The Lipa & Tap Mushroom Grow (CALIGROWKITS TEST)


I've been reading up on growing mushrooms for a couple months now and am anxious to get started. This is my first shroom grow so I decided to buy the pre-made jars from and test em out and let you guys know how well they work for the first timer. Feel free to post if you have used the kits before with positive or negative results and would like to share. The kit was $50 and took about 1 week for delivery. They have a $100 kit too but thats a bit much. I got my spore syringes elsewhere.

The kit came with...
6 1/2 Pint Ultra Substrate Jars (Premixed & Pressure Sterilized)
16 Quart Growing Chamber
Termometer Humidity Gauge
1 Quick Bright Grow Light
1 Gal of Premium Ultra Fine Perlite
Alcohol Swab

*Gloves aren't included.

The jars are all pre made with the following...
Natural Organic Brown Rice Flour
Vermiculite with Mineral Water
Worm Castings
Bee Pollen (Nature's Super-Nutrient)​

3x Lipa yai
3x Tapalpa​

The instructions they include are well written and easy to understand for the first timer. However, I did read a lot on other sites regarding the topic prior which helped me understand a bit more. For instance how important being sterile is. They no where suggest using gloves, which to me was kinda weird. So I recommend still doing some research on your own to understand whats going on instead of just following instructions that don't explain whats taking place. There are 4 injection sites on the top of each jar. Which you use to inject the spores right into the cake.



I started the grow last night on 10/8. I placed the jars under my bathroom sink where its pretty much a constant 85 degrees. Which is perfect for incubation. The aluminum foil is for added protection and keeps moisture in. The instructions with the kit suggest that incubation takes 5-8 days. We'll see how accurate that is soon enough.



Always been interested in growing some shrooms. Thanks for sharing, I'll definately be following this.


Well-Known Member
dude i was checking out the cali grow kits too, and thinking about buying one of their kits. def. sub'd


Lookin forward to your results. I never knew about cali grow kits, if all goes well maybe ill get myself a kit. Growing mushrooms is something ive always been interested in trying. +rep


Its the end of day 5 and no signs of any colonization. I remember reading though that if you inject directly into the cake(which I did) it takes a bit longer to see results rather then if you were to injected around the inside of the glass. Maybe 2 to 3 more days.

dude i was checking out the cali grow kits too, and thinking about buying one of their kits. def. sub'd
Yah, thought why not try it out. Hell of a lot easier then making your own jars.

Lookin forward to your results. I never knew about cali grow kits, if all goes well maybe ill get myself a kit. Growing mushrooms is something ive always been interested in trying. +rep
I'm curious to see how much these 6 jars produce. We'll see. Thanks for the rep


More good news then bad. Looks like 4 jars are colonizing correctly out of the 6. One jar has no signs of growth, so the spores possibly didn't make it into the cake. And the other has been cologinizing a little different and is a grey. Probably got contaminated. If anyone knows for sure, please let me know. The Lipa Yai is still moving twice as fast as the Tapalpa.

Here are the good looking jars...

And the grayish jar (possibly contaminated?)...

As for the 4 remaining jars, looks like they'll all be done in the next week or so.


Active Member
ive been looking into starting my own. and after looking more and more im realizing theres more to it. pretty sweet though. out of 4 jars like that how much can you expect to harvest in dry weight? im subbed. so keep up on the pics. some one IS watching. haha


So I found out that the last pictured jar has mold, possibly green mold. So i'm getting rid of that jar. Fuck it i'm happy with the 4 surviving jars. I'll have more pics up when the jars are fully colonized.

ive been looking into starting my own. and after looking more and more im realizing theres more to it. pretty sweet though. out of 4 jars like that how much can you expect to harvest in dry weight? im subbed. so keep up on the pics. some one IS watching. haha
The hardest part seems to be making the jars, and sterilizing them. Everything else is basically on its own. Thats why I went with CGK. They say you have 3 or 4 flushes per cake so I really don't know how much they will produce. We'll see...


Also, I kept the contaminated jar just to see what happens. Looks and smells gross. Getting rid of it tomor morning.



A lot happened over thanksgiving with my jars. I went away for 3 days and in that time 3 of the jars started growing mushrooms in them. Which made it extremely hard to get the cakes out. I lost 3 mushrooms in the process, fuckin sucks but ah well. Definitely legit shrooms they were all bruised up by the time I fully got the cakes out. Anyway, now the 4 cakes are in the terrarium ready to produce fruit.. shit they already are!

I used the bag of perlite they supplied and ran water through it using a strainer. Layered the bottom of the terrarium with it (2") to help raise moisture to further induce fruiting. The dim light CGK supplied set in the back also induces fruiting.

got some pics..



ohh another thing, I kept the jar that had no signs of growth just incase and good thing I did. Looks like it'll be ready in 1-2 weeks to fruit.



Active Member
IMG_0826.jpg If you mix with pasteurized horse poo yield and potency increase. Also add a bubbler to that terrarium for extra air exchange. If you crush those cakes them let them consume a few pounds of horse shit then fruit you'll be surprised. Also a little light outside is better since you want cool temps for fruiting. Do some research and don't waste your money on grow kits unless you have cash to spend. Most of those things are household items. Nice job from cakes!


View attachment 1916373 If you mix with pasteurized horse poo yield and potency increase. Also add a bubbler to that terrarium for extra air exchange. If you crush those cakes them let them consume a few pounds of horse shit then fruit you'll be surprised. Also a little light outside is better since you want cool temps for fruiting. Do some research and don't waste your money on grow kits unless you have cash to spend. Most of those things are household items. Nice job from cakes!
Crush the cakes?? And mix the poo with it? You would have to do that before they start producing fruit..wouldn't you?