The Kiwi Growers Thread

shot for starting the kiwi thread, was also thinking abt starting one far everyone has the same problem, expensive to buy the tools to grow good mj.Im in no-till so haven't been using much ferts.I was using nutrifield in coco and got a good harvest, when i was using nutes.

Any1 had any grows with lights from herbal house or any of the other nz grow shops?

There's not one place to get all the stuff you need, you really have to buy from alot of different sources to get a good package going. Even tho I got most of the setup i still cant crack a good grow lol.

seeds are another common issue,in terms of getting them in.other than a few hookups on here I havent yet tryed to import any yet.....mayb one day.

To the op and fellow kiwis I hope this thread continues and grows

Kia ora
I feel ya man some things are crazy expensive or just impossible to find. But I shop everywhere now

As for leds never used any from any of our shops herbals and co,. How ever I did start building my own a few years ago and have been having amazing results ever since.
And it's alot easier than I thought, heap's of guide's on here. I personally get better results my leds than my HPS and I'm still running them both.

As for seed's I've never tryed clone everything, got some good strains and always looking for trades
So I gather. I do really well with my hps but the lesser energy use and temperature considerations are pretty attractive with leds as are the possibilities for side and under lighting etc. Also want to consider future expansion as im in a smaller place atm.
Zoodoo were good, dead cheap delivery in welly not sure how far it went. Must have a look if they're still about, more use to outdoor growers I would think and I don't have a garden. Not to say it wouldn't be helpful indoors of course.
I feel ya man some things are crazy expensive or just impossible to find. But I shop everywhere now

As for leds never used any from any of our shops herbals and co,. How ever I did start building my own a few years ago and have been having amazing results ever since.
And it's alot easier than I thought, heap's of guide's on here. I personally get better results my leds than my HPS and I'm still running them both.

As for seed's I've never tryed clone everything, got some good strains and always looking for trades
Good to know. Helps my considerations.
After last years crap summer I didn't bother and ran extra indoor. Regretted it. Been struggling with temps and would have been good. I don't have a garden anymore but I tuck 3 or 4 behind my tobacco and tomatoes on my deck. Its wide open, front of house and looks like a jungle when the "garden" is humming so can't be seen.
Be interested to hear how anyone is finishing now the weather's turning. It sure has got a bit wet here.
She's a pretty wee thing ain't she, well played bro! I've never done autos so won't comment apart from that, not that I would need to im sure. Looking at the newer autos available those that do such things seem to have worked hard to improve them so much in all areas, as they needed to, but thats development and prohibition hand in hand for ya!

Which part of the country are you? Only roughly of course, I know just how fucking "small" this place can be!! Your summer is all thats of interest to me.
link listed ^^^^^ above, not to many issues , .Autos - Strawberry gum , Photo's- Hairy Lemon and Baked Alaska , wont buy via USA these days as freight and why buy males -
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Growing Bubblegum, Girls Scout Cookies Extreme, and Sour Grape. Ran all before. Going well but heat has been a struggle inside. The way we are orientated is the issue, unless we're getting something from the south in terms of wind the air by my vent doesn't move and when its very warm can be an issue. Hasn't caused any problems but hairloss (me!) and smell as I open vents and door.
any1 got any seeds through lately?what youz got growing?
My bro gets them for us through Herbies Head Shop regular as, like every 6 weeks. They guarantee delivery. 1 time we tracked our order all the way from Spain to Akld airport & they stopped there, we watched & waited a couple weeks then we emailed Herbies Head shop told them the situation & they sent another package straight away. Turned up on the doorstep 2 weeks later.
I've got white widow, white rhino, durbin poison and crystal glow. Don't do any outdoor but 3 4*4s going atm. The first is my my best set-up and it's fucked up it's like 600ish watt's led 4 uk square autopots 2 widows one of which has cal mag issues and 2 rhino's one of which just looks all sorts of messed up

My 2nd 4x4 is all my old and spear parts got like 350-450 watts leds running 4 rhino's in the same system as above running off the same res and they are banging so I don't no.

And lastly I got a 600de hps with some buddies in there and there's a mixture what ever I had laying around at the time 8 * 15ltr in soil and last I checked they were banging as well.

So 2 outs 3 ain't bad.
nice one, sound sorted bro.always good to have some of your own smoke.whats durbin poison like to grow?heard it can be a challenge?
nice one, sound sorted bro.always good to have some of your own smoke.whats durbin poison like to grow?heard it can be a challenge?
Good day's and bad day's my bro.

Durbin I've only run it through once and I didn't have many problems except it's a space hog. Very similar to my window squats down early and gets chunky be careful for rot.

But Dame it's so nice to smoke damn just the smell when it's cured