The leaf texture changed!?


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ol man

Active Member
So check it, how about i put one of my babies into flowering, then put it back into the vegatative stage and noticed that the leaf texture dramatically changed.......the typical edgey borders of the foiliage changed to a solid smooth border, is this plant shock? Or something else? Any thoughts anyone?


Active Member
The one in the tan pot looks stretched and weak from low light. It doesn't look "smooth" so much as it looks like a not-so-happy indica. As for the plant in the green pot, I have no idea what's going on there. From the severe damage, wilting and blurry pics it's barely identifiable as Mary at all.

ol man

Active Member
the one in the tan pot looks stretched and weak from low light. It doesn't look "smooth" so much as it looks like a not-so-happy indica. As for the plant in the green pot, i have no idea what's going on there. From the severe damage, wilting and blurry pics it's barely identifiable as mary at all.
this is one my very first grows that i have kept for research and experimental purposes.......guess what.........., this is the same plant, it was over fertilized, and heat burned some time's also been flowered and put back into vegetative........, it's been through alot.......i just wanted to know why the leaf margins changed when it was converted back to vegging...........

ol man

Active Member
So that the roots would'nt get restricted, but at that time, she looked completely different, after the stress and heat and revegging, she's just been going just now getting her to show signs of recooperating, but it's taking me alot of hard work.......i'll have to try to take better pictures and post some more of the old ones, she's doing a hundred times better, wait til i post the heat exposure suprised she's still living.........