '09 a year before that fire. No power or interweb up there so have to tote water from the lake to flush the toilet when needed. Plumbing is all installed and a septic tank put in.

Showing it's age.


East side with new back door. Only had the front door before.


Looks really nice there.
Thanks. Looks pretty rural in the pics but a few degree rotate either way there's large urban areas. I can be in the largest forest and still hear the cars on a freeway or highway nearby. Just a short 20min or so drive from my place and there's peace and quiet at the river. Good place to have dinner.

Some chicken tikka on a Swedish (but actually Finnish) torch at the river

Got my wife - which I manifested after being inspired by Weird Science - emerging from the river like she's in a Bond movie.... Life’s pretty good. Would be nice if people like Putin would stop to try and fuck up a good thing.

Some really spectacular scenery through there and I'm still in awe every time I make the trip out to BC to visit my family.
That sure does looks spectacular. As a flatlander I become very mindful when I see mountains irl ”There's a mountain!”, "I’m looking at a mountain”, “mountains are huge“, “I wish we had mountains too”. Heck, even a big hill gets me excited. First thing that stands out when I go east into Germany or south towards/into Belgium or France is that the road isn’t entirely level anymore. Way more fun driving.

Last summer I was standing on a cliff of the coast of France after driving through some Van Gogh painting looking landscapes and I was genuinely cranky I didn't bring my drone. Missed opportunity. I have flown drones in mountainous areas abroad and may or may not have exceeded all legal and moral and some by standard software imposed height limits (it would run out of juice before it could get up this high with standard max speed, while it needed enough to get back). Lots of crap coming out of China but DJI drones don't belong to that category. If they can make EVs like that someday, DIY might be right after all about us all driving Chinese cars.

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Turns out it's just NL, the rest of the earth is not flat. (NSW, Australia)

Barely a good place left where I can fly drones nearby now since new EU regulations. On the grander scale of things not a biggie, but an example of EU over-regulating. The main goal was to have the same rules across EU, not actually solve an existing problem. Best nature areas are now off-limit and have to be a certain distance from urban areas and roads, and of course not near airports and helicopter landing pads. Basically leaves little interesting.