The late crop avoids the chops


Is it to late in the growing season to start another crop? Im thinking if i get it down and sprouting before next week that would give it a exact month of veg before daylight hits 12hrs, atleast i hope so because i already got them germ'n, think this will work?
it'll grow, but outdoors is different from indoor growing. PLants dont wait until 12 hrs to start flowering. In nature there is a natural cyclye. Each day after the summer solciste(SP?), the day become shorter by a few mins each day. So plants are gradually go into flowering. Plants are starting to flower now and will finish mid to late sept - Nov depending on what you are growing.Your not gonna get much from those new ones this late in the season.
I kinda figured that, but im using mix stash seeds, i diffinitely wouldnt attempt this with any purchased highgrade strain however. Im trying to get seeds more than buds at this point to be honest while avoiding mutt plants as much as possible and get more expierence under my belt since this has been my first season growing
Chances are they will grow slowly and start to flower before the month is up. Even if you veg them under light for a month in a month the 12/12 cycle really accelerates flowering. They need 8 or more weeks. You're not going to get enough light. Depending upon where you are temps alone can inhibit growth. You might wind up with a 1 foot plant with some chicklet buds.
Ya I think the flower period starts at around 14 hours of light and less outdoors. But I'de say if its just some bag seeds then what can it really hurt. About a week ago I noticed that the largest of my 3 plants is a male. The 2 I got left still arent showing any sex from what I can tell but the way that they are stretching makes me think they may be males too. Being bumbed out I threw a bunch of seeds into pots right after I noticed the confirmed male. They are just bag seeds also. In my case I just wanna say that i got at least 1 female so I know im not cursed. I dont care if it's 1 M&M sized bud as long as it's a bud. Good luck to you man whatever you decide.
Ya I think the flower period starts at around 14 hours of light and less outdoors. But I'de say if its just some bag seeds then what can it really hurt. About a week ago I noticed that the largest of my 3 plants is a male. The 2 I got left still arent showing any sex from what I can tell but the way that they are stretching makes me think they may be males too. Being bumbed out I threw a bunch of seeds into pots right after I noticed the confirmed male. They are just bag seeds also. In my case I just wanna say that i got at least 1 female so I know im not cursed. I dont care if it's 1 M&M sized bud as long as it's a bud. Good luck to you man whatever you decide.
so u have 2 males show now or am i misreading, and from my understanding females will strech when there going to flower soon