the legal alternative

mr j2

Well-Known Member
To cocaine is.. COCAINE! (the energy drink). Anyone ever tried this stuff? I drink energy drinks daily and they're ones with just as much or more caffeine than this has in it (it has 280 mg I think), but this drink is a little different. I didn't drink it for awhile because I got sick of it after buying a 24 pack and drinking almost all of them myself. But I just cracked one open today and realized that it does actually affect you a little differently than normal energy drinks. Plus it burns your throat and makes your body feel kinda warm as if you were drinking alcohol, but they made a new one that doesn't burn. Anyway, if you chug this stuff your body feels warm, and of course you're awake, but I also noticed that it blurs your vision a little (which doesn't happen to me with other energy drinks). I drink SPIKE daily which has 300 mg of caffeine and it doesn't feel like this one. It's no where near cocaine lol, but it does do something. But if you drink this stuff with vodka.. it's INTENSE..I'm telling you ha. It also adds a nice pick up to your high if you drink it right after smoking. So..go get yourself a can, take a few shots, smoke, and you'll be set :mrgreen:. I don't really know the point of this thread.. I just like energy drinks :blsmoke::mrgreen:

I'm about to drink another though..damn you tolerance.



Well-Known Member
Never tried this stuff before I usually pick NOS as my favorite energy drink. I always go crazy with them too I chug a few then smoke a J, trip like crazy.


Well-Known Member
I heard about that drink but i did not know that you could buy it outside of Columbia. It really does have cocaine it. Where did you buy it ?

mr j2

Well-Known Member
I heard about that drink but i did not know that you could buy it outside of Columbia. It really does have cocaine it. Where did you buy it ?
It doesn't. Just a lot of caffeine. It was banned because of how they marketed it. You aren't allowed to say something is a legal alternative to an illegal drug. And the lettering is in cocaine powder..

edit: you can find it online. I got it from someone off of amazon


Well-Known Member
The stuff from Columbia that really does have cocaine in it is called Coca-Seka. I wish you could buy some of that on Amazon


Well-Known Member
What crazy things do you do with energy drinks? I get pretty bored at times and always looking for something new to do.


Well-Known Member
Anyone tried redline? I heard of people that drank 1 bottle and started throwing up a lot and had an erratic heart rate. That's crazy, I only drink the occasional "Rockstar" or "Monster".

mr j2

Well-Known Member
Anyone tried redline? I heard of people that drank 1 bottle and started throwing up a lot and had an erratic heart rate.
Yeah it has 250 mg of caffeine. Had it a few days ago and last week. It has yohimbe bark extract or some shit in it though which makes you shiver--hence the fat incinerator title on the redline

mr j2

Well-Known Member
Monster used to be my drink of choice but my tolerance is too high now and I have such a high metabolism that I literally crash 20 min after drinking they actually make me more tired....


Well-Known Member
anyone try that 5 hour energy "no crash" shit, i drank it smoked a joint, went to work and went to sleep at worked like shit.


Well-Known Member
anyone try that 5 hour energy "no crash" shit, i drank it smoked a joint, went to work and went to sleep at worked like shit.

It's crap if you ask me. Fuck. Redbull doesn't even really work that terribly well on me anymore, but it's honestly one of the only things that works. I am pretty sure it's the Vitamin C and the B12. That shit will get you going. serious.

mr j2

Well-Known Member
anyone try that 5 hour energy "no crash" shit, i drank it smoked a joint, went to work and went to sleep at worked like shit.

Yeah, haha, I just mentioned how they are shit. I had a 7 hr energy shot!, a redbull, smoked, and still passed out. Wouldn't of happened with a spike!