the legal herbs


Well-Known Member
Dude your looking at a headache. its real herbs (not marijuana though). it is legal to have and the looks and names are just advertising so they can bank on your money. waste your money if you want. Oh don't try to pass it off as real to someone else unless you want an ass kicking. Hope you goto jail if you do try to sell it.


Well-Known Member
They make the shit look good in the pictures, but it neither looks, nor smells like pot. A blind man could take a whiff and know it wasn't bud. Why don't you just cut the motherfucker loose and be done with him? Seems to me what you're proposing is a pretty douchey move. Way too much work for some random twat.


Well-Known Member
Are you that much of a dick yourself? You say that guy is a dick, but to screw with people and sell them bunk what does that make you?

That shit is bunk, that dick will know you fucked him over and then if he's really pissed what trouble can he cause for you over a lifetime?

your just a sketch... who cares. he's a fuck'n joke. do you think he would do it to me? or any one else would do it to me or you if they had the chance?? absolutely.. people who sell u weed dont sell it to you so you can get high.. they sell it to you cuz your making their pockets fat... think about it.. where is the money at??? you can get a pound for 300 and turn it into 2500 do the math buddy.

i am a dick and dont care. ---- abou tthis person.


Well-Known Member
well thanks for all the advice... i think it's funny how SOME.. SOME of you people think it's a dick move and blah blah.... just remember none of you live around me, i dont sell weed, but like i said -- there is an ass hole i would like to fuck with.. and i dont care about the money... if i bought an oz and just put 50 50 i would make money ontop of bein an ass hole.. and he wouldnt even know i was being an ass hole...

i dont know - some of you guys would just ignore him, others would rob him... and others would just deal with his shit and be a nice pussy to him. - i'm nice but he's a grimy dirty fucker who always tryin to make a buck by STEALING from ppl. ... including me.

figure it out

for those who think it is funny, or want to know the results i ordered me up some hawaian haze or something and i'm going to take it for a test ride... SOME ONE around here will buy it if he dont and i will at least get my money back.


Well-Known Member
I don' think anyone will buy it... The stuff is brown. and not even brown like dirt weed I mean like tobacco brown.