The Kiwi Growers Thread

recommend the Bubbies side lights,
The company @Grow Lights Australia have the best Spectrum/ LEDS for growing Devils Lettuce( they can supply all info - its on there website and its all legit not like alot of these resellers out there that promote what the reps tell them) they have a big sale/promotion coming up..
Starts to morrow at 12 pm 19th April -Code to be released - first in first served as they say runs for 2 days only - well worth it
Looking mean brother, be a good harvest for yah bro! They all from herbies, sure I've asked before but memory ain't that great these days lol. The Jack's getting some nice colours already eh.
Most weren’t on the 420 sale , just didn’t look until today. Ye bro that strain will be a mean smoke up, looks like the breeder had something in mind for that one.
recommend the Bubbies side lights,
The company @Grow Lights Australia have the best Spectrum/ LEDS for growing Devils Lettuce( they can supply all info - its on there website and its all legit not like alot of these resellers out there that promote what the reps tell them) they have a big sale/promotion coming up..
Starts to morrow at 12 pm 19th April -Code to be released - first in first served as they say runs for 2 days only - well worth it
Sorry to spam the thread, but FYI the code is up on the site now: For20%Off
Hey @Scuzzman , you got any pics of your grows, using your lights from auz, just wanna get a comparison compared to my 3 yr old trade me Hori NZ light. Chur. Coz if I’m gonna put down over a G on a light it’s gotta be a shit load better. My QB cost me 4hundy.
just harvested dude- here is a link to a grow from last year , I shall upgrading all my lights soon, will also put them in the greenhouse for the veggies
just harvested dude- here is a link to a grow from last year , I shall upgrading all my lights soon, will also put them in the greenhouse for the veggies
Bro those ladies are mean nice one man.
Churr been growing for a while now but have recently moved houses it's got a huge garage witch I was gonna put tents in. The day we move in we find out the farkin landlord lIves next door right by the shed too. Only other option is a attic grow it's reasonable sized length wise for storage but it's like just over 4ft tall. Gonna tip a 4x4 on its side and scrog. Wish me luck lol
Nice good luck man. Always pain when you rent eh, hate pulling everything down every 3 months. Still beats buying bud tho lol