The list!


Well-Known Member
Alright i was saying for a minute that i was gonna make a list off some things to do other than shrooms and acid as for hallucinatory substances. well here it is or the start of it at least. below i will include what the substance is called and links to everything you would need to know about it including effects,trip reports,making of,and how east it is to get and how easy it is to make.

First thing i am going to list is going to be dmt. there are 2 types of dmt and i will post both kinds.

1) DMT--- N,N- dimethyltryptamine(n,n dmt)
this is a natural chemical that is produced in the pineal gland in your brain during high rem sleep and before you die. it is supposedly the most intense psychadelic known to man and the majority of those who try it have a profound experiences they rate the best of their life.
dmt you may ask if it is produced in your brain how come we dont trip on it all the time. well some believe that we do all the time but cant remember it as its your brain protecting you from it...thus dreams we dont remember as it is produced when we sleep.
to make dmt you will need the source of dmt and the most common would be Ayahuasca. this is a plant that is readily available online at most ethobotanical shops. you also need an MAOI so oyur body actually ingests the extracted dmt as your body usually blocks it from entering your system. it is legal to have the plant but the process itself making the substance is illegal. there are 2 ways to make the dmt and that is a drink and a crystal form. the crystal is said to have short intense trips and the brew is said to have a more prolonged trip up to 6 hours based on the dosage.
trip experiences

Erowid Experience Vaults: DMT (also N,N-DMT) Main Index

how to make the drink

Ayahuasca Information And How To Make Ayahuasca

how to make the crystal

Chemistry and Psychopharmacology - A general introduction to Ayahuasca

doses range from 5 to 30 mg on average with 5 to 10 for a light trip 10 to 20 as an average trip and 20 to 30 as an intense trip.remember to use a new pipe when smoking the crystal as there cna be some residue left over thus you having more or a dose than you really need or want.

the chance of buying dmt is probablly not that likely unless you buy the chemical version online. people make it and do it and give it to there close friends so if oyu have no one who makes this shit make it yourself it is quite easy just be careful on the doses and remember to have a sober person there your first time you have no idea what to expect.

2) 5-meo-dmt
yes it is another form of dmt. it is the lab derived often "research chemical" labeled version. this is obtainable as said previously from online vendors who despense research chemicals. there are many more research chemicals i will list later on and im sure they will be added to so get used to this term. it is illegal to have or obtain unless you can prove you work for a lab. so many cannot and thus it is labeled illegal. it is the same as n,n dmt but rather it has an oxygen molecule attached to it. it will produce the same trip but it is only in the form of crystal or powder and usually only takes small doses to get the job done. it is also pretty pricey as ive seen a gram go for 400$ some are higher some are lower. remember when you look for a place to buy it not to be stupid...if it seems like a fake site it probablly is.
seeing how this is a chemical some will stray from it.if your still curious and want to try it just make your own as shown above.

trip reports

Erowid Experience Vaults: 5-MeO-DMT Main Index

you dont make it you buy it online unless your a scientist than you probablly already know how and if you dont i have no fucking clue as im not a scientist! lol

alright them are my first 2. i will next describe more research chemicals as im in this department but i do not know em all and hope for some to add onto this as soon as im done with as much as i can get done today.
SO PLEASE DONT POST TILL I SAY! again thank you!
Alright im moving on to research chemicals.i know the 5-meo-dmt is already listed i did that cause it is very similar in nature and chemical structure as the natural derived dmt and i believe dmt is a subject of itself.
as i said before i know very little of all the kinds of research chemicals there are as i found out about all these and was blown away so decided to let other people know of this and let the RIU community sort the rest of it out to the readers and those of interest based on there experience. but again PLEASE dont post till i say im finished.

i am not gonna post how to make some even if they are easy to make i jsut dont know how and will not know as long as i can buy it.

the Phenethylamine family. yes there is a whole "family" of them. they all have the base structure of phenethylamine.some ranging from stimulants such as amphetamine to hallucinogenic.

some are well common substances such as MDMA,mesculine,methaphetamine. but the ones most dont know about i will list below one at a time...remember these might not be all of em but a start to your knowledge and mine to be expanded upon.
some of these research chemicals were used to replace EX in the club scene as it was more dangerous than these but they ended up making it illegal.

2c's....yes more than one.

3) 2, 5-Dimethoxy-4-odophenethylamine(2c-I)
well this is known to be a very strong hallucinatory substance. some people the first time they do it trip there balls off and never do it again cause they really didnt know what they were getting into(kinda the point of this also) and they took to much. this can be a very easy mistake to make as the amount you usually take is near 10 to 20 mg...yes mg as in milligrams. nto grams. anyways it causes you trip about as long as acid sometimes repoted longer than a normal 8 hour trip. it is also said that it is without most paranoia associated with acid with some people.or that feeling int he back of your head as you worry. it is also stated to give you a boost or some energy but not like ecstacy although some compare it to e and other take it with e and acid all in one. this drug is not to common in my area and would never be able to buy it. the one time we got another form of 2c and we had to go to another state to get it. but it is all online with research chemical vendors if you forgot. here is some trip reports from erowid.

Erowid Experience Vaults: 2C-I Main Index

and here is dosage info taken from erowid
Threshold-2 - 5 mg
Light-5 - 15 mg
Common-10 - 25 mg
Strong-20 - 30 mg
they also have info on the law and other sort but with its short human use some info is hard to come by.

4)4-Bromo-2, 5-Dimethoxyphenthylamine(2cB)
this is structurally similar to mescaline and MDMA. this drug is similar to acid and shrooms but is taken with ecstacy frequently as it makes the e more intense and also makes it last longer. the dose sensitivity is the same as the 2ci and the dose amount can be the same. remember to be careful when taking this and it does make you trip.i am not to educated on this so i will just give you the trip reports.

Erowid Experience Vaults: 2C-B (also Bees) Main Index

5) 4-(2-fluoroethylthio)-2,5-dimethoxyphenethylamine (2C-T-21)
another one and it is all in the similarity to the others. this one seems to me more risky than others based on my reading of them. im not gonna list to much other than be careful with the dose and do your own research before consumption if you choose to.
trip reports via erowid...again erowid(i trust them the most as it is people like me and oyu and they tell you about the bad trips to)

Erowid Experience Vaults: 2C-T-21 Main Index

6) 2,5-dimethoxy-4-ethylphenethylamine(2cE)
i have done this on accident not really knowing what it was and later found out that it was remember to know your source or trust em and still do it always with caution. this is similar to all the other 2c's. im not going to rant about it as much as the others as i am quickly running short on time. i didnt plan on doing this today but said fuck it...anyways here is the trip reports below but i will say the dosage is about the same and you really need to take th right amount as my friend could not move ont his shit when he took an unknown amount and ate it...dumbass i know.

Erowid Experience Vaults: 2C-E Main Index

alright i got the 2c family out of the way or the majority of em i might have forgot one i think i have forgoten some but these are the main ones that i found i could purchase and have off the internet. i will add more to the list tmmrw.
alright well im sorry but i have work to do other than the computer....i will try to get more on later tonight if i cannot i will tmmrw. i will post with a topic on the reply with the info of adding more.i will try to add the rest and then continue to research more till i believe i have composed a very useful thread.until i add more fell free to comment on the substances that i have listed.i have more to come but till then please share your experiences and knowledge of the ones that have already been listed....thank you
alright got a couple minutes to add to this this time i hope that i have helped people out with some information and the start of expanding there knowledge of the world of drugs out there that some people do not know about.
next one is one continues with Phenethylamines. so its in the same " class" as you might say.first off to close the 2c's i forgot 2...sorry i was tired.

this can last from usually 6 to 8 hours. it is basically a hallucinatory substance with some simularities to exstacy. it is a chemical and it is actually used in cordination with mdma. not a surprise as with most of these its taken with e to enhance and make it last longer and also acid to really make it an awesome experience. this stuff is mainly like 2cB. i have not taken all of these so i dont know about them as much as others do so i hope you can read the experiences and further expand your information on the subject.
Threshold-5 mg
Light-8 - 15 mg
Common-15 - 25 mg
Strong-25 - 30 mg
Heavy-30 - 40 mg


Erowid Experience Vaults: 2C-T-2 Main Index

remember not to take to much guys people have almost died from this shit so be smart...with all of em.

8 ) 4-Propylthio-2,5-dimethoxy(2c-T-7)
this drug is actually popular but mainly sold with code names such as blue mystic,lucky 7 and other names. it was mainly beeing used around 200 when it was decided to be made a controlled substance. people have died from this and i really kinda see some negative reports about this when mixed with other drugs and some effects even in low doses that can last for a coupe hours maybe days afterwards depending on the dose. the deaths seemed to be when snorted and mixed with mdma. i would recommend to not do this and if you do at such a light dose with an accurate scale.i would suggest 10 to 15 mg at a max. people have died wth 35 mg snorted.....please read up on this before you take labeling this as dangerous!

dose-(im posting the link so you can see how this drug can never know what your gonna get so rather go lower than higher!)

Erowid 2C-T-7 Vault : Dosage


Erowid Experience Vaults: 2C-T-7 Main Index

now on im listing the chemical with the links jsut so oyu can read yourself rather than me talk about it.this is for me to let oyu know about it and i would rather you do your own searching as for me to not mislead you about the next couple as im not ot informed of em!

very strong psychadelic with low doses in pure form as a blotter.

Erowid DOB Vault : Dosage


Erowid Experience Vaults: DOB Main Index

10)4-Methyl-2,5-dimethoxy-A(DOM or S.T.P. stp stands for Serenity, Tranquility and Peace)
like acid but lasts longer.

Erowid DOM Vault : Dosage


Erowid Experience Vaults: DOM (also STP) Main Index

this is actually sold as exstacy sometimes and is found in the tablets also. it is very similar but is said to have more of a psychadelic property to it. it lasts for about 3 to 5 hours long depending on dose with small effects lasting up to 5 hours afterwards.doesnt seem to cause for bad experiences on its own or even mixed for that matter but most people follow the rec doses and problems usually occur when people dont.

Erowid MDA Vault : Dosage


Erowid Experience Vaults: MDA Main Index

12)-Ethyl-3,4-methylenedioxy-A (MDE)
like as lsited above with similar to e but experiences are shorter and not as intense.not really popular it may be a substitute for e and people may not know they have taken it but it doesnt seem that many people look for it as it is similar to e and not as good......sounds like a poor investment to me but i will still put it up here.


Erowid MDE Vault : Dosage


Erowid Experience Vaults: MDE (also Eve) Main Index

alright well thats the official end to the Phenethylamines. they all seem to be similar to eachother but all have that little difference that i believe you should research to find ranging from heart beats,energy rushes,and other effects making them closer to e but with that hallucinatory status or without the psychadelic status at all. good luck with these and follow the damn dose amounts dont be dumb....dumb people take to much and kil themselves off....please dont be that guy. dont be the reason drugs are illegal. anyways be safe with these and more are to come!