The Law of The Land

abe supercro

Well-Known Member
I understand abe I have seen it before the wrong has been enlightened and the wounds must be licked and a plan revenge offcourse. You do not like light? Who would have thunk it?
this is the kind if shit that will make you develop thicker skin.
removing the manson video was a gift. now you say, in you specie hicy way
bring more back to me.

I think I know what your problem(s) are and we can dicuss them from now to new years,
"enlightenment" as you say. I feel a little guilty picking on you, but not enough to stop. because you are really an ass regardless of all your mental excuses. you've met a kindred spirit that will take time to talk shit back to you.
I Am Your Preacher. Hello.


Well-Known Member
I am not the one that created the threads name nor am I the creator of the thread and yet you find it not coincidence that your ways be revieled to some with with those titles? You anti's can never see nothing coming or going and always play games. It took me to the point of not giving a fuck what might happen for me to call your ass out. If I do get deleted that is fine. I have made peace more a reality and that is at least something outta nothing, nothing being this user name hic. Hope ya all enjoy the pictures.

abe supercro

Well-Known Member
Not trying to discourage you from all your great grow efforts pics and all.
I'm just informing you that i am your preacher now.
I will bring to sermon to you bro. straight and direct, no fussing around...
I will tell you who you are each day. our faith will keep us whole.


Well-Known Member
Jeeesis.... I don't know what you did to piss off abe but I've never personally seen him act like this with anyone else before at all so I think your assumption of his character is wrong hic. This shit is personal and between the two of you, I really wish it wasn't spilling out into every thread. You guys need to get this shit resolved.. put each other on ignore or some shit...

I don't think acting all goofy like you're prepping the kool-aid is helping either. lol You guys are weird sometimes... :D


Well-Known Member
Abe is so upset because his sneaky ways of keeping things the way they are over. He is loosing his ability to deceive. I do not care what 10f you think. Hitler had many followers to kill. This is no way the same yet the same principle applies. Decieve and destroy. He has tried as hard as he can in his carrer in RIU to get me booted off for some reason. It is not hic he does not like it is what reps. There is a reason why abe and me are drawn to each other. I admit many of you must think I am a real fuckin loon but that is the price people like me pay and it is accepted.

The Numbers abe.... I hate anti's and all those little games they play. Quit your dodging snake and answer my question. How many broke ass people have you sent away? How many times have you done a good deed to hide a bad one? How many came looking for answers and you played a game of discouragement? How many times have you accused someone of being a nut to slip back into your shadow? How many people came here and did not wish to kneel so you told them how dumb they are? Answer my question snake and dodge the answer no longer.

snake you know I know more then how to grow marijuana now do you not. Go figure he would send what you call a dumby to do this. Funny huh all knowing abe.

abe supercro

Well-Known Member
did you call me "all-knowing"? lmao. So it will become all about religion for you. Preach away lunatic.

To answer your question, "how many people"? Well here's your answer:


Well-Known Member
Jeeesis.... I don't know what you did to piss off abe but I've never personally seen him act like this with anyone else before at all so I think your assumption of his character is wrong hic. This shit is personal and between the two of you, I really wish it wasn't spilling out into every thread. You guys need to get this shit resolved.. put each other on ignore or some shit...

I don't think acting all goofy like you're prepping the kool-aid is helping either. lol You guys are weird sometimes... :D

It is only goofy to some. What is happening is change. It is how it works. Things change when it is time for them to and usually all it takes is a little wind to change the path of a leaf. "you have heard that before in an earlier thread snake did you not" I believe that got your ears in tune to me again. ahh the leaf abe did you forget?


Well-Known Member
The number. Not too much jibberish in that. 3 simple words to comprehend. No games it ends.

abe supercro

Well-Known Member
I give up. you won hic.
I completely surrender to your all-knowing horseshit gibberish.
That was easy.
Now maybe you can learn to shut-the-fuck-up bro.

post script:
-the gps coordinates are Now Mine.


Well-Known Member
Numbers is all I request to end this and you know it. your still dodging, I do not think it will be the same anymore with you leaving without the Numbers being heard snake. I will leave you alone forever I promise cross my heart.