Sir Napsalot
Well-Known Member
How did you apply that high gloss paint? Just an air brush? I always worked on military stuff so I never tried glossy paint.
I use Tamiya TS-series rattlecan lacquers or old Pactra "Racing Finish" R/C car lacquer in an airbrush, then wet-sand to at least 1,200grit (usually 2,000grit, but sometimes 5,000) and polish it out with Novus #2 plastic polish and an old sock.
The R/C car paint is meant to eat into the underside of a clear lexan body, so it's pretty "hot" and has some flex agent in it- it dries with a matte finish so it needs to be clearcoated. I like Tamiya TS13 clear best because it rubs out to the highest gloss, but Duplicolor "Perfect Match" rattlecan clearcoat works almost as well and is cheaper. You have to use a good primer under these lacquers and let it dry real well, 2 weeks is good but a month is better. I've found PlastiKote "Sandable" Automotive primer in the rattlecan holds up to just about anything I spray on it.
Also, I paint a whole bunch of light mist coats and let them flash off between passes so I never actually spray a wet glossy coat. It can be risky mixing different manufacturers' products, but I've played with this enough to have it pretty well sorted