The Latest Bullshit Out Of Indiana


Well-Known Member
Its fucked up but we all KNOW there WILL be women who will lie just to get a free anything. Im not saying its going to happen a lot, but it WILL happen.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member far as I am concerned, every woman should have a right to a free abortion, regardless of circumstance, this planet is overpopulated as is...after all abortion is alot cheaper than an unvanted child anyhow...
Let's examine your statement. Please define "free".

Do you mean the person receiving the service doesn't pay for it, but somebody else will be forced to pay for it or provide the service without compensation under the threat of harm?


Well-Known Member
so your point is kind of mute..
LOL points don't become Mute, i.e. unable to speak. They become Moot, i.e. having no merit because of circumstances. Not knocking what you said, I totally agree, but thought I would throw that out there.

The Cryptkeeper

Well-Known Member
Let's examine your statement. Please define "free".

Do you mean the person receiving the service doesn't pay for it, but somebody else will be forced to pay for it or provide the service without compensation under the threat of harm?
Or that the government will print more money to sustain their agendas.


bud bootlegger
LOL points don't become Mute, i.e. unable to speak. They become Moot, i.e. having no merit because of circumstances. Not knocking what you said, I totally agree, but thought I would throw that out there.
you know what does become mute though, is when i put you on the ignore list like i should have done long ago.. and who fucking cares where obama was born.. all the bullshit in the world today, and this is what you waste your time being concerned about.. ???????????????? your a tool.....

Illegal Smile

Well-Known Member
When the government prints money without the real wealth behind it as they are doing at light speed these days, it has to be paid for sooner or later. The way it is paid through is via inflation. There is more money underlying the same real wealth, so all the money is worth less. When you are a sucker for the government services they say they can't cut, they are buying our votes with our own money.


Well-Known Member
you know what does become mute though, is when i put you on the ignore list like i should have done long ago.. and who fucking cares where obama was born.. all the bullshit in the world today, and this is what you waste your time being concerned about.. ???????????????? your a tool.....
don't take it personally.


Well-Known Member
There is absolutely no doubt that there would be some who lie to get something they want.
People will lie about anything if it benefits them in the end - I honestly don’t believe there is anything some folks won’t lie about.
let people get abortion if they want whos right is it to tell people diffrent just because of your op fuck that just because you dont think its right does not make it wrong. no there killing unborn kids ok but tell me that kid would be better off in a foster home or with a mother who dident want it watch this movie freakonomics abortion has its place just like assisted suicide does let people be free in a free country lol were not free at all the bigest lie i was ever told


Well-Known Member
let people get abortion if they want whos right is it to tell people diffrent just because of your op fuck that just because you dont think its right does not make it wrong. no there killing unborn kids ok but tell me that kid would be better off in a foster home or with a mother who dident want it watch this movie freakonomics abortion has its place just like assisted suicide does let people be free in a free country lol were not free at all the bigest lie i was ever told
The discussion is not about whether or not you can get a abortion.


Well-Known Member
someone should do a nice edit of the MY GOODNESS THIS IS THE STATE OF INDIANA!

Charlie Ventura

Active Member
Taxpayer funding of abortion should be a state issue and not a federal issue. As a Catholic, I believe abortion is murder. I'm just about ready to send a check to the U.S. Treasury to pay taxes due on my 2110 income. If I lived in Indiana and state funded abortion was the law, I could move to another state. But when abortion funding is a federal mandate, the only choice I have is to either help commit murder or make the decision of not sending in my tax money to the feds. So federal funding of abortion ultimately means that, if I stand by by principles, I will eventually be thrown into jail for not submitting to, and participating in, sacrificing the unborn to the furnaces of the abortionists.

The Cryptkeeper

Well-Known Member
Taxpayer funding of abortion should be a state issue and not a federal issue. As a Catholic, I believe abortion is murder. I'm just about ready to send a check to the U.S. Treasury to pay taxes due on my 2110 income. If I lived in Indiana and state funded abortion was the law, I could move to another state. But when abortion funding is a federal mandate, the only choice I have is to either help commit murder or make the decision of not sending in my tax money to the feds. So federal funding of abortion ultimately means that, if I stand by by principles, I will eventually be thrown into jail for not submitting to, and participating in, sacrificing the unborn to the furnaces of the abortionists.
Haha. Now for the response I've been waiting to make. :) If you pay taxes period, you are funding murder no matter what. So the debate about abortion is an incredibly minuscule portion of it.


Well said bud !!!

The most pathetic part of this hysteric woman’s attempted argument, is her cringe worthy endeavours to show compassion for the victims.

The true victims in such hennas crimes are the innocent unborn children, the children the “pro choice” (that’s an oxymoron if there ever was one, what choice dose the child have) erroneous love to call “a foetus “to ease there uncompassionate Coprophagous conscience.

The same hypocrites whine about war, injustice, environmental issues, sodomistic rights and most ironic of all human rights.

As I have mentioned in other postings, the most intolerant people are the ones who claim to be tolerant, when you don’t agree with them your labeled as a neo conservative or religious freak.

In actual fact they are the freaks…how many cells dose it take to make a human being? 1,6, 2,000, 1,000,000, eighty billion !!! Given a bit of time just one!!!


Charlie Ventura

Active Member
Haha. Now for the response I've been waiting to make. :) If you pay taxes period, you are funding murder no matter what. So the debate about abortion is an incredibly minuscule portion of it.
How about elaborating a little? Other than abortion, how are my tax dollars contributing to murder? Is war murder ...or self defense? Or, were you referring to something other than war?




You’re a Neanderthal moron mate, you where obviously dragged out of a cave!!!


Well said Charlie,

Without sounding patronising you’re obviously a good compassionate person with vision and an understanding for right and wrong.

An attribute in the main not valued on this forum.