The legendary dog penis pipe!

I got a pipe with a good size bowl. it was $50 and looked just like a dog penis. it was the best pipe ever in my opinion. has anybody else had a pipe like this? a buddy of mine broke it with a paper clip. it drop on the ground a thousand times and never broke and a fucking paper clip broke it!


Well-Known Member
Uh, couldn't you be a little bit more flowery or at the very least more descriptive than comparing it to a 'dogs penis' ?

Either way, I suggest getting a new pipe regardless of being able to find it or not - good shit comes in different shapes and sizes, ya?
the funny thing about the pipe, it hits like a beast but the only name i could think of was the dog penis. it had a round bowl and some cool random designs. i dont have a dog but i imagine it being the same lenght and shape.


Well-Known Member
hahaha, alright. ok so imagine a sphere with the top part being a bowl, shotgun hole on the side, and the pipe length goes out and kind of cones out in the front in a rounded sort of manner. about 1 and a half lengths of a thumb and 1 and a half of it's diameter. Sound about right?

The Real Peter Parker

Well-Known Member
Looks not like a penis pipe at all.

Oh, you said 'dog penis'... well I'm not a dog penis looker at all, but this is my interpretation of a penis pipe: