Well-Known Member
Alright i was saying for a minute that i was gonna make a list off some things to do other than shrooms and acid as for hallucinatory substances. well here it is or the start of it at least. below i will include what the substance is called and links to everything you would need to know about it including effects,trip reports,making of,and how east it is to get and how easy it is to make.
First thing i am going to list is going to be dmt. there are 2 types of dmt and i will post both kinds.
1) DMT--- N,N- dimethyltryptamine(n,n dmt)
this is a natural chemical that is produced in the pineal gland in your brain during high rem sleep and before you die. it is supposedly the most intense psychadelic known to man and the majority of those who try it have a profound experiences they rate the best of their life.
dmt you may ask if it is produced in your brain how come we dont trip on it all the time. well some believe that we do all the time but cant remember it as its your brain protecting you from it...thus dreams we dont remember as it is produced when we sleep.
to make dmt you will need the source of dmt and the most common would be Ayahuasca. this is a plant that is readily available online at most ethobotanical shops. you also need an MAOI so oyur body actually ingests the extracted dmt as your body usually blocks it from entering your system. it is legal to have the plant but the process itself making the substance is illegal. there are 2 ways to make the dmt and that is a drink and a crystal form. the crystal is said to have short intense trips and the brew is said to have a more prolonged trip up to 6 hours based on the dosage.
trip experiences
Erowid Experience Vaults: DMT (also N,N-DMT) Main Index
how to make the drink
Ayahuasca Information And How To Make Ayahuasca
how to make the crystal
Chemistry and Psychopharmacology - A general introduction to Ayahuasca
doses range from 5 to 30 mg on average with 5 to 10 for a light trip 10 to 20 as an average trip and 20 to 30 as an intense trip.remember to use a new pipe when smoking the crystal as there cna be some residue left over thus you having more or a dose than you really need or want.
the chance of buying dmt is probablly not that likely unless you buy the chemical version online. people make it and do it and give it to there close friends so if oyu have no one who makes this shit make it yourself it is quite easy just be careful on the doses and remember to have a sober person there your first time you have no idea what to expect.
2) 5-meo-dmt
yes it is another form of dmt. it is the lab derived often "research chemical" labeled version. this is obtainable as said previously from online vendors who despense research chemicals. there are many more research chemicals i will list later on and im sure they will be added to so get used to this term. it is illegal to have or obtain unless you can prove you work for a lab. so many cannot and thus it is labeled illegal. it is the same as n,n dmt but rather it has an oxygen molecule attached to it. it will produce the same trip but it is only in the form of crystal or powder and usually only takes small doses to get the job done. it is also pretty pricey as ive seen a gram go for 400$ some are higher some are lower. remember when you look for a place to buy it not to be stupid...if it seems like a fake site it probablly is.
seeing how this is a chemical some will stray from it.if your still curious and want to try it just make your own as shown above.
trip reports
Erowid Experience Vaults: 5-MeO-DMT Main Index
you dont make it you buy it online unless your a scientist than you probablly already know how and if you dont i have no fucking clue as im not a scientist! lol
alright them are my first 2. i will next describe more research chemicals as im in this department but i do not know em all and hope for some to add onto this as soon as im done with as much as i can get done today.
SO PLEASE DONT POST TILL I SAY! again thank you!
First thing i am going to list is going to be dmt. there are 2 types of dmt and i will post both kinds.
1) DMT--- N,N- dimethyltryptamine(n,n dmt)
this is a natural chemical that is produced in the pineal gland in your brain during high rem sleep and before you die. it is supposedly the most intense psychadelic known to man and the majority of those who try it have a profound experiences they rate the best of their life.
dmt you may ask if it is produced in your brain how come we dont trip on it all the time. well some believe that we do all the time but cant remember it as its your brain protecting you from it...thus dreams we dont remember as it is produced when we sleep.
to make dmt you will need the source of dmt and the most common would be Ayahuasca. this is a plant that is readily available online at most ethobotanical shops. you also need an MAOI so oyur body actually ingests the extracted dmt as your body usually blocks it from entering your system. it is legal to have the plant but the process itself making the substance is illegal. there are 2 ways to make the dmt and that is a drink and a crystal form. the crystal is said to have short intense trips and the brew is said to have a more prolonged trip up to 6 hours based on the dosage.
trip experiences
Erowid Experience Vaults: DMT (also N,N-DMT) Main Index
how to make the drink
Ayahuasca Information And How To Make Ayahuasca
how to make the crystal
Chemistry and Psychopharmacology - A general introduction to Ayahuasca
doses range from 5 to 30 mg on average with 5 to 10 for a light trip 10 to 20 as an average trip and 20 to 30 as an intense trip.remember to use a new pipe when smoking the crystal as there cna be some residue left over thus you having more or a dose than you really need or want.
the chance of buying dmt is probablly not that likely unless you buy the chemical version online. people make it and do it and give it to there close friends so if oyu have no one who makes this shit make it yourself it is quite easy just be careful on the doses and remember to have a sober person there your first time you have no idea what to expect.
2) 5-meo-dmt
yes it is another form of dmt. it is the lab derived often "research chemical" labeled version. this is obtainable as said previously from online vendors who despense research chemicals. there are many more research chemicals i will list later on and im sure they will be added to so get used to this term. it is illegal to have or obtain unless you can prove you work for a lab. so many cannot and thus it is labeled illegal. it is the same as n,n dmt but rather it has an oxygen molecule attached to it. it will produce the same trip but it is only in the form of crystal or powder and usually only takes small doses to get the job done. it is also pretty pricey as ive seen a gram go for 400$ some are higher some are lower. remember when you look for a place to buy it not to be stupid...if it seems like a fake site it probablly is.
seeing how this is a chemical some will stray from it.if your still curious and want to try it just make your own as shown above.
trip reports
Erowid Experience Vaults: 5-MeO-DMT Main Index
you dont make it you buy it online unless your a scientist than you probablly already know how and if you dont i have no fucking clue as im not a scientist! lol
alright them are my first 2. i will next describe more research chemicals as im in this department but i do not know em all and hope for some to add onto this as soon as im done with as much as i can get done today.
SO PLEASE DONT POST TILL I SAY! again thank you!