The Long March to 11/24

Following that link showed me Texas is in for fights maga repubs are looking to win over more moderate incumbents and the state speaker's job too. How much redder can Texas get before it bleeds itself white ffs.

And good old Herschel Walker is still a thorn in the maga side too. lol

Georgia and national Republicans, in dire need of money, are furious that Walker is sitting on more than $4 million in leftover campaign funds and seems to have no intention of using it to help the GOP or Donald Trump in the key battleground state in November.

Gotta love maga infighting as it's the best kind of fighting I'll ever watch. :)

Short of our own Conservative party duking it out amongst themselves of course.

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Following that link showed me Texas in in for fights maga repubs are looking to win over more moderate incumbents and the state speaker's job too. How much redder can Texas get before it bleeds itself white ffs.

And good old Herschel Walker is still a thorn in the maga side too. lol

Georgia and national Republicans, in dire need of money, are furious that Walker is sitting on more than $4 million in leftover campaign funds and seems to have no intention of using it to help the GOP or Donald Trump in the key battleground state in November.

Gotta love maga infighting as it's the best kind of fighting I'll ever watch. :)

Short of our own Conservative party duking it out amongst themselves of course.

At the risk of being trite … Texas is a big place.

Once I got the chance to visit Austin … about two decades ago. It had a thriving art/culture community that was eminently pluralistic “deep in the heart of” maga garbage.

Tolerant/blue enclaves are not to be dismissed as we relentlessly roll toward the next big test.
This sounds like being given a choice … between death by driver ants and death by belt sander.

The Democrats running for their party's nomination in the VA 5th district seem to be a good choice and preferable to the deaths you referred to.

AP on the upcoming debate.

What has me scratching my head is the following excerpt. Emphasis mine.

Both men have glaring flaws that present their opponent with tremendous opportunity and risk. They will face a huge national audience that will include many people tuning into their 2020 rematch for the first time and who won’t see another debate until September, magnifying each success or mistake.

Is this two-sidesism from a usually more equitable organization? Other than abysmal approval numbers (which I think are partially created by the Obstruction Congress), can anyone point out flaws that rise to the level of those of orange Moloch?
AP on the upcoming debate.

What has me scratching my head is the following excerpt. Emphasis mine.

Both men have glaring flaws that present their opponent with tremendous opportunity and risk. They will face a huge national audience that will include many people tuning into their 2020 rematch for the first time and who won’t see another debate until September, magnifying each success or mistake.

Is this two-sidesism from a usually more equitable organization? Other than abysmal approval numbers (which I think are partially created by the Obstruction Congress), can anyone point out flaws that rise to the level of those of orange Moloch?
This just screams "click and read me". AP is not above that. It generates revenue. Joe will answer questions. Lump will deflect, lie, complain without answering the question, same as always. Lumpy has a very limited vocabulary. I'm wondering how CNN will prevent his shouting, interrupting and talking over so Joe's microphone picks it up. I hope the moderators do a better job than Chris Wallace did. He lost all control early. We shall see. I hope C-SPAN airs it, as I don't have television.
This just screams "click and read me". AP is not above that. It generates revenue. Joe will answer questions. Lump will deflect, lie, complain without answering the question, same as always. Lumpy has a very limited vocabulary. I'm wondering how CNN will prevent his shouting, interrupting and talking over so Joe's microphone picks it up. I hope the moderators do a better job than Chris Wallace did. He lost all control early. We shall see. I hope C-SPAN airs it, as I don't have television.
There will likely be a Youtube live stream, so there’s that.
why do i get the strange feeling the orange turd is gonna try to "NOT" go to the debate for some reason????


i might be able to see the debate via CBS, just hope it's on the air waves since i don't have cable or anything....
why do i get the strange feeling the orange turd is gonna try to "NOT" go to the debate for some reason????


i might be able to see the debate via CBS, just hope it's on the air waves since i don't have cable or anything....
Hannity has already pushed the idea that The Convict should bow out. Bannon says he should bow out if CNN doesn't apologize to the spokesperson that was kicked off the interview with Kasie Hunt and The Convict says, "I'll lose the debate on purpose." Setting the stage to chicken out.
Donald Trump’s Wild New Debate Claim Has People Saying, Hmm, OK (
Hannity has already pushed the idea that The Convict should bow out. Bannon says he should bow out if CNN doesn't apologize to the spokesperson that was kicked off the interview with Kasie Hunt and The Convict says, "I'll lose the debate on purpose." Setting the stage to chicken out.
Donald Trump’s Wild New Debate Claim Has People Saying, Hmm, OK (

yeah i saw the Hannity one....

i recently saw a clip of the interview that they are talking about Hunt wasn't taking any of it, she would ask a question, the spokeswoman immidiately goes after Tapper, after asking the spokeswoman to answer the question and quit harrassing Tapper, she cut the interview off...

i've been reading that "the orange turd is gonna lose on purpose too"
Sorry, y’all - I don’t mean to be absent during these times…there’s a lot to take in, a lot to digest - and my personal life has completely exploded….

That said, I very much like this thread from Norm Ornstein, who I remember as an excellent contributor to Al Franken’s one-time radio show:

and then we get to this uckery......

the uckery has started......hope this guy gets a felony for this........
In another key, I actually hope the Biden administration has re-hired the guy who was running election integrity under TFFG: IIRC, he bailed early when the ‘steal’ FFO landed - resigned in disgust, saying the ‘20 election was the cleanest election in US history
Bot farms on X, oh say it isn't so........

and yes the DOJ did take it

according to the DOJ if you see "" connected to a's a bot
From Newt’s tailpipe:
We are living through a remarkable period which is worthy of humbly thanking God. These last few months have almost had providential actions, which no one could have predicted. Presidents Lincoln and Washington both had the sense that the hand of God created and then preserved the Union. We may be entering a similar process since the core crisis of the country has reached historic proportions and President @realDonaldTrump is the only agent strong enough to rebuild America.
